2,989 research outputs found

    Invisible Higgs and Scalar Dark Matter

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    In this proceeding, we show that when we combined WMAP and the most recent results of XENON100, the invisible width of the Higgs to scalar dark matter is negligible(<10%), except in a small region with very light dark matter (< 10 GeV) not yet excluded by XENON100 or around 60 GeV where the ratio can reach 50% to 60%. The new results released by the Higgs searches of ATLAS and CMS set very strong limits on the elastic scattering cross section.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, proceeding TAUP2011 References adde

    Spectral properties on a circle with a singularity

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    We investigate the spectral and symmetry properties of a quantum particle moving on a circle with a pointlike singularity (or point interaction). We find that, within the U(2) family of the quantum mechanically allowed distinct singularities, a U(1) equivalence (of duality-type) exists, and accordingly the space of distinct spectra is U(1) x [SU(2)/U(1)], topologically a filled torus. We explore the relationship of special subfamilies of the U(2) family to corresponding symmetries, and identify the singularities that admit an N = 2 supersymmetry. Subfamilies that are distinguished in the spectral properties or the WKB exactness are also pointed out. The spectral and symmetry properties are also studied in the context of the circle with two singularities, which provides a useful scheme to discuss the symmetry properties on a general basis.Comment: TeX, 26 pages. v2: one reference added and two update

    Periodic Orbits and Spectral Statistics of Pseudointegrable Billiards

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    We demonstrate for a generic pseudointegrable billiard that the number of periodic orbit families with length less than ll increases as πb0l2/a(l)\pi b_0l^2/\langle a(l) \rangle, where b0b_0 is a constant and a(l)\langle a(l) \rangle is the average area occupied by these families. We also find that a(l)\langle a(l) \rangle increases with ll before saturating. Finally, we show that periodic orbits provide a good estimate of spectral correlations in the corresponding quantum spectrum and thus conclude that diffraction effects are not as significant in such studies.Comment: 13 pages in RevTex including 5 figure

    Level statistics and eigenfunctions of pseudointegrable systems: dependence on energy and genus number

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    We study the level statistics (second half moment I0I_0 and rigidity Δ3\Delta_3) and the eigenfunctions of pseudointegrable systems with rough boundaries of different genus numbers gg. We find that the levels form energy intervals with a characteristic behavior of the level statistics and the eigenfunctions in each interval. At low enough energies, the boundary roughness is not resolved and accordingly, the eigenfunctions are quite regular functions and the level statistics shows Poisson-like behavior. At higher energies, the level statistics of most systems moves from Poisson-like towards Wigner-like behavior with increasing gg. Investigating the wavefunctions, we find many chaotic functions that can be described as a random superposition of regular wavefunctions. The amplitude distribution P(ψ)P(\psi) of these chaotic functions was found to be Gaussian with the typical value of the localization volume Vloc0.33V_{\rm{loc}}\approx 0.33. For systems with periodic boundaries we find several additional energy regimes, where I0I_0 is relatively close to the Poisson-limit. In these regimes, the eigenfunctions are either regular or localized functions, where P(ψ)P(\psi) is close to the distribution of a sine or cosine function in the first case and strongly peaked in the second case. Also an interesting intermediate case between chaotic and localized eigenfunctions appears

    Progress on the Electromagnetic Calorimeter Trigger Simulation at the Belle II Experiment

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    The Belle II experiment at KEK in Japan has started real data taking from April 2018 to probe a New Physics beyond the Standard Model by measuring CP violation precisely and rare weak decays of heavy quark and lepton. The experiment is performed at the high luminosity SuperKEKB e^+ e^- collider with 80 x 10^34 cm^-2 s^-1 as an ultimate instantaneous luminosity. In order to develop and test an appropriate trigger algorithm under much higher luminosity and beam background environment than previous KEKB collider, a detail simulation study of the Belle II calorimeter trigger system is very crucial to operate Belle II Trigger and DAQ system in stable. We report preliminary results on various trigger logics and their efficiencies using physics and beam background Monte Carlo events with a Belle II Geant4-based analysis framework called Basf2

    Spectral Correlation in Incommensurate Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

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    We investigate the energy spectra of clean incommensurate double-walled carbon nanotubes, and find that the overall spectral properties are described by the so-called critical statistics of Anderson metal-insulator transition. In the energy spectra, there exist three different regimes characterized by Wigner-Dyson, Poisson, and semi-Poisson distributions. This feature implies that the electron transport in incommensurate multi-walled nanotubes can be either diffusive, ballistic, or intermediate between them, depending on the position of the Fermi energy.Comment: final version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Green functions for generalized point interactions in 1D: A scattering approach

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    Recently, general point interactions in one dimension has been used to model a large number of different phenomena in quantum mechanics. Such potentials, however, requires some sort of regularization to lead to meaningful results. The usual ways to do so rely on technicalities which may hide important physical aspects of the problem. In this work we present a new method to calculate the exact Green functions for general point interactions in 1D. Our approach differs from previous ones because it is based only on physical quantities, namely, the scattering coefficients, RR and TT, to construct GG. Renormalization or particular mathematical prescriptions are not invoked. The simple formulation of the method makes it easy to extend to more general contexts, such as for lattices of NN general point interactions; on a line; on a half-line; under periodic boundary conditions; and confined in a box.Comment: Revtex, 9 pages, 3 EPS figures. To be published in PR

    Towards the F-Theorem: N=2 Field Theories on the Three-Sphere

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    For 3-dimensional field theories with {\cal N}=2 supersymmetry the Euclidean path integrals on the three-sphere can be calculated using the method of localization; they reduce to certain matrix integrals that depend on the R-charges of the matter fields. We solve a number of such large N matrix models and calculate the free energy F as a function of the trial R-charges consistent with the marginality of the superpotential. In all our {\cal N}=2 superconformal examples, the local maximization of F yields answers that scale as N^{3/2} and agree with the dual M-theory backgrounds AdS_4 x Y, where Y are 7-dimensional Sasaki-Einstein spaces. We also find in toric examples that local F-maximization is equivalent to the minimization of the volume of Y over the space of Sasakian metrics, a procedure also referred to as Z-minimization. Moreover, we find that the functions F and Z are related for any trial R-charges. In the models we study F is positive and decreases along RG flows. We therefore propose the "F-theorem" that we hope applies to all 3-d field theories: the finite part of the free energy on the three-sphere decreases along RG trajectories and is stationary at RG fixed points. We also show that in an infinite class of Chern-Simons-matter gauge theories where the Chern-Simons levels do not sum to zero, the free energy grows as N^{5/3} at large N. This non-trivial scaling matches that of the free energy of the gravity duals in type IIA string theory with Romans mass.Comment: 66 pages, 10 figures; v2: refs. added, minor improvement