1,397 research outputs found

    Synthesizing species trees from gene trees using the parameterized and graph-theoretic approaches

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    Gene trees describe how parts of the species have evolved over time, and it is assumed that gene trees have evolved along the branches of the species tree. However, some of gene trees are often discordant with the corresponding species tree due to the complicated evolution history of genes. To overcome this obstacle, median problems have emerged as a major tool for synthesizing species trees by reconciling discordance in a given collection of gene trees. Given a collection of gene trees and a cost function, the median problem seeks a tree, called median tree, that minimizes the overall cost to the gene trees. Median tree problems are typically NP-hard, and there is an increased interest in making such median tree problems available for large-scale species tree construction. In this thesis work, we first show that the gene duplication median tree problem satisfied the weaker version of the Pareto property and propose a parameterized algorithm to solve the gene duplication median tree problem. Second, we design two efficient methods to handle the issues of applying the parameterized algorithm to unrooted gene trees which are sampled from the different species. Third, we introduce the graph-theoretic formulation of the Robinson-Foulds median tree problem and a new tree edit operation. Fourth, we propose a new metric between two phylogenetic trees and examine the statistical properties of the metric. Finally, we propose a new clustering criteria in a bipartite network and propose a new NP-hard problem and its ILP formulation

    Self-optimized Coverage Coordination in Femtocell Networks

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    This paper proposes a self-optimized coverage coordination scheme for two-tier femtocell networks, in which a femtocell base station adjusts the transmit power based on the statistics of the signal and the interference power that is measured at a femtocell downlink. Furthermore, an analytic expression is derived for the coverage leakage probability that a femtocell coverage area leaks into an outdoor macrocell. The coverage analysis is verified by simulation, which shows that the proposed scheme provides sufficient indoor femtocell coverage and that the femtocell coverage does not leak into an outdoor macrocell.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Interfacial chemical bonding-mediated ionic resistive switching.

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    In this paper, we present a unique resistive switching (RS) mechanism study of Pt/TiO2/Pt cell, one of the most widely studied RS system, by focusing on the role of interfacial bonding at the active TiO2-Pt interface, as opposed to a physico-chemical change within the RS film. This study was enabled by the use of a non-conventional scanning probe-based setup. The nanoscale cell is formed by bringing a Pt/TiO2-coated atomic force microscope tip into contact with a flat substrate coated with Pt. The study reveals that electrical resistance and interfacial bonding status are highly coupled together. An oxygen-mediated chemical bonding at the active interface between TiO2 and Pt is a necessary condition for a non-polar low-resistance state, and a reset switching process disconnects the chemical bonding. Bipolar switching mode did not involve the chemical bonding. The nature of chemical bonding at the TiO2-metal interface is further studied by density functional theory calculations

    Improvisation of classification performance based on feature optimization for differentiation of Parkinson’s disease from other neurological diseases using gait characteristics

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    Most neurological disorders that include Parkinson’s disease (PD) as well as other neurological diseases such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Huntington’s disease (HD) have some common abnormalities regarding the movement, vocal, and cognitive behaviors of sufferers. Variations in the manifestation of these types of abnormality help distinguish one disorder from another. In this study, differentiation was performed based on the gait characteristics of patients afflicted by different neurological disorders. In the recent past, many researchers have applied different machine learning and feature selection techniques to the classification of different groups of patients based on common abnormalities. However, in an era of modernization where the focus is on timely low-cost automatization and pattern recognition, such techniques require improvisation to provide high performance. We attempted to improve the performance of such techniques using different feature optimization methods, such as a genetic algorithm (GA) and principal component analysis (PCA), and applying different classification approaches, i.e., linear, nonlinear, and probabilistic classifiers. In this study, gait dynamics data of patients suffering with PD, ALS, and HD were collated from a public database, and a binary classification approach was used by taking PD as one group and adopting ALS+HD as another group. Performance comparison was achieved using different classification techniques that incorporated optimized feature sets obtained from GA and PCA. In comparison with other classifiers using different feature sets, the highest accuracy (97.87%) was obtained using random forest combined with GA-based feature sets. The results provide evidence that could assist medical practitioners in differentiating PD from other neurological diseases using gait characteristics

    Utilizing ECG Waveform Features as New Biometric Authentication Method

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    In this study, we are proposing a practical way for human identification based on a new biometric method. The new method is built on the use of the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal waveform features, which are produced from the process of acquiring electrical activities of the heart by using electrodes placed on the body. This process is launched over a period of time by using a recording device to read and store the ECG signal. On the contrary of other biometrics method like voice, fingerprint and iris scan, ECG signal cannot be copied or manipulated. The first operation for our system is to record a portion of 30 seconds out of whole ECG signal of a certain user in order to register it as user template in the system. Then the system will take 7 to 9 seconds in authenticating the template using template matching techniques. 44 subjects‟ raw ECG data were downloaded from Physionet website repository. We used a template matching technique for the authentication process and Linear SVM algorithm for the classification task. The accuracy rate was 97.2% for the authentication process and 98.6% for the classification task; with false acceptance rate 1.21%
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