16 research outputs found

    Combining internal and external robot models for improved model parameter estimation

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    Experimental robot identification techniques can principally be divided into two categories, based on the type of models they use : internal or external. Internal models relate the joint torques or forces and the motion of the robot; external models relate the reaction forces and torques on the bedplate and the motion data. This paper describes how internal and external robot models can be combined into one identifiable minimal model. This model allows to combine joint torque/force and reaction torque/force measurements in one parameter estimation scheme. This combined model estimation will yield more accurate parameter estimates, and consequently better actuator torque predictions, which is shown by means of a simulated experiment on an industrial robot (KUKA IR 361). This increased accuracy is quite interesting in view of using advanced control algorithms such as computed torque control. (C) 2000 Academic Press

    Supplementary Material for: Identification and Analysis of Two Novel Sites of Rat GnRH Receptor Gene Promoter Activity: The Pineal Gland and Retina

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    <b><i>Background and Aims:</i></b> In mammals, activation of pituitary GnRH receptor (GnRHR) by hypothalamic GnRH increases the synthesis and secretion of LH and FSH, which, in turn, regulate gonadal functions. However, GnRHR gene <i>(Gnrhr)</i> expression is not restricted to the pituitary. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> To gain insight into the extrapituitary expression of <i>Gnrhr</i>, a transgenic mouse model that expresses the human placental alkaline phosphatase reporter gene driven by the rat <i>Gnrhr</i> promoter was created. <b><i>Results:</i></b> This study shows that the rat <i>Gnrhr</i> promoter is operative in two functionally related organs, the pineal gland, as early as embryonic day (E) 13.5, and the retina where activity was only detected at E17.5. Accordingly, <i>Gnrhr</i> mRNA were present in both tissues. Transcription factors known to regulate <i>Gnrhr</i> promoter activity such as the LIM homeodomain factors LHX3 and ISL1 were also detected in the retina. Furthermore, transient transfection studies in CHO and gonadotrope cells revealed that OTX2, a major transcription factor in both pineal and retina cell differentiation, is able to activate the <i>Gnrhr</i> promoter together with either CREB or PROP1, depending on the cell context. <b><i>Conclusion:</i></b> Rather than using alternate promoters, <i>Gnrhr</i> expression is directed to diverse cell lineages through specific associations of transcription factors acting on distinct response elements along the same promoter. These data open new avenues regarding GnRH-mediated control of seasonal and circadian rhythms in reproductive physiology