39 research outputs found


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    在中興大學校園進行綠美化的季節主要分為秋冬春季及夏季二個階段,於十月至隔年春季主要利用矮牽牛、非洲鳳仙花等一、二年生草花。由於半腐熟廢棄洋菇堆肥的EC值較高,故當使用穴盤苗栽培時並不能直接接觸幼苗,以使用3吋岔苗才不傷到植株,並以距幼苗3-5公分處可達不傷害植株又保水、保肥、防雜草、美觀等功效。研究顯示中部平地於秋季佈置矮牽牛確能長期美化景觀。棄洋菇堆肥在矮牽牛生育、開花上有顯著的正面效果。目前在一般鄉間地區常可見被丟棄的菇類廢棄物,為了保護我們的環境,將之回收為校園或社區綠美化再利用之介質,將必可改善公共環境及達永續農業之目的。Petunia, Impatiens, cosmos and other annual flowers have been cultivated in the campus of National Chung Hsing University from October to next Spring. Due to the higher electrical conductivity (E.C.) of spent mushroom compost (SMC), the seedlings of plug can't been planted in the SMC directly except the pottings with 3 inches. The results showed that SMC has great potential to grow annual plants. In order to protect the environment, the SMC and other abandoned mushroom compost in local area should be recycled as cultivated medium for sustainable horticulture


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    茶樹相關的扦插繁殖試驗甚多,但並無比較不同來源茶樹枝條之扦插報告,本研究有鑑於此,以臺灣目前栽培品種最多之青心烏龍及台茶十二號採自不同來源之插穗為材料,探討栽植於不同來源之茶樹即取廬山(海拔1400m)、魚池(海拔950m)及竹山(海拔220m)三地區插穗對茶樹扦插繁殖之影響,提供茶樹扦插繁殖母穗留養之參考。 試驗結果顯示,無土介質扦插三地區插穗均以台茶十二號生育表現明顯優於青心烏龍。就土壤袋插之茶樹扦插苗生育而言,台茶十二號以竹山地區的插穗長的最好,其次為魚池地區,廬山地區長的最差;青心烏龍則以廬山及竹山之插穗長的最好,魚池地區長的較差,不同來源之合茶十二號扦插一年之成苗率以竹山(99.6%)>魚池(98.2%)>廬山(44.2%);青心烏龍以廬山(99.6%)>竹山(98.9%)>魚池(87.7%)。在土壤扦插整體表現上,以竹山所取的插穗(台茶十二號和青心烏龍)生長最佳。其次為廬山的青心烏龍及魚池插穗(台茶十二號和青心烏龍),廬山地區的台茶十二號生長最差扦插成活率及成苗率最低僅63.8%及44.2%。由扦插苗之生育狀況所得到的結論是:青心烏龍不同插穗來源對其成活率及扦插苗生育影響不大,反而受扦插介質影響較大,青心烏龍較適用土壤扦插。台茶十二號對扦插介質的適應性較廣以竹山、魚池插穗生長較好,但仍以土壤扦插成活率較高。總而言之,慎重選擇茶樹品種,加強母樹園管理及妥善照顧扦插苗是扦插成功之不二法門,不同插穗來源非影響茶樹扦插成活之主要因子。Cuttings of two tea cultivars(Chin-Shin Oolong tea and TTES No. 12 tea) collected from three altitudes(Lu-Shan 1400m, Yu-Chin 950m and Ju-Shan 220m) were propagated at experiment station(770m) to study the effect of elevation to the rooting and plant growth in the nursery. The results show that survival rate of TTES No. 12 are 99.6% from Ju-Shan,98.2% from Yu-Chin, and 44.2% from Lu-Shan, respectively. On the contrary, Chin-Shin Oolong cuttings from Lu-Shan had the result with 99.6%, 98.9% from Ju-Shan, and 87.7% from Yu-Chin. There is no significant difference among altitudes. The medium in the nursery with cleaned clay is better than other soilless medium


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    Bud Dormancy and Production Design of Deciduous Fruit Trees

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    在台灣栽培落葉果樹與溫帶傳統的栽培方式有極大差異,冬季相對高溫對打破芽體休眠而言,是一種逆境,但是也提供了某些品系如橫山梨、巨峰葡萄產期調節的潛力“若再加上台灣多變化的地形,則作物的生理時鐘,將可利用「時空轉換」的方式,任由研究人員加以調整,如此將可使落葉果樹逃避逆境,提高品質,調節產期。品系、時間、空間、技術的慎密組合設計,是台灣落葉果樹研究與獨特生產模式的重要途徑。 Taiwan, an subtropical island with high mountains, has variable geographic and climatic condition, thus offers a good enviroment to study the regulation of growth of deciduous fruits. Many special cropping systems had been developped by local growers in the past 30 years, including top-work of chilling-satisfied flower buds of Japanese pear on the virgrous shoots of lower chilling-required cultivars (Heng San etc) at the lower land, and the cultivation of off-season fruit of Heng San pear. It is possible to harvest the fresh pear monthly by a serious production design. The combinations of cultivars (variable chilling requirement), site of orchard (variable altitude) and cropping system (regular and off-season), may create more opportunity to satisfy the demand of consumers on this island. The dwarfing and forcing of flower bud development of “Nijuseki” pear on the regular root stock “ Old Home × Farmingdale” had been induced by dormant stress (without chilling at first winter). The balance of plant hormones of scion rather than root stock may cause the dwarfing effect


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    為調節臺灣橫山梨之產期,目前已進行秋花春果的促成栽培方式,但有關萌芽率偏低的困擾,仍然尚未解決。本試驗以橫山梨果芽進行扦插,調查其萌芽情形。另一方面進行芽內生長素之分析,探討果芽休眠與產期調節之關係。由試驗結果顯示萌芽率偏低並非全由內在休眠因子控制。欲提高促成栽培之萌芽率,必須外在環境因子,如水分、肥料,配合果芽適當的發育狀況,進行落葉處理。處理時期應在花芽分化完成及營養成熟期之後,進入真休眠期之前,依地區、氣候、前一年栽培方式及管理情形而定。Heng Shan pear (Pyrus serotina Rehd), an Oriental Sand Pear strain, was used in the investigation of bud dormancy and regulation of time of production. It grows at low altitude in Taiwan and has a very short chilling requirement. The bud of Heng Shan pear, in general, breaks in February, then the fruit mature in August. In this experiment, the whole tree was defoliated by spraying with P.C.P. (80% Sodium salt of pentachlorophenol) in the early October. approximately about 20 days after the treatment, flowers were forced, then fruits developed in the winter and matured in the spring. In order to increase the percentage of bud was completed and vegetative maturity arrived. The sbscisic acid content in the fruit bud of Heng Shan pear increased during late August and rised dramatically in autumn, but the rate of fruit bud break was all above 60% during autumn and winter in the lathhouse


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    以適當的濃度,在適當的休眠時期,氰胺可以改變某些植物的頂端優勢,造成暫時性的基部優勢,這種技術可以刺激大部分的側芽萌發,此種現象與枝條誘引及摘心等園藝技術有類似的功能The plants of crabapple ( Malus floribunda Sieb) and persimmon ( Diospyros lcaki L. ) have been used to test the effects of cyanamide to overcome apical dominance in United States and Taiwan. R.O.C. The partial chilled dormant shoots of crabapple and persimmon were painted with 2.1 % and 4.9 % of cyanamide respectively according the size of shoots. The lowest auxillary bud sprout and elongated first. The other auxillary buds grew basically later, while controls grew with apical dominance. The order of sprouting seems to be relative with the hardiness of buds. The lower and mature buds are more resistant than the upper and younger buds, while the damange was induced by cyanamide

    Effect of Stratification on Seed Germination of Native Kiwifruit of Taiwan

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    本試驗以高海拔之台灣羊桃、中海拔的闊葉獼猴桃及低海拔的阿里山獼猴桃,測試5℃層積處理對其種子發芽之影響。結果發現獼猴桃採種海拔越高,種子休眠越深,層積處理時間也較長。阿里山獼猴桃、闊葉獼猴桃及台灣羊桃以5℃低溫層積處理,解除種休眠所需的天數分別為30、40及60天。層積處理能明顯促進獼猴桃種子發芽率及種子發芽速率。Seed germination of A.arisanensis, A.latifolia, and A.setosa, were accelerated by stratification at 5℃ for 30, 40, and 60 days, respectively. The response of seed germination to stratification was significantly depended on seed source. Seeds from high altitude, A.setosa, did not germinate if stratification was absent, but seeds from low altitude, A.arisanensis, germinated well after stratification for 30 days. Seed chilling requirement of A.setosa was higher than that of A.latifolia and A.arisanensis

    中國櫻桃(Prunus pseudocerasus L.)促成栽培

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    本試驗展現出中國櫻桃盆栽商業生產之潛力,利用盆栽促成栽培,使中國櫻桃賞花期從12月底到3月中旬,而果實採收期理論可從二月中旬到6月,以提供台灣市場食用與觀賞櫻桃。先將櫻桃栽培於中興大學校園內,藉由台中低海拔夏季的熱累積,加快櫻桃營養生長與成熟。經由芽體成熟誘導花芽的創始。於夏末,將櫻桃盆栽移到高海拔的高冷試驗分場(2000公尺),進行植株的健化與累積碳水化合物。11、12月櫻桃植株在冬季高山或移到冷藏室來滿足中國櫻桃高低溫需求(5℃,1080小時)。This is the first time that Chinese cherry (Prunus Pseudocerasus Lindl) could be grown and harvest in Taiwan. By forcing culture, We can see cherry flower from December to March and eat fruit from February to June. First, Vegetative growth was accelerated in the campus of National Chung-Hsing University at low attitude in central Taiwan by use of accumulating the heat during the summer season. Flower initiation was also induced by measuring the size of buds. Second, In the late summer, the cherry pots were transported to high altitude (2000m) for the acclimation and accumulation of carbohydratw. Toovercome the dormancy of cherry, the high chilling requirement of Chinese cherry


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    It is impossible to preserve all pear species which were collected from all over the world in the field,. In this study, Taiwan native pear (Pyrus koehnei, Schneider) were grafted onto the branch of pear preservedd varieties. We choose the thinner, non-dominant twigs to graft, and choose the more vigorous, dominant twigs to be the control. We find it had higher growth rate of the twig grafted with P. koehnei, compared to the control treatment to prove the effect of the technique of interstock grafting preservation. A few months latrer, the diameter of thinner twig is higher than the control one, even replace the orihginal main twig to become the main trunk.The reason of the phenomenon may be the higher growth rate, the shorter dormant period, the more numerous leaves of P. koehnei grafted onto the cultivars of pear.Pyrus koehmei fit the sub-tropical and tropical area should be the key point reason. We can save more space if we use the double-working grafting or triple-working grafting and even more grafting. Double-working is grafting a few repository cultivars together on one stock, and the top of scions is Pyrus koehnei that protect the other scions. The best effect is grafting two repository cultivars and then graft the protect scion Pyrus koehnei.以臺灣野梨(Pyrus koehnei)為根砧及頂砧,將大部分來自溫帶地區的厘種源以中間砧的型態在臺灣平地加以保存;雖然冬季低溫明顯不足,其生長勢與各品系無高接者比較,有極顯著的差異。此方法可以使品種保存的成本及所需場地大大減少。 各品種在高接臺灣野梨之初期有半年至一年的停滯期,一但開始生長其生長勢與臺灣野梨實生苗無異;即使側枝或不具主幹優勢的枝條都會取得優勢,並成為主幹。高接之前為主幹的對照枝條,仍可顯示該品種物候期並作為繁殖之用