13,010 research outputs found

    Backtracking IC Placement Algorithm

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    A new algorithm for integrated circuit (IC) layout placement is introduced. As in simulated annealing, it allows uphill movements but in a more restrictive manner; thus, the search for an optima is more directed. Experiments on standard cell placement have shown that the average convergence time is faster than the simulated annealing algorithm while achieving similar results

    Fractional Quantum Hall Effect of Hard-Core Bosons in Topological Flat Bands

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    Recent proposals of topological flat band (TFB) models have provided a new route to realize the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) without Landau levels. We study hard-core bosons with short-range interactions in two representative TFB models, one of which is the well known Haldane model (but with different parameters). We demonstrate that FQHE states emerge with signatures of even number of quasi-degenerate ground states on a torus and a robust spectrum gap separating these states from higher energy spectrum. We also establish quantum phase diagrams for the filling factor 1/2 and illustrate quantum phase transitions to other competing symmetry-breaking phases.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Time-resolved measurement of single pulse femtosecond laser-induced periodic surface structure formation

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    Time-resolved diffraction microscopy technique has been used to observe the formation of laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) from the interaction of a single femtosecond laser pulse (pump) with a nano-scale groove mechanically formed on a single-crystal Cu substrate. The interaction dynamics (0-1200 ps) was captured by diffracting a time-delayed, frequency-doubled pulse from nascent LIPSS formation induced by the pump with an infinity-conjugate microscopy setup. The LIPSS ripples are observed to form sequentially outward from the groove edge, with the first one forming after 50 ps. A 1-D analytical model of electron heating and surface plasmon polariton (SPP) excitation induced by the interaction of incoming laser pulse with the groove edge qualitatively explains the time-evloution of LIPSS formation.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Scaling laws for non-Hermitian skin effect with long-range couplings

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    Recent years have witnessed a surge of research on the non-Hermitian skin effect (NHSE) in one-dimensional lattices with finite-range couplings. In this work, we show that the long-range couplings that decay as 1/lα1/l^{\alpha} at distance ll can fundamentally modify the behavior of NHSE and the scaling of quantum entanglement in the presence of nonreciprocity. At α=0\alpha=0, the nonlocality of couplings gives rise to the scale-free skin modes, whose localization length is proportional to the system size. Increasing the exponent α\alpha drives a complex-to-real spectral transition and a crossover from a scale-free to constant localization length. Furthermore, the scaling of nonequilibrium steady-state entanglement entropy exhibits a subextensive law due to the nonlocality and the complex spectrum, in contrast to an area law arising from NHSE. Our results provide a theoretical understanding on the interplay between long-range couplings and non-Hermiticity.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Non-Hermitian skin effects on many-body localized and thermal phases

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    Localization in one-dimensional interacting systems can be caused by disorder potentials or non-Hermiticity. The former phenomenon is the many-body localization (MBL), and the latter is the many-body non-Hermitian skin effect (NHSE). In this work, we numerically investigate the interplay between these two kinds of localization, where the energy-resolved MBL arises from a deterministic quasiperiodic potential in a fermionic chain. We propose a set of eigenstate properties and long-time dynamics that can collectively distinguish the two localization mechanisms in the presence of non-Hermiticity. By computing the proposed diagnostics, we show that the thermal states are vulnerable to the many-body NHSE while the MBL states remain resilient up to a strong non-Hermiticity. Finally, we discuss experimental observables that can probe the difference between the two localizations in a non-Hermitian quasiperiodic fermionic chain. Our results pave the way toward experimental observations on the interplay of interaction, quasiperiodic potential, and non-Hermiticity.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Intelectin contributes to allergen-induced IL-25, IL-33, and TSLP expression and type 2 response in asthma and atopic dermatitis.

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    The epithelial and epidermal innate cytokines IL-25, IL-33, and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) have pivotal roles in the initiation of allergic inflammation in asthma and atopic dermatitis (AD). However, the mechanism by which the expression of these innate cytokines is regulated remains unclear. Intelectin (ITLN) is expressed in airway epithelial cells and promotes allergic airway inflammation. We hypothesized that ITLN is required for allergen-induced IL-25, IL-33, and TSLP expression. In two asthma models, Itln knockdown reduced allergen-induced increases in Il-25, Il-33, and Tslp and development of type 2 response, eosinophilic inflammation, mucus overproduction, and airway hyperresponsiveness. Itln knockdown also inhibited house dust mite (HDM)-induced early upregulation of Il-25, Il-33, and Tslp in a model solely inducing airway sensitization. Using human airway epithelial cells, we demonstrated that HDM-induced increases in ITLN led to phosphorylation of epidermal growth factor receptor and extracellular-signal regulated kinase, which were required for induction of IL-25, IL-33, and TSLP expression. In two AD models, Itln knockdown suppressed expression of Il-33, Tslp, and Th2 cytokines and eosinophilic inflammation. In humans, ITLN1 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic airways and in lesional skin of AD. We conclude that ITLN contributes to allergen-induced Il-25, Il-33, and Tslp expression in asthma and AD

    Light scattering properties beyond weak-field excitation in a few-atom system

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    In the study of optical properties of large atomic system, a weak laser driving is often assumed to simplify the system dynamics by linearly coupled equations. Here we investigate the light scattering properties of atomic ensembles beyond weak-field excitation through cumulant expansion method. By progressively incorporating higher-order correlations into the steady-state equations, an enhanced accuracy can be achieved in comparison to the exact solutions from solving a full density matrix. Our analysis reveals that, in the regime of weak dipole-dipole interaction (DDI), the first-order expansion yields satisfactory predictions for optical depth, while denser atomic configurations necessitate consideration of higher-order correlations. As the intensity of incident light increases, atom saturation effects become noticeable, giving rise to significant changes of light transparency, energy shift, and decay rate. This saturation phenomenon extends to subradiant atom arrays even under weak driving conditions, leading to substantial deviations from the linear model. Our findings demonstrate the potential of mean-field models as good extensions to linear models as it balances both accuracy and computational complexity, which can be an effective tool for probing optical properties in large atom systems. However, the crucial role of higher-order cumulants in large atom systems under finite laser field excitations remains unclear since it is challenging theoretically owing to the exponentially-increasing Hilbert space in such light-matter interacting systems.Comment: 4 figure

    Comment on: Role of Intermittency in Urban Development: A Model of Large-Scale City Formation

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    Comment to D.H. Zanette and S.C. Manrubia, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 523 (1997).Comment: 1 page no figure
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