177 research outputs found

    Comparison and Identification of Estrogen-Receptor Related Gene Expression Profiles in Breast Cancer of Different Ethnic Origins

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    The interactions between genetic variants in estrogen receptor (ER) have been identified to be associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. Available evidence indicates that genetic variance within a population plays a crucial role in the occurrence of breast cancer. Thus, the comparison and identification of ER-related gene expression profiles in breast cancer of different ethnic origins could be useful for the development of genetic variant cancer therapy. In this study, we performed microarray experiment to measure the gene expression profiles of 59 Taiwanese breast cancer patients; and through comparative bioinformatics analysis against published U.K. datasets, we revealed estrogen-receptor (ER) related gene expression between Taiwanese and British patients. In addition, SNP databases and statistical analysis were used to elucidate the SNPs associated with ER status. Our microarray results indicate that the expression pattern of the 65 genes in ER+ patients was dissimilar from that of the ER- patients. Seventeen mutually exclusive genes in ER-related breast cancer of the two populations with more than one statistically significant SNP in genotype and allele frequency were identified. These 17 genes and their related SNPs may be important in population-specific ER regulation of breast cancer. This study provides a global and feasible approach to study population-unique SNPs in breast cancer of different ethnic origins


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    Penelitian ini berjudul : “IDENTIFIKASI JIWA KEWIRAUSAHAAN PADA PEMILIK MAFASARI FURNITURE BERDASARKAN TEORI MEREDITH” dengan perumusan masalah yaitu bagaimana identifikasi jiwa kewirausahaan pada pemilik MAFASARI furniture berdasarkan teori Meredith ?. Adapun yang menjadi tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi jiwa kewirausahaaan pemilik MAFASARI furniture, berdasarkan teori yang dikemukakan oleh Meredith. Dari hasil identifikasi yang telah didapat, yaitu pemilik MAFASARI furniture memiliki jiwa kewirausahaan yang sesuai dengan teori Meredith, dimana terdapat 6 variabel didalam teori tersebut, yaitu percaya diri, berorientasikan tugas dan hasil, berani mengambil risiko, kepemimpinan, keorisinilan, dan berorientasi ke masa depan. Dari ke-enam variabel tersebut, seluruhnya telah dipenuhi oleh Bapak Slamet Raharjo selaku pemilik dari MAFASARI furniture. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode wawancara

    Emergency Open Cardiac Massage via Subxyphoid Approach in Ruptured Type A Aortic Dissection

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    Patient sustained cardiac tamponade caused by rupture of type A aortic dissection may result in sudden death. Pericardiocentesis is a lifesaving procedure; nevertheless, blood may occlude the catheter and fail to relieve the pressure. However, open-chest cardiac massage in resuscitation has been studied in animal models by some medical centers and laboratories with inspiring results. We report a 58-year-old woman who was transferred from a local hospital with the diagnosis of cardiac tamponade caused by ruptured type A aortic dissection. Pulseless electrical activity followed by cardiac arrest occurred thereafter. Successful resuscitation in the emergency department was achieved using open cardiac massage through the sub-xyphoid region by opening a pericardial window. Therefore, in unstable patients with cardiac tamponade due to aortic dissection, this resuscitative procedure is feasible, safe and efficient

    Small Odd Prime Field Multivariate PKCs

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    We show that Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystems (MPKCs) over fields of small odd prime characteristic, say 31, can be highly efficient. Indeed, at the same design security of 2802^{80} under the best known attacks, odd-char MPKC is generally faster than prior MPKCs over \GF{2^k}, which are in turn faster than ``traditional\u27\u27 alternatives. This seemingly counter-intuitive feat is accomplished by exploiting the comparative over-abundance of small integer arithmetic resources in commodity hardware, here embodied by SSE2 or more advanced special multimedia instructions on modern x86-compatible CPUs. We explain our implementation techniques and design choices in implementing our chosen MPKC instances modulo small a odd prime. The same techniques are also applicable in modern FPGAs which often contains a large number of multipliers

    Natural Product Chemistry of Gorgonian Corals of Genus Junceella—Part II

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    The structures, names, bioactivities, and references of 81 new secondary metabolites obtained from gorgonian corals belonging to the genus Junceella are described in this review. All compounds mentioned in this review were obtained from sea whip gorgonian corals Junceella fragilis and Junceella juncea, collected from the tropical and subtropical Indo-Pacific Ocean