734 research outputs found

    Thermal stability and oxidation of layer-structured rhombohedral In3Se4 nanostructures

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    The thermal stability and oxidation of layer-structured rhombohedral In3Se4 nanostructures have been investigated. In-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction in a sealed system reveals that In3Se4 has good thermal stability up to 900 degrees C. In contrast, In3Se4 has lower thermal stability up to 550 or 200 degrees C when heated in an atmosphere flushed with Ar or in air, respectively. The degradation mechanism was determined to be the oxidation of In3Se4 by O-2 in the heating environment. This research demonstrates how thermal processing conditions can influence the thermal stability of In3Se4, suggesting that appropriate heating environment for preserving its structural integrity is required. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC

    Extending the Propagation Distance of a Silver Nanowire Plasmonic Waveguide with a Dielectric Multilayer Substrate

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    Chemical synthesized silver nanowires have been proved to be the efficient architecture for Plasmonic waveguides, but the high propagation loss prevents their widely applications. Here, we demonstrate that the propagation distance of the plasmons along the Ag NW can be extended if the Ag NW was placed on a dielectric multilayer substrate containing a photonic band gap, but not placed on a commonly used glass substrate. The propagation distance at 630 nm wavelength can reach 16 um even that the Ag NW is as thin as 90 nm in diameter. Experimental and simulation results further show that the polarization of this propagating plasmon mode was nearly parallel to the surface of the dielectric multilayer, so it was excited by a transverse-electric polarized Bloch surface wave propagating along a polymer nanowire with diameter at only about 170 nm on the same dielectric multilayer. Numerical simulations were also carried out and consistent with the experiment results. Our work provides a platform to extend the propagation distance of plasmonic waveguide and also for the integration between photonic and plasmonic waveguides on the nanometre scale.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetotransport properties of Cd3As2 nanostructures

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    Three-dimensional (3D) topological Dirac semimetal is a new kind of material that has a linear energy dispersion in 3D momentum space and can be viewed as an analog of graphene. Extensive efforts have been devoted to the understanding of bulk materials, but yet it remains a challenge to explore the intriguing physics in low-dimensional Dirac semimetals. Here, we report on the synthesis of Cd3As2 nanowires and nanobelts and a systematic investigation of their magnetotransport properties. Temperature-dependent ambipolar behavior is evidently demonstrated, suggesting the presence of finite-size of bandgap in nanowires. Cd3As2 nanobelts, however, exhibit metallic characteristics with a high carrier mobility exceeding 32,000 cm2V-1s-1 and pronounced anomalous double-period Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations. Unlike the bulk counterpart, the Cd3As2 nanobelts reveal the possibility of unusual change of the Fermi sphere owing to the suppression of the dimensionality. More importantly, their SdH oscillations can be effectively tuned by the gate voltage. The successful synthesis of Cd3As2 nanostructures and their rich physics open up exciting nanoelectronic applications of 3D Dirac semimetals.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Dimensionality-confined superconductivity within SrNbO3-SrTiO3 heterostructures

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    Interfaces between transition-metal oxides are able to host two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) and exhibit exotic quantum phenomena. Here we report the observation of superconductivity below 230 mK for the heterostructure composed of SrNbO3 (SNO) and SrTiO3 (STO). Different from some other counterparts with two insulators, the metallic SNO provides a novel mechanism to form a quasi 2DEG by charge transfer from bulk towards interface under strain. The superconductivity, residing within the strained SNO layer near the interface, is contributed by an electron system with record-low carrier density. Notably, although embedded in a normal metallic layer with a carrier density 4 to 5 orders higher, the electron system is still uniquely well-protected to retain high mobility and lies deep in extreme quantum regime

    A new crystal: Layer-structured rhombohedral In3Se4

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    A new layer-structured rhombohedral In3Se4 crystal was synthesized by a facile and mild solvothermal method. Detailed structural and chemical characterizations using transmission electron microscopy, coupled with synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis and Rietveld refinement, indicate that In3Se4 crystallizes in a layered rhombohedral structure with lattice parameters of a = 3.964 ± 0.002 Å and c = 39.59 ± 0.02 Å, a space group of R3m, and with a layer composition of Se-In-Se-In-Se-In-Se. The theoretical modeling and experimental measurements indicate that the In3Se4 is a self-doped n-type semiconductor. This study not only enriches the understanding on crystallography of indium selenide crystals, but also paves a way in the search for new semiconducting compounds. This journal i

    Landau level splitting in Cd3As2 under high magnetic fields

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    Three-dimensional topological Dirac semimetals (TDSs) are a new kind of Dirac materials that exhibit linear energy dispersion in the bulk and can be viewed as three-dimensional graphene. It has been proposed that TDSs can be driven to other exotic phases like Weyl semimetals, topological insulators and topological superconductors by breaking certain symmetries. Here we report the first transport experiment on Landau level splitting in TDS Cd3As2 single crystals under high magnetic fields, suggesting the removal of spin degeneracy by breaking time reversal symmetry. The detected Berry phase develops an evident angular dependence and possesses a crossover from nontrivial to trivial state under high magnetic fields, a strong hint for a fierce competition between the orbit-coupled field strength and the field-generated mass term. Our results unveil the important role of symmetry breaking in TDSs and further demonstrate a feasible path to generate a Weyl semimetal phase by breaking time reversal symmetry.Comment: 31 page

    Dynamically generated 0^+ heavy mesons in a heavy chiral unitary approach

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    In terms of the heavy chiral Lagrangian and the unitarized coupled-channel scattering amplitude, interaction between the heavy meson and the light pseudoscalar meson is studied. By looking for the pole of scattering matrix on an appropriate Riemann sheet, a DKDK bound state Ds0∗D_{s0}^* with the mass of 2.312±0.0412.312\pm0.041 GeV is found. This state can be associated as the narrow DsJ∗(2317)D_{sJ}^*(2317) state found recently. In the same way, a BKˉB{\bar K} bound state Bs0∗B_{s0}^* is found, and its mass of 5.725±0.0395.725\pm0.039 GeV is predicted. The spectra of D0∗D_0^* and B0∗B_0^* with I=1/2I=1/2 are further investigated. One broad and one narrow states are predicted in both charm and bottom sectors. The coupling constants and decay widths of the predicted states are also calculated.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure. One numerical error in Eq.16 correcte
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