62,476 research outputs found

    Local Density of States and Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectral Function of an Inhomogeneous D-wave Superconductor

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    Nanoscale inhomogeneity seems to be a central feature of the d-wave superconductivity in the cuprates. Such a feature can strongly affect the local density of states (LDOS) and the spectral weight functions. Within the Bogoliubov-de Gennes formalism we examine various inhomogeneous configurations of the superconducting order parameter to see which ones better agree with the experimental data. Nanoscale large amplitude oscillations in the order parameter seem to fit the LDOS data for the underdoped cuprates. The one-particle spectral function for a general inhomogeneous configuration exhibits a coherent peak in the nodal direction. In contrast, the spectral function in the antinodal region is easily rendered incoherent by the inhomogeneity. This throws new light on the dichotomy between the nodal and antinodal quasiparticles in the underdoped cuprates.Comment: 5 pages, 9 pictures. Phys. Rev. B (in press

    Prototype laser-diode-pumped solid state laser transmitters

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    Monolithic, diode-pumped Nd:YAG ring lasers can provide diffraction-limited, single-frequency, narrow-linewidth, tunable output which is adequate for use as a local oscillator in a coherent communication system. A laser was built which had a linewidth of about 2 kHz, a power of 5 milliwatts, and which was tunable over a range of 30 MHz in a few microseconds. This laser was phase-locked to a second, similar laser. This demonstrates that the powerful technique of heterodyne detection is possible with a diode-pumped laser used as the local oscillator. Laser diode pumping of monolithic Nd:YAG rings can lead to output powers of hundreds of milliwatts from a single laser. A laser was built with a single-mode output of 310 mW. Several lasers can be chained together to sum their power, while maintaining diffraction-limited, single frequency operation. This technique was demonstrated with two lasers, with a total output of 340 mW, and is expected to be practical for up to about ten lasers. Thus with lasers of 310 mW, output of up to 3 W is possible. The chaining technique, if properly engineered, results in redundancy. The technique of resonant external modulation and doubling is designed to efficiently convert the continuous wave, infrared output of our lasers into low duty-cycle pulsed green output. This technique was verified through both computer modeling and experimentation. Further work would be necessary to develop a deliverable system using this technique

    Bridgeness: A Local Index on Edge Significance in Maintaining Global Connectivity

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    Edges in a network can be divided into two kinds according to their different roles: some enhance the locality like the ones inside a cluster while others contribute to the global connectivity like the ones connecting two clusters. A recent study by Onnela et al uncovered the weak ties effects in mobile communication. In this article, we provide complementary results on document networks, that is, the edges connecting less similar nodes in content are more significant in maintaining the global connectivity. We propose an index named bridgeness to quantify the edge significance in maintaining connectivity, which only depends on local information of network topology. We compare the bridgeness with content similarity and some other structural indices according to an edge percolation process. Experimental results on document networks show that the bridgeness outperforms content similarity in characterizing the edge significance. Furthermore, extensive numerical results on disparate networks indicate that the bridgeness is also better than some well-known indices on edge significance, including the Jaccard coefficient, degree product and betweenness centrality.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Unification of bulk and interface electroresistive switching in oxide systems

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    We demonstrate that the physical mechanism behind electroresistive switching in oxide Schottky systems is electroformation, as in insulating oxides. Negative resistance shown by the hysteretic current-voltage curves proves that impact ionization is at the origin of the switching. Analyses of the capacitance-voltage and conductance-voltage curves through a simple model show that an atomic rearrangement is involved in the process. Switching in these systems is a bulk effect, not strictly confined at the interface but at the charge space region.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted in PR

    Parsec-scale jet properties of the gamma-ray quasar 3C 286

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    The quasar 3C~286 is one of two compact steep spectrum sources detected by the {\it Fermi}/LAT. Here, we investigate the radio properties of the parsec(pc)-scale jet and its (possible) association with the γ\gamma-ray emission in 3C~286. The Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) images at various frequencies reveal a one-sided core--jet structure extending to the southwest at a projected distance of \sim1 kpc. The component at the jet base showing an inverted spectrum is identified as the core, with a mean brightness temperature of 2.8×1092.8\times 10^{9}~K. The jet bends at about 600 pc (in projection) away from the core, from a position angle of 135-135^\circ to 115-115^\circ. Based on the available VLBI data, we inferred the proper motion speed of the inner jet as 0.013±0.0110.013 \pm 0.011 mas yr1^{-1} (βapp=0.6±0.5\beta_{\rm app} = 0.6 \pm 0.5), corresponding to a jet speed of about 0.5c0.5\,c at an inclination angle of 4848^\circ between the jet and the line of sight of the observer. The brightness temperature, jet speed and Lorentz factor are much lower than those of γ\gamma-ray-emitting blazars, implying that the pc-scale jet in 3C~286 is mildly relativistic. Unlike blazars in which γ\gamma-ray emission is in general thought to originate from the beamed innermost jet, the location and mechanism of γ\gamma-ray emission in 3C~286 may be different as indicated by the current radio data. Multi-band spectrum fitting may offer a complementary diagnostic clue of the γ\gamma-ray production mechanism in this source.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accept for publication in MNRA

    k-dependent SU(4) model of high-temperature superconductivity and its coherent-state solutions

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    We extend the SU(4) model [1-5] for high-Tc superconductivity to an SU(4)k model that permits explicit momentum (k) dependence in predicted observables. We derive and solve gap equations that depend on k, temperature, and doping from the SU(4)k coherent states, and show that the new SU(4)k model reduces to the original SU(4) model for observables that do not depend explicitly on momentum. The results of the SU(4)k model are relevant for experiments such as ARPES that detect explicitly k-dependent properties. The present SU(4)k model describes quantitatively the pseudogap temperature scale and may explain why the ARPES-measured T* along the anti-nodal direction is larger than other measurements that do not resolve momentum. It also provides an immediate microscopic explanation for Fermi arcs observed in the pseudogap region. In addition, the model leads to a prediction that even in the underdoped regime, there exist doping-dependent windows around nodal points in the k-space, where antiferromagnetism may be completely suppressed for all doping fractions, permitting pure superconducting states to exist.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    A Study on the Noise Threshold of Fault-tolerant Quantum Error Correction

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    Quantum circuits implementing fault-tolerant quantum error correction (QEC) for the three qubit bit-flip code and five-qubit code are studied. To describe the effect of noise, we apply a model based on a generalized effective Hamiltonian where the system-environment interactions are taken into account by including stochastic fluctuating terms in the system Hamiltonian. This noise model enables us to investigate the effect of noise in quantum circuits under realistic device conditions and avoid strong assumptions such as maximal parallelism and weak storage errors. Noise thresholds of the QEC codes are calculated. In addition, the effects of imprecision in projective measurements, collective bath, fault-tolerant repetition protocols, and level of parallelism in circuit constructions on the threshold values are also studied with emphasis on determining the optimal design for the fault-tolerant QEC circuit. These results provide insights into the fault-tolerant QEC process as well as useful information for designing the optimal fault-tolerant QEC circuit for particular physical implementation of quantum computer.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures; to be submitted to Phys. Rev.