29 research outputs found

    Magnetism and Metallicity in Moir\'e Transition Metal Dichalcogenides

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    The ability to control the properties of twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides in situ makes them an ideal platform for investigating the interplay of strong correlations and geometric frustration. Of particular interest are the low energy scales, which make it possible to experimentally access both temperature and magnetic fields that are of the order of the bandwidth or the correlation scale. In this manuscript we analyze the moir\'e Hubbard model, believed to describe the low energy physics of an important subclass of the twisted bilayer compounds. We establish its magnetic and the metal-insulator phase diagram for the full range of magnetic fields up to the fully spin polarized state. We find a rich phase diagram including fully and partially polarized insulating and metallic phases of which we determine the interplay of magnetic order, Zeeman-field, and metallicity, and make connection to recent experiments.Comment: 7 (+9) pages, 4 (+8) figure

    Numerical modeling of mid-infrared fiber optical parametric oscillator based on the degenerated FWM of tellurite photonic crystal fiber

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    Mid-infrared fiber optical parametric oscillators (MIR FOPOs) based on the degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) of tellurite photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) are proposed and modeled for the first time. Using the DFWM coupled-wave equations, numerical simulations are performed to analyze the effects of tellurite PCFs, single-resonant cavity, and pump source on the MIR FOPO performances. The numerical results show that: (1) although a longer tellurite PCF can decrease the pump threshold of MIR FOPOs to a few watts only, the high conversion-efficiency of MIR idler usually requires a short-length optimum PCF with low loss; (2) compared with the single-pass DFWM configurations of the MIR fiber sources published previously, the stable oscillation of signal light in single-resonant cavity can significantly promote the MIR idler output efficiency. With a suggested tellurite PCF as parametric gain medium, the theoretical prediction indicates that such a MIR FOPO could obtain a wide MIR-tunable range and a high conversion efficiency of more than 10%. (C) 2013 Optical Society of Americ

    Multiwavelength Dissipative-Soliton Generation in Yb-Fiber Laser Using Graphene-Deposited Fiber-Taper

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    We propose and demonstrate multiwavelength dissipative soliton (DS) generation in an all-normal-dispersion ytterbium-doped fiber laser based on a graphene-deposited tapered fiber (GDTF) device. Due to the interaction of the graphene with the evanescent field on the taper, the GDTF device possesses the characteristics of both saturable absorption and polarizing effect. Therefore, this device not only initiates the mode-locking operation based on the saturable absorption, but also induces both the special spectral filtering and nonlinear polarization evolution for shaping pulses into DSs. Simultaneous triple-wavelength DS operation around 1035 nm is thus achieved with a pulse energy of 6.4 nJ and pulse duration of 74.6 ps. Moreover, the DS operation is very stable with an RF signal-to-noise ratio of 62.5 dB.National Natural Science Foundation of China [61107038, 61177044

    Numerical modeling of mid-infrared fiber optical parametric oscillator based on the degenerated FWM of tellurite photonic crystal fiber

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    Mid-infrared fiber optical parametric oscillators (MIR FOPOs) based on the degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) of tellurite photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) are proposed and modeled for the first time. Using the DFWM coupled-wave equations, numerical simulations are performed to analyze the effects of tellurite PCFs, single-resonant cavity, and pump source on the MIR FOPO performances. The numerical results show that: (1) although a longer tellurite PCF can decrease the pump threshold of MIR FOPOs to a few watts only, the high conversion-efficiency of MIR idler usually requires a short-length optimum PCF with low loss; (2) compared with the single-pass DFWM configurations of the MIR fiber sources published previously, the stable oscillation of signal light in single-resonant cavity can significantly promote the MIR idler output efficiency. With a suggested tellurite PCF as parametric gain medium, the theoretical prediction indicates that such a MIR FOPO could obtain a wide MIR-tunable range and a high conversion efficiency of more than 10%. (C) 2013 Optical Society of Americ