66,991 research outputs found

    Quantifying Facial Age by Posterior of Age Comparisons

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    We introduce a novel approach for annotating large quantity of in-the-wild facial images with high-quality posterior age distribution as labels. Each posterior provides a probability distribution of estimated ages for a face. Our approach is motivated by observations that it is easier to distinguish who is the older of two people than to determine the person's actual age. Given a reference database with samples of known ages and a dataset to label, we can transfer reliable annotations from the former to the latter via human-in-the-loop comparisons. We show an effective way to transform such comparisons to posterior via fully-connected and SoftMax layers, so as to permit end-to-end training in a deep network. Thanks to the efficient and effective annotation approach, we collect a new large-scale facial age dataset, dubbed `MegaAge', which consists of 41,941 images. Data can be downloaded from our project page mmlab.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/projects/MegaAge and github.com/zyx2012/Age_estimation_BMVC2017. With the dataset, we train a network that jointly performs ordinal hyperplane classification and posterior distribution learning. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results on popular benchmarks such as MORPH2, Adience, and the newly proposed MegaAge.Comment: To appear on BMVC 2017 (oral) revised versio


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    Abstrak: Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejarah dan keunikan nilai budaya Masjid Cheng Ho di Palembang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif melalui observasi langsung dan mengkaji dengan melakukan studi kepustakaan (library research) untuk memperoleh data penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Masjid Al-Islam Muhammad Cheng Ho Sriwijaya Palembang atau sering dikenal dengan masjid Cheng Ho yang merupakan salah satu masjid bernuansa Islam Tionghoa yang diresmikan pada tahun 2008. Masjid Al-Islam Muhammad Cheng Ho didirikan oleh keluarga PITI Sumsel di atas tanah hibah dari PT. Amen Mulia kepada Organisasi PITI melalui perantara H. Syahrial Oesman atas berkah jasa kyai Palembang KH.Mudarrin. SM dan Kgs KH. M. Zen Syukri bin Kgs K. H Hasan Syukri yang juga merupakan pendiri Masjid Al-Islam Muhammad Cheng Ho dan Yayasan Muhammad Cheng Ho Sriwijaya PITI Sumsel yang saat itu diketuai oleh Bapak H. Haryanto. Berdasarkan penelitian menyatakan bahwa Masjid Cheng Ho juga memiliki keunikan pada bagian ornamen. Dimana ornamen masjid Cheng Ho memiliki perpaduan antara kebudayaan muslim Tionghoa dengan budaya Melayu, dan Nusantara. Ornamen yang menjadi ciri khas masjid Cheng Ho yaitu ada pada bagian gapura dan menara masjid. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari bentuk dan warna yang digunakan yaitu seperti nuansa Tionghoa atau Cina.Abstract: This study aims to determine the history and unique cultural values of the Cheng Ho Mosque in Palembang. The method used in this study is a qualitative method through direct observation and review by conducting library research to obtain research data. The results showed that the Al-Islam Muhammad Cheng Ho Mosque Sriwijaya Palembang or often known as the Cheng Ho mosque which is one of the mosques with Chinese Islamic nuances which was inaugurated in 2008. Al-Islam Muhammad Cheng Ho Mosque was founded by the PITI family in South Sumatra on a land grant. from PT. Amen Mulia to the PITI Organization through the intermediary of H. Syahrial Oesman for the blessing of the Palembang kyai KH.Mudarrin. SM and Kgs KH. M. Zen Syukri bin Kgs K. H Hasan Syukri who is also the founder of the Muhammad Cheng Ho Al-Islam Mosque and the Muhammad Cheng Ho Sriwijaya Foundation PITI Sumsel which at that time was chaired by Mr. H. Haryanto. Based on research, it is stated that Cheng Ho Mosque also has a uniqueness in the ornament section. Where the ornaments of the Cheng Ho mosque have a blend of Chinese Muslim culture with Malay culture, and the archipelago. The ornaments that characterize the Cheng Ho mosque are on the gates and minarets of the mosque. This can be seen from the shapes and colors used, which are like Chinese or Chinese nuances

    Forecasting Inflation In Indonesia Using The Modified Fuzzy Time Series Cheng

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    Inflation is one of the most important indicators to analyze a country’s economy. Therefore, it is necessary to forecast the inflation rate. Forecasting can be done by various methods, one of which is Fuzzy Time Series Cheng. In this study, several modifications were made to the method used. The purpose of this study is to forecast using the Modified Fuzzy Time Series (FTS) Cheng method and determine the accuracy of the forecasting results obtained. The results of this study indicate that the Modified FTS Cheng method can be used in forecasting, either by determining the interval average-based or using the Sturges equation. Based on the results of the calculation of forecasting accuracy using Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), the accuracy for Modified FTS Cheng by determining the average-based interval for forecasting based on the current state and next state is 11.58% and 5.78%, respectively. Furthermore, the Modified FTS Cheng by determining the interval using the Sturges equation resulted in a MAPE value of 9.61% and a FTS Cheng of 7.54%. The MAPE value of each method is less than 10%, which means that the method has a very good performance, except for Modified FTS Cheng by determining the average-based interval for forecasting based on current state has good performance with MAPE values ​​between 10 % and 20%.  Inflasi merupakan salah satu indikator penting yang digunakan dalam menganalisa perekonomian di suatu negara. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan peramalan terhadap tingkat inflasi. Peramalan dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai metode, salah satunya Fuzzy Time Series Cheng. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan beberapa modifikasi pada metode yang digunakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan peramalan menggunakan metode Fuzzy Time Series Cheng yang Dimodifikasi dan menentukan akurasi dari hasil peramalan yang diperoleh. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa metode Fuzzy Time Series Cheng Dimodifikasi dapat digunakan dalam melakukan peramalan, baik dengan penentuan interval berbasis rata-rata maupun menggunakan persamaan Sturges. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan keakuratan peramalan menggunakan Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) diperoleh akurasi untuk Fuzzy Time Series Cheng Dimodifikasi dengan penentuan interval berbasis rata-rata untuk peramalan berdasarkan current state dan next state masing-masing sebesar 11,58% dan 5,78%. Selanjutnya, Fuzzy Time Series Cheng Dimodifikasi dengan penentuan interval meggunakan persamaan Sturges menghasilkan nilai MAPE sebesar 9,61% dan Fuzzy Time Series Cheng sebesar 7,54%. Nilai MAPE dari masing-masing metode kurang dari 10% yang berarti bahwa metode tersebut mempunyai kinerja yang sangat baik, kecuali Fuzzy Time Series Cheng Dimodifikasi dengan penentuan interval berbasis rata-rata untuk peramalan berdasarkan current state mempunyai kinerja yang baik dengan nilai MAPE berada antara 10% dan 20%

    Multiple Instance Curriculum Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Detection

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    When supervising an object detector with weakly labeled data, most existing approaches are prone to trapping in the discriminative object parts, e.g., finding the face of a cat instead of the full body, due to lacking the supervision on the extent of full objects. To address this challenge, we incorporate object segmentation into the detector training, which guides the model to correctly localize the full objects. We propose the multiple instance curriculum learning (MICL) method, which injects curriculum learning (CL) into the multiple instance learning (MIL) framework. The MICL method starts by automatically picking the easy training examples, where the extent of the segmentation masks agree with detection bounding boxes. The training set is gradually expanded to include harder examples to train strong detectors that handle complex images. The proposed MICL method with segmentation in the loop outperforms the state-of-the-art weakly supervised object detectors by a substantial margin on the PASCAL VOC datasets.Comment: Published in BMVC 201

    Soil and Water Conservation Planning: Policy Issues and Recommendations

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    This article is prepared for the Upland Policy Conference on March 14, 1988. It discusses the degree of soil erosion in various watersheds based on classified descriptive parameters. It also proposes land use planning and allocation scheme.land management, watershed, soil erosion, soil conservation

    Soil and Water Conservation Planning: Policy Issues and Recommendations

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    This article is prepared for the Upland Policy Conference on March 14, 1988. It discusses the degree of soil erosion in various watersheds based on classified descriptive parameters. It also proposes land use planning and allocation scheme.land management, watershed, soil erosion, soil conservation

    Melissa Cheng, flute and Debbie Emery, piano, April 19, 2017

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    This is the concert program of the Melissa Cheng, flute and Debbie Emery, piano performance on Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 6:30 p.m., at the Marshall Room, 855 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were Sonata in E minor, BWV 1034 by Johann Sebastian Bach, Flute Sonata No. 3 by Gaetano Donizetti, Flute Sonata No. 3 by Philip Gaubert, Density 21.5 for Solo FLute by Edgard Varèse, Flute Concerto by Jacques Ibert, and It is Well by Philip Bliss, arranged by Carol Foss. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    Time's Arrow, December 8, 1995

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    This is the concert program of the Time's Arrow performance on Friday, December 8, 1995 at 8:00 p.m., at the Tsai Performance Center, 685 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts. Works performed were Three Songs for Soprano and Chamber Ensemble by Cheng Chia Wu, Octet by Galina Ustvolskaya, Alarums and Excursions by Joyce Mekeel, and Chain I by Witold Lutoslawski. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund
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