38 research outputs found

    Research status of horizontal well logging interpretation in china

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    Abstract: -As the degree of global oil and gas exploration and development to continuously improve, China exploration and development has the good and virtue to thin reservoir, reservoir transformation, vertical well and deviated wells and interpretation method has been unable to meet the needs of oil production, in addition to the geological conditions(buildings, lakes etc.), applications also require high angle and horizontal well technology. Horizontal well technology in the development of new oilfields and the old oilfield effect is remarkable, it has the advantages of decreasing exploration cost, greatly improve the productivity of single well and the recovery rate of oil and gas. Through the massive literature investigation, study the current situation both at home and abroad, analyzed some present research methods of horizontal wells and the existing problems, and make a summary, and suggestions are given

    Electrochemical Determination of Some Triphenylmethane Dyes by Means of Voltammetry

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    AbstractThis paper provides the investigation of electrochemical properties of triphenylmethane dyes using a voltammetric method with constant-current potential sweep. Malachite green (MG) and basic fuchsin (BF) have been chosen as representatives of the triphenylmethane dyes. The electrochemical behavior of MG and BF on the surface of a mercury-film electrode depending on рН, the nature of background electrolyte and scan rate of potential sweep have been investigated. The conditions of registration have been determined for MG and BF detecting in the solution. It is demonstrated that the reduction peak currents of MG and BF increase linearly with their concentration in the range of 9.0·10-5- 7.0·10-3 mol/dm3 for MG, 6.0·10-5 – 8.0 10-3 mol/dm3 for BF with correlation coefficients of 0.9987 and 0.9961, respectively. The detection limit of MG is 5.0·10-5 mol/dm3 and for BF - 2.0·10-5 mol/dm3

    Effects of chinaberry fruit extract on feeding, growth and fecundity of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Lep., Yponomeutidae)

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    Effects of chinaberry fruit extracts on larval mortality, feeding inhibition and reproduction of the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella L., were investigated by feeding DBM larvae on treated leaves or seedlings. These extracts were found to be toxic to DBM larvae. The larvae usually died from failure in molting. The developmental growth rates and the food consumption were also reduced at concentrations of 2.0 and 4.0%. Chinaberry extracts reduced pupal weight, adult emergence and longevity in a dose-dependent manner when newly hatched larvae were continuously reared on treated rape seedlings at concentrations of 0.05% or above. Fecundity of the resulting females from the larvae treated with 0.5% extract was also reduced, while the egg hatch was not affected. However, the extracts significantly decreased egg hatch when the eggs were dipped directly into test solutions at 1.0% or above

    Oasis landscape change and spatial character analysis in the tarim river origin basin

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    Land use/cover change (LUCC) is a key aspect of global environment change and in a sense indicates the influence of human activities on natural environment. Regional case study is the core of LUCC research. Taking the Hotan river basin, an oasis area of the Tarim river origin basin, as an example, Supported by RS and GIS technology, this paper reconstructed LUCC patterns in three periods of 1960,l990 and 2000, and analyzed their spatial-temporal changes from l960 to 2000. Combination the method of landscape ecology, several landscape patch index were calculated for oasis land extension. The results are as follows:(1)the oasis transformation mainly occurs among farmland and construction land.(2)the changes of oasis spatial character become regular, the border near upstream basically unchanged, border of the both sides river near the downstream slightly expand outwards. (3) In the forty years, the patch shape index and fractal dimension are both decreased, land-use status of Hotan oasis appeared variation, the extension of the oasis area is mainly the result of the restrict water supply and economic development. © 2009 IEEE. (9 refs.


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    [[abstract]]隨著全球國際機場競爭,國際機場協會(Airports Council International; 簡稱ACI)及Skytrax 機構舉辦全世界機場服務品質評鑑,目的不僅只是提升各國機場在站內的設施,其評鑑內容也加 入了各機場部年的人員服務品質滿意度調查,我國桃園國際機場在世界機場評鑑中,僅獲得「三 星級」,表示其待改善的空間還是很大,其需改善的部分不僅於硬體設施,亦包含了機場工作人 員的服務滿意度做為調查。故本研究希望以目前桃園國際機場之旅客對於我國通關之查驗員服務 態度之滿意度作調查,進而提昇我國出入國及移民署之查驗人員之服務品質,提高桃園國際機場 在國際機場上之服務品質整形象。本研究依據PZB 缺口五模式,以SERVQUAL 量表及服務屬 性為架構進行研究,旅客在通關流程中對於查驗員所提供的服務感受,以問卷調查的方式進行。 研究結果發現,旅客期望與實際感受認知之服務品質『缺口五』存在著顯著性差異,顯示每一項 服務屬性均需改善。此外本研究以「重要性-績效分析法」(IPA)之工具進行分析並提供建議,期 望提供內政部入出國及移民署之建議與改善方向,以提升目前通關流程服務品質之目標。[[abstract]]As the competition of the international airports increases, the Airports Council International (ACI) and Skytrax conducted an evaluation to assess the international airport service quality. The purpose is not only to improve the international airport facilities but also to evaluate the service quality of each airport. However, the Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport only received a “Three Star” accreditation in this evaluation which indicates that not only the airport facility requires improvement but the airport service quality requires an investigation as well. As a result, this study is aimed at improving the service quality of custom and immigration as well as the service quality image of the Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport with regard to the study of the passenger’s satisfaction on the custom procedure. Based on the PZB Gap Model, this study conducts a survey to assess the passenger’s feeling toward the examiner through the custom procedure according to the SERVQUAL instrument and service attribute. The finding of the research shows that the customer expectation is significantly different with the actual service quality (Gap 5). This further indicates that each service attribute requires modification. In addition, this study conducts an Importance-Performance Analysis(IPA)and gives recommendations. It is hoped to provide advices and directions to the National Immigration Agency for improving current service quality of custom procedure

    Ecological impacts of water resources utilization in the tarim river basin of China

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    Water resources and ecosystem stability are the most conspicuous and sensitive issues in arid areas of China. In this paper, exploitation of water resourcesand the corresponding environmental problems in the Tarim River during the past five decades are evaluated. An increasing use of water in the source area caused problems withsecondary salinization of the soil; whilst an increasing consumption of water inthe upper- and middle-reach areas caused droughts in the lower-reach area. Serious water pollution intensifies scarcity of water resources. Groundwater levels have dropped substantially and ecosystems have been seriously damaged. The purposes of our studywere to reveal the relationship between exploitation of water resources and ecosystemsuccession, to put forward the measures for rationally utilizing the water resources and effectively protect the ecosystem integrity in the Tarim River watershed, and to provide the scientific basis for overall harnessing of the Tarim River. Copyright © 2007 IAHS Press. (7 refs.