197,446 research outputs found

    Helium star evolutionary channel to super-Chandrasekhar mass type Ia supernovae

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    Recent discovery of several overluminous type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) indicates that the explosive masses of white dwarfs may significantly exceed the canonical Chandrasekhar mass limit. Rapid differential rotation may support these massive white dwarfs. Based on the single-degenerate scenario, and assuming that the white dwarfs would differentially rotate when the accretion rate M˙>3×10−7M⊙yr−1\dot{M}>3\times 10^{-7}M_{\odot}\rm yr^{-1}, employing Eggleton's stellar evolution code we have performed the numerical calculations for ∼\sim 1000 binary systems consisting of a He star and a CO white dwarf (WD). We present the initial parameters in the orbital period - helium star mass plane (for WD masses of 1.0M⊙1.0 M_{\odot} and 1.2M⊙1.2 M_{\odot}, respectively), which lead to super-Chandrasekhar mass SNe Ia. Our results indicate that, for an initial massive WD of 1.2M⊙1.2 M_{\odot}, a large number of SNe Ia may result from super-Chandrasekhar mass WDs, and the highest mass of the WD at the moment of SNe Ia explosion is 1.81 M⊙M_\odot, but very massive (>1.85M⊙>1.85M_{\odot}) WDs cannot be formed. However, when the initial mass of WDs is 1.0M⊙1.0 M_{\odot}, the explosive masses of SNe Ia are nearly uniform, which is consistent with the rareness of super-Chandrasekhar mass SNe Ia in observations.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Waveguide cooling system

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    An improved system is described for cooling high power waveguides by the use of cooling ducts extending along the waveguide, which minimizes hot spots at the flanges where waveguide sections are connected together. The cooling duct extends along substantially the full length of the waveguide section, and each flange at the end of the section has a through hole with an inner end connected to the duct and an opposite end that can be aligned with a flange hole in another waveguide section. Earth flange is formed with a drainage groove in its face, between the through hole and the waveguide conduit to prevent leakage of cooling fluid into the waveguide. The ducts have narrowed sections immediately adjacent to the flanges to provide room for the installation of fasteners closely around the waveguide channel

    Anharmonicity-induced phonon broadening in aluminum at high temperatures

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    Thermal phonon broadening in aluminum was studied by theoretical and experimental methods. Using second-order perturbation theory, phonon linewidths from the third-order anharmonicity were calculated from first-principles density-functional theory (DFT) with the supercell finite-displacement method. The importance of all three-phonon processes were assessed and individual phonon broadenings are presented. The good agreement between calculations and prior measurements of phonon linewidths at 300 K and new measurements of the phonon density of states to 750 K indicates that the third-order phonon-phonon interactions calculated from DFT can account for the lifetime broadenings of phonons in aluminum to at least 80% of its melting temperature

    Grid service orchestration using the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)

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    Modern scientific applications often need to be distributed across grids. Increasingly applications rely on services, such as job submission, data transfer or data portal services. We refer to such services as grid services. While the invocation of grid services could be hard coded in theory, scientific users want to orchestrate service invocations more flexibly. In enterprise applications, the orchestration of web services is achieved using emerging orchestration standards, most notably the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL). We describe our experience in orchestrating scientific workflows using BPEL. We have gained this experience during an extensive case study that orchestrates grid services for the automation of a polymorph prediction application

    Mass of Rotating Black Holes in Gauged Supergravities

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    The masses of several recently-constructed rotating black holes in gauged supergravities, including the general such solution in minimal gauged supergravity in five dimensions, have until now been calculated only by integrating the first law of thermodynamics. In some respects it is more satisfactory to have a calculation of the mass that is based directly upon the integration of a conserved quantity derived from a symmetry principal. In this paper, we evaluate the masses for the newly-discovered rotating black holes using the conformal definition of Ashtekar, Magnon and Das (AMD), and show that the results agree with the earlier thermodynamic calculations. We also consider the Abbott-Deser (AD) approach, and show that this yields an identical answer for the mass of the general rotating black hole in five-dimensional minimal gauged supergravity. In other cases we encounter discrepancies when applying the AD procedure. We attribute these to ambiguities or pathologies of the chosen decomposition into background AdS metric plus deviations when scalar fields are present. The AMD approach, involving no decomposition into background plus deviation, is not subject to such complications. Finally, we also calculate the Euclidean action for the five-dimensional solution in minimal gauged supergravity, showing that it is consistent with the quantum statistical relation.Comment: Typos corrected and references update

    Marginally Trapped Surfaces in the Nonsymmetric Gravitational Theory

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    We consider a simple, physical approach to the problem of marginally trapped surfaces in the Nonsymmetric Gravitational Theory (NGT). We apply this approach to a particular spherically symmetric, Wyman sector gravitational field, consisting of a pulse in the antisymmetric field variable. We demonstrate that marginally trapped surfaces do exist for this choice of initial data.Comment: REVTeX 3.0 with epsf macros and AMS symbols, 3 pages, 1 figur
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