427 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK China merupakan salah satu yang menerapkan kurikulum kecakapan hidup yang baik. Setiap siswa memiliki minat dan potensi yang berbeda-beda. Penyesuaian kurikulum kecakapan hidup dapat membantu siswa untuk mengeksplorasi minat mereka dan mengembangkan potensi mereka dalam bidang yang diminati perlu diimplementasikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kurikulum kecakapan hidup di sekolah dasar Kota Qujing, mengetahui kondisi eksisting manajemen implementasi kurikulum kecakapan hidup di sekolah dasar kota Qujing, Analisis SWOT dari implementasi kurikulum kecakapan hidup di sekolah dasar kota Qujing, serta untuk mengetahui strategi efektivitas manajemen implementasi kurikulum kecakapan hidup di sekolah dasar kota Qujing. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan melalui teknik wawancara dan dokumentasi dan triangulasi berdasarkan fenomena dilapangan. Hasil penelitian manajemen implementasi kurikulum kecakapan hidup di sekolah dasar kota Qujing adalah bahwa dalam memanajem tidak terlepas dari perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi yang sangat berkaitan antar seluruh warga sekolah baik itu siswa, guru maupun orangtua. Faktor yang mempengaruhinya adalah kurikulum, tujuan sekolah, sarana dan prasarana sekolah serta latarbelakang siswa. Cara mengefektifkan manajemen implementasi kurikulum kecakapan hidup di sekolah dasar kota Qujing adalah dengan program-program yang disusun sesuai kebutuhan siswa, latar belakang siswa dan mengoptimalkan seluruh kemampuan sekoah dan guru dan program sekolah. Kata kunci: analisis SWOT, manajemen implementasi kurikulum, pendidikan life skill China is one that implements a good life skills curriculum. Every student has different interests and potential. Adjusting the life skills curriculum can help students explore their interests and develop their potential in areas of interest that need to be implemented. This study aims to describe the life skills curriculum in primary schools in Qujing City, determine the existing conditions of the management of the implementation of the Life Skills Curriculum in elementary schools in Qujing City, SWOT analysis of the implementation of the Life Skills Curriculum in elementary schools in Qujing City, and to determine the effectiveness of the management strategy for implementing the Life Skills Curriculum in elementary schools in Qujing City. This research method uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data was collected through interviews and documentation techniques and triangulation based on phenomena in the field. The results of research on management of life skills education in primary schools in Qujing city are that management is inseparable from planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating which are closely related to all members of the school community, including students, teachers and parents. Factors that influence it are the curriculum, school goals, school facilities and infrastructure and student backgrounds. The way to make the management of life skills education in elementary schools in Qujing city more effective is through programs that are tailored according to the needs of students, student backgrounds and optimize all school and teacher abilities and school programs Keywords: analysis SWOT, education management, life skills educatio

    Investigating the influence of PFC transection and nicotine on dynamics of AMPA and NMDA receptors of VTA dopaminergic neurons

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>All drugs of abuse, including nicotine, activate the mesocorticolimbic system that plays critical roles in nicotine reward and reinforcement development and triggers glutamatergic synaptic plasticity on the dopamine (DA) neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA). The addictive behavior and firing pattern of the VTA DA neurons are thought to be controlled by the glutamatergic synaptic input from prefrontal cortex (PFC). Interrupted functional input from PFC to VTA was shown to decrease the effects of the drug on the addiction process. Nicotine treatment could enhance the AMPA/NMDA ratio in VTA DA neurons, which is thought as a common addiction mechanism. In this study, we investigate whether or not the lack of glutamate transmission from PFC to VTA could make any change in the effects of nicotine.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We used the traditional AMPA/NMDA peak ratio, AMPA/NMDA area ratio, and KL (Kullback-Leibler) divergence analysis method for the present study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results using AMPA/NMDA peak ratio showed insignificant difference between PFC intact and transected and treated with saline. However, using AMPA/NMDA area ratio and KL divergence method, we observed a significant difference when PFC is interrupted with saline treatment. One possible reason for the significant effect that the PFC transection has on the synaptic responses (as indicated by the AMPA/NMDA area ratio and KL divergence) may be the loss of glutamatergic inputs. The glutamatergic input is one of the most important factors that contribute to the peak ratio level.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggested that even within one hour after a single nicotine injection, the peak ratio of AMPA/NMDA on VTA DA neurons could be enhanced.</p

    Global synthesis of the classifications, distributions, benefits and issues of terracing

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    For thousands of years, humans have created different types of terraces in different sloping conditions, meant to mitigate flood risks, reduce soil erosion and conserve water. These anthropogenic landscapes can be found in tropical and subtropical rainforests, deserts, and arid and semiarid mountains across the globe. Despite the long history, the roles of and the mechanisms by which terracing improves ecosystem services (ESs) remain poorly understood. Using literature synthesis and quantitative analysis, the worldwide types, distributions, major benefits and issues of terracing are presented in this review. A key terracing indicator, defined as the ratio of different ESs under terraced and non-terraced slopes (δ), was used to quantify the role of terracing in providing ESs. Our results indicated that ESs provided by terracingwas generally positive because themean values of δ were mostly greater than one. The most prominent role of terracing was found in erosion control (11.46 ± 2.34), followed by runoff reduction (2.60 ± 1.79), biomass accumulation (1.94 ± 0.59), soil water recharge (1.20±0.23), and nutrient enhancement (1.20±0.48). Terracing, to a lesser extent, could also enhance the survival rates of plant seedlings, promote ecosystem restoration, and increase crop yields.While slopes experiencing severe human disturbance (e.g., overgrazing and deforestation) can generally become more stable after terracing, negative effects of terracing may occur in poorly-designed or poorly-managed terraces. Among the reasons are the lack of environmental legislation, changes in traditional concepts and lifestyles of local people, as well as price decreases for agricultural products. All of these can accelerate terrace abandonment and degradation. In light of these findings, possible solutions regarding socio-economic changes and techniques to improve already degraded terraces are discussed

    Utilizing machine learning algorithms for the prediction of carotid artery plaques in a Chinese population

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    Background: Ischemic stroke is a significant global health issue, imposing substantial social and economic burdens. Carotid artery plaques (CAP) serve as an important risk factor for stroke, and early screening can effectively reduce stroke incidence. However, China lacks nationwide data on carotid artery plaques. Machine learning (ML) can offer an economically efficient screening method. This study aimed to develop ML models using routine health examinations and blood markers to predict the occurrence of carotid artery plaques.Methods: This study included data from 5,211 participants aged 18–70, encompassing health check-ups and biochemical indicators. Among them, 1,164 participants were diagnosed with carotid artery plaques through carotid ultrasound. We constructed six ML models by employing feature selection with elastic net regression, selecting 13 indicators. Model performance was evaluated using accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, Positive Predictive Value (PPV), Negative Predictive Value (NPV), F1 score, kappa value, and Area Under the Curve (AUC) value. Feature importance was assessed by calculating the root mean square error (RMSE) loss after permutations for each variable in every model.Results: Among all six ML models, LightGBM achieved the highest accuracy at 91.8%. Feature importance analysis revealed that age, Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL-c), and systolic blood pressure were important predictive factors in the models.Conclusion: LightGBM can effectively predict the occurrence of carotid artery plaques using demographic information, physical examination data and biochemistry data

    Building Interpretable Interaction Trees for Deep NLP Models

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    This paper proposes a method to disentangle and quantify interactions among words that are encoded inside a DNN for natural language processing. We construct a tree to encode salient interactions extracted by the DNN. Six metrics are proposed to analyze properties of interactions between constituents in a sentence. The interaction is defined based on Shapley values of words, which are considered as an unbiased estimation of word contributions to the network prediction. Our method is used to quantify word interactions encoded inside the BERT, ELMo, LSTM, CNN, and Transformer networks. Experimental results have provided a new perspective to understand these DNNs, and have demonstrated the effectiveness of our method

    WKGM: Weight-K-space Generative Model for Parallel Imaging Reconstruction

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    Deep learning based parallel imaging (PI) has made great progresses in recent years to accelerate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Nevertheless, it still has some limitations, such as the robustness and flexibility of existing methods have great deficiency. In this work, we propose a method to explore the k-space domain learning via robust generative modeling for flexible calibration-less PI reconstruction, coined weight-k-space generative model (WKGM). Specifically, WKGM is a generalized k-space domain model, where the k-space weighting technology and high-dimensional space augmentation design are efficiently incorporated for score-based generative model training, resulting in good and robust reconstructions. In addition, WKGM is flexible and thus can be synergistically combined with various traditional k-space PI models, which can make full use of the correlation between multi-coil data and realizecalibration-less PI. Even though our model was trained on only 500 images, experimental results with varying sampling patterns and acceleration factors demonstrate that WKGM can attain state-of-the-art reconstruction results with the well-learned k-space generative prior.Comment: 11pages, 12 figure

    Accelerating relaxation through Liouvillian exceptional point

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    We investigate speeding up of relaxation of Markovian open quantum systems with the Liouvillian exceptional point (LEP), where the slowest decay mode degenerate with a faster decay mode. The degeneracy significantly increases the gap of the Liouvillian operator, which determines the timescale of such systems in converging to stationarity, and hence accelerates the relaxation process. We explore an experimentally relevant three level atomic system, whose eigenmatrices and eigenspectra are obtained completely analytically. This allows us to gain insights in the LEP and examine respective dynamics with details. We illustrate that the gap can be further widened through Floquet engineering, which further accelerates the relaxation process. Finally, we extend this approach to analyze laser cooling of trapped ions, where vibrations (phonons) couple to the electronic states. An optimal cooling condition is obtained analytically, which agrees with both existing experiments and numerical simulations. Our study provides analytical insights in understanding LEP, as well as in controlling and optimizing dissipative dynamics of atoms and trapped ions

    OR-026 Exercise induces HIF-1α redistribution in the small intestine

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    Objective Intestinal epithelial cells are positioned between an anaerobic lumen and a highly metabolic lamina propria, affected by reduced blood flow and tissue hypoxia. Exercise induces blood flow redistribution, leading to hypoperfusion and gastrointestinal (GI) compromise. The hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) 1α is pivotal in the transcriptional response to oxygen flux. In this study, we hypothesized that exercise induces GI system hypoxia and accumulates HIF-1α. Methods (1) ROSA26 ODD-Luc/+ mouse model (ODD-Luc) was used to detect HIF-1α expression in the intestine (female, 8-week, n=6/group). ODD-Luc mice were randomized into 4 groups: stayed in 21% O2&nbsp;as the normoxic control (C), exercise (E), injected HIF-1α inhibitor PX-478 before swimming (PS), placed in the chamber containing 9% O2&nbsp;for 4 hours as the positive control (PC). (2) Exercise models were conducted by volume: Moderate Exercise (ME): mice voluntarily swam for 30 min; Heavy-intensity Exercise (HE): mice swam for 1.5 hours with 5% body weight loads attached to their tails; Long-time Exercise (LE): mice voluntarily swam for 3 hours or till fatigue. Results (1) Exercise increased HIF-1α in the abdominal area. The luciferase activities boosted after exercise, compared to the controls (ME v.s. C,&nbsp;P&lt;0.05; HE v.s. C,&nbsp;P&lt;0.05; LE v.s. C,&nbsp;P&lt;0.05) but no differences among three exercise groups (ME v.s. HE,&nbsp;P&gt;0.99; ME v.s. LE,&nbsp;P&gt;0.99; HE v.s. LE,&nbsp;P&gt;0.99); (2) Exercise altered HIF-1α distribution in the small intestine in a time-dependent manner. The expression of HIF-1α was significantly increased after exercise and gradually reduced to the rest level. The photons increased at the 0th&nbsp;hour after exercise compared to that of the normoxic control (P&lt;0.01). The level of photons then reduced over time, while the 2nd, 4th&nbsp;and 6th&nbsp;hour post-exercise were still greater than that of the normoxic control&nbsp; (2nd&nbsp;hour v.s. C,&nbsp;P&lt;0.01; 4th&nbsp;hour v.s. C,&nbsp;P&lt;0.01; 6th&nbsp;hour v.s. C,&nbsp;P&lt;0.05), and returned to normal after 24 hours (24th&nbsp;hour v.s. C,&nbsp;P&gt;0.99). Conclusions Exercise induced the distribution of HIF-1α in the small intestine. The expression of HIF-1α is shown in a time-dependent manner after exercise

    PO-154 Exercise induced redistribution of oxygen in internal organs

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    Objective Exercise induces tissue blood flow redistribution, which decreases splanchnic circulation and leads to physiologic hypoxia in the gastrointestinal (GI) system and liver. &nbsp;We hypothesized that the oxygen redistribution in the internal organs is affected by exercise. Methods Twenty–four female 8-10wk ROSA26 ODD-Luc/+ mice (n= 6 per group) were used in this study. Three exercise models were conducted: (1) Moderate Exercise (ME): mice voluntarily swam for 30 min. (2) Heavy-intensity Exercise (HE): mice swam for 1.5 hours with 5% body weight loads attached to their tails. (3) Long-time Exercise (LE): mice voluntarily swam for 3 hours or till fatigue. Sedentary mice (SED) were used as controls. A hypoxic marker pimonidazole HCl was applied to detect tissue hypoxia. Pimonidazole HCl forms protein adducts when PO2 is under 10 mmHg. An hour after intraperitoneal injection of pimonidazole HCl (60 mg/kg body weight), the mice were anesthetized with isoflurane then sacrificed. The small intestine, colon, skeletal muscle, heart, liver, spleen and kidney specimens were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and stained with a specific monoclonal antibody against the pimonidazole HCl protein adducts to observe the hypoxic level of internal organs. Results (1) The distributions of immunostaining intensity of pimonidazole HCl were different among the internal organs. In the kidney, the renal tubules demonstrated staining for hypoxia. In the liver, the positive staining was radiating outwards from central veins. In the small intestine and colon, there was the retention of pimonidazole HCl from the crypt to villus. (2) In the ME group, the extent of hypoxia in the kidney, liver and colon was increased compared with the SED. We found the small intestine is susceptible to exercise-induced tissue hypoxia distribution. Exercise resulted in a markedly increased staining in the crypts, whereas decreased staining in the villus. Intensified positive stains were observed in the nuclei of hypoxic cells, mostly in ME and HE groups. (3) The heart, skeletal muscle and spleen were not shown positive staining pre- and post-exercise. Conclusions This study presented evidences that exercise induces the oxygen redistribution in the small intestine, colon, liver and kidney. The small intestine is susceptible to exercise induced physiological hypoxia
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