611 research outputs found

    Sparse metric hypergraphs

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    Given a metric space (X,ρ)(X, \rho), we say yy is between xx and zz if ρ(x,z)=ρ(x,y)+ρ(y,z)\rho(x,z) = \rho(x,y) + \rho(y,z). A metric space gives rise to a 3-uniform hypergraph that has as hyperedges those triples {x,y,z}\{ x,y,z \} where yy is between xx and zz. Such hypergraphs are called metric and understanding them is key to the study of metric spaces. In this paper, we prove that hypergraphs where small subsets of vertices induce few edges are metric. Additionally, we adapt the notion of sparsity with respect to monotone increasing functions, classify hypergraphs that exhibit this version of sparsity and prove that they are metric.Comment: 6 pages, 16 figure

    A weakness in Sun-Chen-Hwang\u27s three-party key agreement protocols using passwords

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    Recently, Sun, Chen and Hwang [J. Syst. Software, 75 (2005), 63-68] have proposed two new three-party protocols, one for password-based authenticated key agreement and one for verifier-based authenticated key agreement. In this paper, we show that both of Sun-Chen-Hwang\u27s protocols are insecure against an active adversary who can intercept messages, start multiple sessions of a protocol, or otherwise control the communication in the network. Also, we present a simple solution to the security problem with the protocols

    Understanding South Africa’s Role in Achieving Regional and Global Development Progress

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    As Africa’s most diversified, developed and (until recently) largest economy, South Africa occupies a unique position in the international development debate. It is an active player in global governance and development fora, maintains an extensive development partnership with its region, and is a member of the BRICS Forum of emerging powers (along with Brazil, Russia, India and China). The 2009 announcement of a new South African Development Partnership Agency (SADPA) has also generated interest among traditional donors to work more closely with South Africa in regional development. While questions remain about the scope and composition of SADPA, it is clear that South Africa’s role as a development actor is growing, and more needs to be done to understand the contribution it can make towards tackling poverty and promoting sustainable development at the regional and global levels.UK Department of International Developmen

    Partonic quasi-distributions of the pion in chiral quark models

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    The evaluation of partonic distributions presents a challenge for QCD, and in particular for its Euclidean lattice realization. Recently, objects called quasi-distributions (which become standard distributions in a limit of the longitudinal momentum of the target hadron going to infinity) have been proposed. We present a non-perturbative, dynamical evaluation of the quark quasi-distribution amplitude (QDA) of the pion in the framework of chiral quark models (the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model and the spectral quark model). We arrive at simple but nontrivial analytic expressions, where the dependence on the longitudinal momentum, the momentum fraction, or the transverse-momentum (for the unintegrated objects) can be explicitly assessed. For the parton distribution amplitude (PDA), we carry out the necessary QCD evolution from the constituent quark model scale to higher scales accessible on the lattice, and compare favorably to the LaMET data.Comment: 6 pages, talk presented by WB at XVII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure - Hadron2017, Salamanca, 25-29 September 201

    Pelatihan Pengolahan Kulit Buah Naga Menjadi Serbuk Minuman Instan

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    Penyakit jantung merupakan penyebab kematian utama secara global. Penyebab utama penyakit jantung adalah meningkatnya level lipid dan profil lipoprotein di dalam darah. Meningkatnya level radikal bebas dan lipid peroksida menyebabkan stess oksidatif sehingga terjadilah penyakit degeneratif seperti penyakit jantung. Beberapa penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa polifenol pada makanan dapat mengurangi kadar biomarker yang berhubungan dengan penyakit jantung seperti trigliserida total, kolesterol total dan Lipoprotein kolesterol densitas rendah. Fitokimia seperti flavonoid, komponen fenolik and antosianidin yang ada di dalam buah naga memiliki berbagai fungsi kesehatan termasuk sebagai antioksidan. Menurut Nurliaya et al, aktivitas antioksidan pada kulit buah naga lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada daging buahnya. Sayangnya kulit buah naga masih kurang dimanfaatkan dan sering kali di buang. Pelatihan ini dilaksanakan dalam rangka meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai manfaat antioksidan dari buah naga khususnya kulitnya serta melatih masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan kulit buah naga dan mengolahnya menjadi serbuk minuman instan yang lebih praktis dan ekonomis. Berdasarkan hasil pre dan post test pengetahuan masyarakat peserta pelatihan meningkat dari 45 menjadi 94,3 %. Pelatihan ini sangat diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat dan menginiasi hadirnya ide produk makanan sehat yang ekonomis.  Kata kunci : Antuoksidan, buah naga, minuman insta

    An Analysis of the Fate of the Character Yang Yuhuan in the Film Legend of the Demon Cat Based on the “Other” Theory

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    Legend of the Demon Cat is a pinnacle of ancient oriental magic film by Chen Kaige, presenting audiences with a magnificent scene of Tang Dynasty and the legendary story of Yang Yuhuan. As a film full of fantasy, suspense and romanticism, it has been analyzed by most scholars from the aspects of narrative features, image aesthetics and historical and cultural elements. However, little has been researched from the perspective of the male other about the fate of Yang Yuhuan, a character based on a legendary concubine in Chinese Tang Dynasty. This paper will analyze the portrayal of Yang Yuhuan in the film guided by feminism, especially “The Other” theory. With the historical background of the decline of the Tang Dynasty, we can seek the reasons for the dramatical fate of Yang Yuhuan, and understand the injustice and oppression faced universally by ancient women in male-dominated society

    Influential Article Review - Business Innovation Traits Amongs International Business Students in Vietnam

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    This paper examines entrepreneurship. We present insights from a highly influential paper. Here are the highlights from this paper: This study aims to investigate entrepreneurial intention among international business students in Viet Nam as it is on the way to approve The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The theory of planned behavior (TPB) (Ajzen, 1991) is used to assess the determinants of entrepreneurial intention of Vietnamese students who major in international business study. An exploratory factor analysis and multiple regressions are used to examine the responses from 372 final year students. The results confirm that attitude toward entrepreneurship and perceived behavior control are positively related to entrepreneurial intention. Subjective norm fails to generate a significant impact on entrepreneurial intention. Entrepreneurial intention is significantly influenced by two components of TPB model (R 2 = 0.307) which are attitude toward entrepreneurship (β = 0.292) and perceived behavior control (β = 0.408). For our overseas readers, we then present the insights from this paper in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and German