51 research outputs found

    Investigating Catastrophic Overfitting in Fast Adversarial Training: A Self-fitting Perspective

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    Although fast adversarial training provides an efficient approach for building robust networks, it may suffer from a serious problem known as catastrophic overfitting (CO), where multi-step robust accuracy suddenly collapses to zero. In this paper, we for the first time decouple single-step adversarial examples into data-information and self-information, which reveals an interesting phenomenon called "self-fitting". Self-fitting, i.e., the network learns the self-information embedded in single-step perturbations, naturally leads to the occurrence of CO. When self-fitting occurs, the network experiences an obvious "channel differentiation" phenomenon that some convolution channels accounting for recognizing self-information become dominant, while others for data-information are suppressed. In this way, the network can only recognize images with sufficient self-information and loses generalization ability to other types of data. Based on self-fitting, we provide new insights into the existing methods to mitigate CO and extend CO to multi-step adversarial training. Our findings reveal a self-learning mechanism in adversarial training and open up new perspectives for suppressing different kinds of information to mitigate CO.Comment: Comment: The camera-ready version (accepted at CVPR Workshop of Adversarial Machine Learning on Computer Vision: Art of Robustness, 2023

    QueryNet: Attack by Multi-Identity Surrogates

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are acknowledged as vulnerable to adversarial attacks, while the existing black-box attacks require extensive queries on the victim DNN to achieve high success rates. For query-efficiency, surrogate models of the victim are used to generate transferable Adversarial Examples (AEs) because of their Gradient Similarity (GS), i.e., surrogates' attack gradients are similar to the victim's ones. However, it is generally neglected to exploit their similarity on outputs, namely the Prediction Similarity (PS), to filter out inefficient queries by surrogates without querying the victim. To jointly utilize and also optimize surrogates' GS and PS, we develop QueryNet, a unified attack framework that can significantly reduce queries. QueryNet creatively attacks by multi-identity surrogates, i.e., crafts several AEs for one sample by different surrogates, and also uses surrogates to decide on the most promising AE for the query. After that, the victim's query feedback is accumulated to optimize not only surrogates' parameters but also their architectures, enhancing both the GS and the PS. Although QueryNet has no access to pre-trained surrogates' prior, it reduces queries by averagely about an order of magnitude compared to alternatives within an acceptable time, according to our comprehensive experiments: 11 victims (including two commercial models) on MNIST/CIFAR10/ImageNet, allowing only 8-bit image queries, and no access to the victim's training data. The code is available at https://github.com/Sizhe-Chen/QueryNet.Comment: QueryNet reduces queries by about an order of magnitude against SOTA black-box attack

    Going Far Boosts Attack Transferability, but Do Not Do It

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) could be easily fooled by Adversarial Examples (AEs) with an imperceptible difference to original ones in human eyes. Also, the AEs from attacking one surrogate DNN tend to cheat other black-box DNNs as well, i.e., the attack transferability. Existing works reveal that adopting certain optimization algorithms in attack improves transferability, but the underlying reasons have not been thoroughly studied. In this paper, we investigate the impacts of optimization on attack transferability by comprehensive experiments concerning 7 optimization algorithms, 4 surrogates, and 9 black-box models. Through the thorough empirical analysis from three perspectives, we surprisingly find that the varied transferability of AEs from optimization algorithms is strongly related to the corresponding Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) from their original samples. On such a basis, one could simply approach high transferability by attacking until RMSE decreases, which motives us to propose a LArge RMSE Attack (LARA). Although LARA significantly improves transferability by 20%, it is insufficient to exploit the vulnerability of DNNs, leading to a natural urge that the strength of all attacks should be measured by both the widely used ℓ∞\ell_\infty bound and the RMSE addressed in this paper, so that tricky enhancement of transferability would be avoided

    Unifying Gradients to Improve Real-world Robustness for Deep Networks

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    The wide application of deep neural networks (DNNs) demands an increasing amount of attention to their real-world robustness, i.e., whether a DNN resists black-box adversarial attacks, among which score-based query attacks (SQAs) are most threatening since they can effectively hurt a victim network with the only access to model outputs. Defending against SQAs requires a slight but artful variation of outputs due to the service purpose for users, who share the same output information with SQAs. In this paper, we propose a real-world defense by Unifying Gradients (UniG) of different data so that SQAs could only probe a much weaker attack direction that is similar for different samples. Since such universal attack perturbations have been validated as less aggressive than the input-specific perturbations, UniG protects real-world DNNs by indicating attackers a twisted and less informative attack direction. We implement UniG efficiently by a Hadamard product module which is plug-and-play. According to extensive experiments on 5 SQAs, 2 adaptive attacks and 7 defense baselines, UniG significantly improves real-world robustness without hurting clean accuracy on CIFAR10 and ImageNet. For instance, UniG maintains a model of 77.80% accuracy under 2500-query Square attack while the state-of-the-art adversarially-trained model only has 67.34% on CIFAR10. Simultaneously, UniG outperforms all compared baselines in terms of clean accuracy and achieves the smallest modification of the model output. The code is released at https://github.com/snowien/UniG-pytorch

    The Expression Levels of XLF and Mutant P53 Are Inversely Correlated in Head and Neck Cancer Cells.

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    XRCC4-like factor (XLF), also known as Cernunnos, is a protein encoded by the human NHEJ1 gene and an important repair factor for DNA double-strand breaks. In this study, we have found that XLF is over-expressed in HPV(+) versus HPV(-) head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) and significantly down-regulated in the HNSCC cell lines expressing high level of mutant p53 protein versus those cell lines harboring wild-type TP53 gene with low p53 protein expression. We have also demonstrated that Werner syndrome protein (WRN), a member of the NHEJ repair pathway, binds to both mutant p53 protein and NHEJ1 gene promoter, and siRNA knockdown of WRN leads to the inhibition of XLF expression in the HNSCC cells. Collectively, these findings suggest that WRN and p53 are involved in the regulation of XLF expression and the activity of WRN might be affected by mutant p53 protein in the HNSCC cells with aberrant TP53 gene mutations, due to the interaction of mutant p53 with WRN. As a result, the expression of XLF in these cancer cells is significantly suppressed. Our study also suggests that XLF is over-expressed in HPV(+) HNSCC with low expression of wild type p53, and might serve as a potential biomarker for HPV(+) HNSCC. Further studies are warranted to investigate the mechanisms underlying the interactive role of WRN and XLF in NHEJ repair pathway
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