426 research outputs found

    Primordial Trispectrum from Entropy Perturbations in Multifield DBI Model

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    We investigate the primordial trispectra of the general multifield DBI inflationary model. In contrast with the single field model, the entropic modes can source the curvature perturbations on the super horizon scales, so we calculate the contributions from the interaction of four entropic modes mediating one adiabatic mode to the trispectra, at the large transfer limit (TRS≫1T_{RS}\gg1). We obtained the general form of the 4-point correlation functions, plotted the shape diagrams in two specific momenta configurations, "equilateral configuration" and "specialized configuration". Our figures showed that we can easily distinguish the two different momenta configurations.Comment: 17pages, 7 figures, version to appear in JCA

    Large non-Gaussianities in the Effective Field Theory Approach to Single-Field Inflation: the Bispectrum

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    The methods of effective field theory are used to study generic theories of inflation with a single inflaton field and to perform a general analysis of the associated non-Gaussianities. We investigate the amplitudes and shapes of the various generic three-point correlators, the bispectra, which may be generated by different classes of single-field inflationary models. Besides the well-known results for the DBI-like models and the ghost inflationary theories, we point out that curvature-related interactions may give rise to large non-Gaussianities in the form of bispectra characterized by a flat shape which, quite interestingly, is independently produced by several interaction terms. In a subsequent work, we will perform a similar general analysis for the non-Gaussianities generated by the generic four-point correlator, the trispectrum.Comment: Version matching the one published in JCAP, 2 typos fixed, references added. 30 pages, 20 figure

    The inflationary bispectrum with curved field-space

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    We compute the covariant three-point function near horizon-crossing for a system of slowly-rolling scalar fields during an inflationary epoch, allowing for an arbitrary field-space metric. We show explicitly how to compute its subsequent evolution using a covariantized version of the separate universe or "delta-N" expansion, which must be augmented by terms measuring curvature of the field-space manifold, and give the nonlinear gauge transformation to the comoving curvature perturbation. Nonlinearities induced by the field-space curvature terms are a new and potentially significant source of non-Gaussianity. We show how inflationary models with non-minimal coupling to the spacetime Ricci scalar can be accommodated within this framework. This yields a simple toolkit allowing the bispectrum to be computed in models with non-negligible field-space curvature.Comment: 22 pages, plus appendix and reference

    Large non-Gaussianities in the Effective Field Theory Approach to Single-Field Inflation: the Trispectrum

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    We perform the analysis of the trispectrum of curvature perturbations generated by the interactions characterizing a general theory of single-field inflation obtained by effective field theory methods. We find that curvature-generated interaction terms, which can in general give an important contribution to the amplitude of the four-point function, show some new distinctive features in the form of their trispectrum shape-function. These interesting interactions are invariant under some recently proposed symmetries of the general theory and, as shown explicitly, do allow for a large value of the trispectrum.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figure

    The δN formula is the dynamical renormalization group

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    We derive the 'separate universe' method for the inflationary bispectrum, beginning directly from a field-theory calculation. We work to tree-level in quantum effects but to all orders in the slow-roll expansion, with masses accommodated perturbatively. Our method provides a systematic basis to account for novel sources of time-dependence in inflationary correlation functions, and has immediate applications. First, we use our result to obtain the correct matching prescription between the 'quantum' and 'classical' parts of the separate universe computation. Second, we elaborate on the application of this method in situations where its validity is not clear. As a by-product of our calculation we give the leading slow-roll corrections to the three-point function of field fluctuations on spatially flat hypersurfaces in a canonical, multiple-field model.Comment: v1: 33 pages, plus appendix and references; 5 figures. v2: typographical typos fixed, minor changes to the main text and abstract, reference added; matches version published in JCA

    Large slow-roll corrections to the bispectrum of noncanonical inflation

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    Nongaussian statistics are a powerful discriminant between inflationary models, particularly those with noncanonical kinetic terms. Focusing on theories where the Lagrangian is an arbitrary Lorentz-invariant function of a scalar field and its first derivatives, we review and extend the calculation of the observable three-point function. We compute the "next-order" slow-roll corrections to the bispectrum in closed form, and obtain quantitative estimates of their magnitude in DBI and power-law k-inflation. In the DBI case our results enable us to estimate corrections from the shape of the potential and the warp factor: these can be of order several tens of percent. We track the possible sources of large logarithms which can spoil ordinary perturbation theory, and use them to obtain a general formula for the scale dependence of the bispectrum. Our result satisfies the next-order version of Maldacena's consistency condition and an equivalent consistency condition for the scale dependence. We identify a new bispectrum shape available at next-order, which is similar to a shape encountered in Galileon models. If fNL is sufficiently large this shape may be independently detectable.Comment: v1: 37 pages, plus tables, figures and appendices. v2: supersedes version published in JCAP; some clarifications and more detailed comparison with earlier literature. All results unchanged. v3:improvements to some plots; text unchange

    Non-Gaussianity from violation of slow-roll in multiple inflation

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    Multiple inflation is a model based on N=1 supergravity wherein there are sudden changes in the mass of the inflaton because it couples to 'flat direction' scalar fields which undergo symmetry breaking phase transitions as the universe cools. The resulting brief violations of slow-roll evolution generate a non-gaussian signal which we find to be oscillatory and yielding f_NL ~ 5-20. This is potentially detectable by e.g. Planck but would require new bispectrum estimators to do so. We also derive a model-independent result relating the period of oscillations of a phase transition during inflation to the period of oscillations in the primordial curvature perturbation generated by the inflaton.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures; Clarifying comments and references added; Accepted for publication in JCA

    Infrared effects in inflationary correlation functions

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    In this article, I briefly review the status of infrared effects which occur when using inflationary models to calculate initial conditions for a subsequent hot, dense plasma phase. Three types of divergence have been identified in the literature: secular, "time-dependent" logarithms, which grow with time spent outside the horizon; "box-cutoff" logarithms, which encode a dependence on the infrared cutoff when calculating in a finite-sized box; and "quantum" logarithms, which depend on the ratio of a scale characterizing new physics to the scale of whatever process is under consideration, and whose interpretation is the same as conventional field theory. I review the calculations in which these divergences appear, and discuss the methods which have been developed to deal with them.Comment: Invited review for focus section of Classical & Quantum Gravity on nonlinear and nongaussian perturbation theory. Some improvements compared to version which will appear in CQG, especially in Sec. 2.3. 30 pages + references

    Non-Gaussianity from Lifshitz Scalar

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    A Lifshitz scalar with the dynamical critical exponent z = 3 obtains scale-invariant, super-horizon field fluctuations without the need of an inflationary era. Since this mechanism is due to the special scaling of the Lifshitz scalar and persists in the presence of unsuppressed self-couplings, the resulting fluctuation spectrum can deviate from a Gaussian distribution. We study the non-Gaussian nature of the Lifshitz scalar's intrinsic field fluctuations, and show that primordial curvature perturbations sourced from such field fluctuations can have large non-Gaussianity of order f_NL = O(100), which will be detected by upcoming CMB observations. We compute the bispectrum and trispectrum of the fluctuations, and discuss their configurations in momentum space. In particular, the bispectrum is found to take various shapes, including the local, equilateral, and orthogonal shapes. Intriguingly, all integrals in the in-in formalism can be performed analytically.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures, v2: published in JCA
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