20 research outputs found

    GPS/GLONASS carrier phase elevation-dependent stochastic modelling estimation and its application in bridge monitoring

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    The Global Positioning System (GPS) based monitoring technology has been recognised as an essential tool in the long-span bridge health monitoring throughout the world in recent years. However, the high observation noise is still a big problem that limits the high precision displacement extraction and vibration response detection. To solve this problem, GPS double-difference model and many other specific function models have been developed to eliminate systematic errors e.g. unmodeled atmospheric delays, multipath effect and hardware delays. However, relatively less attention has been given to the noise reduction in the deformation monitoring area. In this paper, we first proposed a new carrier phase elevation-dependent precision estimation method with Geometry-Free (GF) and Melbourne-Wü bbena (MW) linear combinations, which is appropriate to regardless of Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) system (GPS) or Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) system (GLONASS). Then, the method is used to estimate the receiver internal noise and the realistic GNSS stochastic model with a group of zero-baselines and short-baselines (served for the GNSS and Earth Observation for Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges (GeoSHM) project), and to demonstrate their impacts on the positioning. At last, the contribution of integration of GPS and GLONASS is introduced to see the performance of noise reduction with multi-GNSS. The results show that the higher level receiver internal noise in cost effective receivers has less influences on the short-baseline data processing. The high noise effects introduced by the low elevation satellite and the geometry variation caused by rising and dropping satellites, can be reduced by 10–20% with the refined carrier phase elevation-dependent stochastic model. Furthermore, based on observations from GPS and GLONASS with the refined stochastic model, the noise can be reduced by 30–40%, and the spurious signals in the real-life bridge displacements tend to be completely eliminated

    Vertical deformation monitoring of the suspension bridge tower using GNSS: a case study of the Forth Road Bridge in the UK

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    The vertical deformation monitoring of a suspension bridge tower is of paramount importance to maintain the operational safety since nearly all forces are eventually transferred as the vertical stress on the tower. This paper analyses the components affecting the vertical deformation and attempts to reveal its deformation mechanism. Firstly, we designed a strategy for high-precision GNSS data processing aiming at facilitating deformation extraction and analysis. Then, 33 months of vertical deformation time series of the southern tower of the Forth Road Bridge (FRB) in the UK were processed, and the accurate subsidence and the parameters of seasonal signals were estimated based on a classic function model that has been widely studied to analyse GNSS coordinate time series. We found that the subsidence rate is about 4.7 mm/year, with 0.1 mm uncertainty. Meanwhile, a 15-month meteorological dataset was utilised with a thermal expansion model (TEM) to explain the effects of seasonal signals on tower deformation. The amplitude of the annual signals correlated quite well that obtained by the TEM, with the consistency reaching 98.9%, demonstrating that the thermal effect contributes significantly to the annual signals. The amplitude of daily signals displays poor consistency with the ambient temperature data. However, the phase variation tendencies between the daily signals of the vertical deformation and the ambient temperature are highly consistent after February 2016. Finally, the potential contribution of the North Atlantic Drift (NAD) to the characteristics of annual and daily signals is discussed because of the special geographical location of the FRB. Meanwhile, this paper emphasizes the importance of collecting more detailed meteorological and other loading data for the investigation of the vertical deformation mechanism of the bridge towers over time with the support of GNSS

    Reliable dynamic monitoring of bridges with integrated GPS and BeiDou

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    In recent years, global positioning system (GPS) has been widely used for the measurement of deflections of bridges. However, due to multipath and satellite signal obstructions caused by towers, cables, and passing vehicles, the reliability of deformation monitoring with GPS is still a problem. Recent research with respect to multi–global navigation satellite system (multi-GNSS) technology, though, has enhanced satellite visibility and availability for positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) for users. Its benefits involving application in bridge monitoring are still rarely studied. In this paper, we propose a composite strategy where integrated GPS and BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) dual-frequency, carrier-phase data processing is carried out to improve the reliability of bridge monitoring with GNSS measurements. In addition, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)–based stochastic model and postfit residual editing strategies are utilized to enhance the reliability further. In a group of fixed-point experiments, improvements of 20–30% in precision were achieved with the integrated GPS and BDS compared to GPS-only results. Based on the real GPS and BDS measurements collected on the Baishazhou Yangtze River Bridge in China, we assessed the performance of the proposed method. In the vibration experiment, no apparent effects on natural frequency identification were found by introducing BDS into the solution in an ideal observation environment. However, the combined GPS and BDS results seemed to be much more promising, with lower background noise. Meanwhile, the integrated GPS and BDS data processing with postfit residual editing and SNR-based stochastic model strategies effectively managed satellite signal obstruction and the influence of multipath effect to attain reliable dynamic deformation-monitoring information for bridges

    Pass-by-Pass Ambiguity Resolution in Single GPS Receiver PPP Using Observations for Two Sequential Days: An Exploratory Study

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    “Pass-by-pass” or “track-to-track” ambiguity resolution removes Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) satellite hardware delays between adjacent undifferenced (UD) ambiguities, which is often applied in precise orbit determination (POD) for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites to improve the accuracy of orbits. In this study, we carried out an exploratory study to use the “pass-by-pass” ambiguity resolution by differencing the undifferenced ambiguity candidates for two adjacent passes in sidereal days for a single Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver static Precise Point Positioning (PPP). Using the GPS observations from 132 globally distributed reference stations of International GPS Service (IGS), we find that 99.08% wide-lane (WL) and 97.83% narrow-lane (NL) double-difference ambiguities formed by the “pass-by-pass” method for all stations can be fixed to their nearest integers within absolute fractional residuals of 0.2 cycles. These proportions are higher than the corresponding values of network solution with multiple receivers with 97.39% and 91.20%, respectively. About 97% to 98% of ambiguities can be fixed finally on average. The comparison of the estimated station coordinates with the IGS weekly solutions reveals that the Root Mean Square (RMS) in East and North directions are 2-4 mm and is about 6 mm in the Up direction. For hourly data, it is found that the mean positioning accuracy improvement can achieve to about 10% after ambiguity resolution. From a dam deformation monitoring application, it shows that the fixing rate of WL and NL ambiguity can be closed to 100% and higher than 90%, respectively. The time series generated by PPP are also in agreement with the short baseline solutions

    Design and implementation of a new system for large bridge monitoring—GeoSHM

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    Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is a relatively new branch of civil engineering that focuses on assessing the health status of infrastructure, such as long-span bridges. Using a broad range of in-situ monitoring instruments, the purpose of the SHM is to help engineers understand the behaviour of structures, ensuring their structural integrity and the safety of the public. Under the Integrated Applications Promotion (IAP) scheme of the European Space Agency (ESA), a feasibility study (FS) project that used the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and Earth Observation (EO) for Structural Health Monitoring of Long-span Bridges (GeoSHM) was initiated in 2013. The GeoSHM FS Project was led by University of Nottingham and the Forth Road Bridge (Scotland, UK), which is a 2.5 km long suspension bridge across the Firth of Forth connecting Edinburgh and the Northern part of Scotland, was selected as the test structure for the GeoSHM FS project. Initial results have shown the significant potential of the GNSS and EO technologies. With these successes, the FS project was further extended to the demonstration stage, which is called the GeoSHM Demo project where two other long-span bridges in China were included as test structures. Led by UbiPOS UK Ltd. (Nottingham, UK), a Nottingham Hi-tech company, this stage focuses on addressing limitations identified during the feasibility study and developing an innovative data strategy to process, store, and interpret monitoring data. This paper will present an overview of the motivation and challenges of the GeoSHM Demo Project, a description of the software and hardware architecture and a discussion of some primary results that were obtained in the last three years

    Analysis of Annual Deformation Characteristics of Xilongchi Dam Using Historical GPS Observations

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    Global Positioning System (GPS) has been confirmed to be a feasible tool to measure displacement of civil engineering structures. In this paper, we report on an analysis of annual deformations of a pumped-storage power station dam using historical GPS observations. Data spanning more than nine years are resolved using the GAMIT (GPS at MIT) software, and a GPS time-series method is employed to extract linear trends and annual cycle signals. It is evident that the monument located on the main dam has a linear trend, with rates of 1.0 mm/yr and 1.8 mm/yr in east and up directions, respectively. Annual cycles with amplitudes larger than 0.5 mm are shown in coordinate components at all monitoring stations. However, the annual amplitude can be 30–84% lower when a monitoring station whose monument materials and height are similar to other monitoring stations is chosen as the reference station. This suggests that differential thermal expansion of monuments could be 30% to 80% and even higher in baseline time series. A spurious offset style annual signal with 5 mm amplitude that is highly correlated with annual temperature variance is observed in the east–west direction of the monitoring station located at the east side of the reservoir. This suggests that upper ground layer movement correlated with temperature could be responsible for these annual cycles. Meanwhile, no periodic correlations are observed between the water level data and the baseline time series

    Multipath extraction and mitigation for bridge deformation monitoring using a single-difference model

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    Multipath is one of the primary error sources in high precision GNSS applications. Since it is highly correlated with observation environments , the multipath effect is difficult to be parameterized with an empirical model or eliminated by current differencing techniques. A sophisticated multipath extraction and mitigation technique is proposed. The technique uses the spectrum density of the time series of single-difference (SD) phase residuals to identify which portions of the observation environments contribute the various multipath constituents. Wavelet analysis is used to extract the time-varying frequency and magnitude contents of multipath. Multipath templates are built to assess the performance of ambiguity resolution before and after multipath mitigation. Using GPS data measured at the Forth Road Bridge in Scotland, we identify that there are two types of multipath with different affecting characteristics on the bridge. The initial analysis reveals that the correlations between adjacent days remain higher than 80% for both carrier phase and pseudorange multipath. Further comparisons indicate that the standard deviations of the residuals are reduced roughly by 30% for most of the satellites when multipath templates are applied, whereas the reductions of the mean standard deviations of the coordinate components, from 13 consecutive days, maintain stable at about 30% for a 1.5 km baseline and 45% for a 36 m baseline. It is also evident that ambiguity resolution has significant improvement with applying multipath mitigation, contributing to more accurate and reliable ambiguity results in high-precision deformation monitoring

    A Method of INS-aided Cycle-slip Detection for PPP

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    Due to the problem of high receiver dynamics, low satellite elevation, or the obstruction along the signal path, the carrier phase measurements in PPP/INS are often interrupted. Cycle slip will reduce the accuracy of positioning and may force the ambiguities to re-initialize that normally take 10 minutes or more. A new cycle-slip detection method for PPP is presented here utilizing the high-precision INS information, instead of pseudoranges to remove satellites geometric distances in wide-lane combination. This new algorithm is tested in a vehicle experiment and the results show that it has excellent sensitivity to cycle slip even small ones. By combination with the GF method, this method can detect the isoperimetric and special cycle slip pairs (such as 5/4, 9/7) with high accuracy. It can also be used for real-time cycle slip detection

    A Refined SNR Based Stochastic Model to Reduce Site-Dependent Effects

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    Site-dependent effects are now the key factors that restrict the high accuracy applications of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technology, such as deformation monitoring. To reduce the effects of non-line-of-sight (NLOS) signal and multipath, methods and models applied to both of the function model and stochastic model of least-squares (LS) have been proposed. However, the existing methods and models may not be convenient to use and not be appropriate to all GNSS satellites. In this study, the SNR features of GPS and GLONASS are analyzed first, and a refined SNR based stochastic model is proposed, in which the links between carrier phase precision and SNR observation have been reasonably established. Compared with the existing models, the refined model in this paper could be used in real-time and the carrier phase precision could be reasonably shown with the SNR data. More importantly, it is applicable to all GNSS satellite systems. Based on this model, the site observation environment can be assessed in advance to show the obstruction area. With a bridge deformation monitoring platform, the performance of this model was tested in the aspect of integer ambiguity resolution and data processing. The results show that, compared with the existing stochastic models, this model could have the highest integer ambiguity resolution success rate and the lowest noise level in the data processing time series with obvious obstruction beside the site

    Modelling and prediction of GNSS time series using GBDT, LSTM and SVM machine learning approaches

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    Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) site coordinate time series provides essential data for geodynamic and geophysical studies, realisation of a regional or global geodetic reference frames, and crustal deformation research. The coordinate time series has been conventionally modelled by least squares (LS) fitting with harmonic functions, alongside many other analysis methods. As a key limitation, the traditional modelling approaches simply use the functions of time variable, despite good knowledge of various underlying physical mechanisms responsible for the site displacements. This paper examines the use of machine learning (ML) models to reflect the effects or residential effects of physical variables related to Sun and the Moon ephemerides, polar motion, temperature, atmospheric pressure, and hydrology on the site displacements. To form the ML problem, these variables are constructed as the input vector of each ML training sample, while the vertical displacement of a GNSS site is regarded as the output value. In the evaluation experiments, three ML approaches, namely the gradient boosting decision tree (GBDT) approach, long short-term memory (LSTM) approach, and support vector machine (SVM) approach, are introduced and evaluated with the time series datasets collected from 9 GNSS sites over the period of 13 years. The results indicate that all three approaches achieve similar fitting precision in the range of 3–5 mm in the vertical displacement component, which is an improvement in over 30% with respect to the traditional LS fitting precision in the range of 4–7 mm. The prediction of the vertical time series with the three ML approaches shows the precision in the range of 4–7 mm over the future 24- month period. The results also indicate the relative importance of different physical features causing the displacements of each site. Overall, ML approaches demonstrate better performance and effectiveness in modelling and prediction of GNSS time series, thus impacting maintenance of geodetic reference frames, geodynamics, geophysics, and crustal deformation analysis.</p