182 research outputs found

    Group Formation Processes of Five-year-old Children after Trouble

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    This research is conducted through monitoring 27 5-years-old children and interviewing 3 preschool teachers to find out when confronting peer group trouble, preschool teachers would resort ā€œIntervention After troubleā€ under which condition; if so, whatā€™s kind of ā€œIntervention After troubleā€ and the influence of the intervention behavior on the formation of peer group after the trouble. The result shows that when preschool teachers realize after they intervened once but the relationship between the parties did not return to what it was before, they would adopt ā€œIntervention After troubleā€. The ā€œIntervention After troubleā€ can be divided as early stage direct intervention and latter indirect intervention. The intervention behavior act as a bridge for communication needed for formation of peer relationship. The result implies ā€œIntervention After troubleā€ is an indispensable part if preschool teachers want to establish peer group respecting the childrenā€™s spontaneity

    Less is More: Real-time Failure Localization in Power Systems

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    Cascading failures in power systems exhibit non-local propagation patterns which make the analysis and mitigation of failures difficult. In this work, we propose a distributed control framework inspired by the recently proposed concepts of unified controller and network tree-partition that offers strong guarantees in both the mitigation and localization of cascading failures in power systems. In this framework, the transmission network is partitioned into several control areas which are connected in a tree structure, and the unified controller is adopted by generators or controllable loads for fast timescale disturbance response. After an initial failure, the proposed strategy always prevents successive failures from happening, and regulates the system to the desired steady state where the impact of initial failures are localized as much as possible. For extreme failures that cannot be localized, the proposed framework has a configurable design, that progressively involves and coordinates more control areas for failure mitigation and, as a last resort, imposes minimal load shedding. We compare the proposed control framework with Automatic Generation Control (AGC) on the IEEE 118-bus test system. Simulation results show that our novel framework greatly improves the system robustness in terms of the N-1 security standard, and localizes the impact of initial failures in majority of the load profiles that are examined. Moreover, the proposed framework incurs significantly less load loss, if any, compared to AGC, in all of our case studies

    Failure Localization in Power Systems via Tree Partitions

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    Cascading failures in power systems propagate non-locally, making the control and mitigation of outages extremely hard. In this work, we use the emerging concept of the tree partition of transmission networks to provide an analytical characterization of line failure localizability in transmission systems. Our results rigorously establish the well perceived intuition in power community that failures cannot cross bridges, and reveal a finer-grained concept that encodes more precise information on failure propagations within tree-partition regions. Specifically, when a non-bridge line is tripped, the impact of this failure only propagates within well-defined components, which we refer to as cells, of the tree partition defined by the bridges. In contrast, when a bridge line is tripped, the impact of this failure propagates globally across the network, affecting the power flow on all remaining transmission lines. This characterization suggests that it is possible to improve the system robustness by temporarily switching off certain transmission lines, so as to create more, smaller components in the tree partition; thus spatially localizing line failures and making the grid less vulnerable to large-scale outages. We illustrate this approach using the IEEE 118-bus test system and demonstrate that switching off a negligible portion of transmission lines allows the impact of line failures to be significantly more localized without substantial changes in line congestion

    Localization & Mitigation of Cascading Failures in Power Systems, Part II: Localization

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    Cascading failures in power systems propagate non-locally, making the control and mitigation of outages hard. In Part II of this paper, we continue the study of tree partitioning of transmission networks and characterize analytically line failure localizability. We show that a tree-partition region can be further decomposed into disjoint cells in which line failures will be contained. When a non-cut set of lines are tripped simultaneously, its impact is localized within each cell that contains a line outage. In contrast, when a bridge line that connects two tree-partition regions is tripped, its impact propagates globally across the network, affecting the power flows on all remaining lines. This characterization suggests that it is possible to improve system reliability by switching off certain transmission lines to create more, smaller cells, thus localizing line failures and reducing the risk of large-scale outages. We demonstrate using the IEEE 118-bus test system that switching off a negligible portion of lines allows the impact of line failures to be significantly more localized without substantial changes in line congestion

    Line Failure Localization of Power Networks. Part I: Non-cut outages

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    Transmission line failures in power systems propagate non-locally, making the control of the resulting outages extremely difficult. In this work, we establish a mathematical theory that characterizes the patterns of line failure propagation and localization in terms of network graph structure. It provides a novel perspective on distribution factors that precisely captures Kirchhoff's Law in terms of topological structures. Our results show that the distribution of specific collections of subtrees of the transmission network plays a critical role on the patterns of power redistribution, and motivates the block decomposition of the transmission network as a structure to understand long-distance propagation of disturbances. In Part I of this paper, we present the case when the post-contingency network remains connected after an initial set of lines are disconnected simultaneously. In Part II, we present the case when an outage separates the network into multiple islands

    Line Failure Localization of Power Networks Part II: Cut Set Outages

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    Transmission line failure in power systems propagate non-locally, making the control of the resulting outages extremely difficult. In Part II of this paper, we continue the study of line failure localizability in transmission networks and characterize the impact of cut set outages. We establish a Simple Path Criterion, showing that the propagation pattern due to bridge outages, a special case of cut set failures, are fully determined by the positions in the network of the buses that participate in load balancing. We then extend our results to general cut set outages. In contrast to non-cut outages discussed in Part I whose subsequent line failures are contained within the original blocks, cut set outages typically impact the whole network, affecting the power flows on all remaining lines. We corroborate our analytical results in both parts using the IEEE 118-bus test system, in which the failure propagation patterns exhibit a clear block-diagonal structure predicted by our theory, even when using full AC power flow equations
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