267 research outputs found

    Congenital multiple eventrations of the right diaphragm in adulthood

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    Improved optimization methods for image registration problems

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    In this paper, we propose new multilevel optimization methods for minimizing continuously differentiable functions obtained by discretizing models for image registration problems. These multilevel schemes rely on a novel two-step Gauss-Newton method, in which a second step is computed within each iteration by minimizing a quadratic approximation of the objective function over a certain two-dimensional subspace. Numerical results on image registration problems show that the proposed methods can outperform the standard multilevel Gauss-Newton method

    Mechanically manipulating glymphatic transport by ultrasound combined with microbubbles

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    The glymphatic system is a perivascular fluid transport system for waste clearance. Glymphatic transport is believed to be driven by the perivascular pumping effect created by the pulsation of the arterial wall caused by the cardiac cycle. Ultrasound sonication of circulating microbubbles (MBs) in the cerebral vasculature induces volumetric expansion and contraction of MBs that push and pull on the vessel wall to generate a MB pumping effect. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether glymphatic transport can be mechanically manipulated by focused ultrasound (FUS) sonication of MBs. The glymphatic pathway in intact mouse brains was studied using intranasal administration of fluorescently labeled albumin as fluid tracers, followed by FUS sonication at a deep brain target (thalamus) in the presence of intravenously injected MBs. Intracisternal magna injection, the conventional technique used in studying glymphatic transport, was employed to provide a comparative reference. Three-dimensional confocal microscopy imaging of optically cleared brain tissue revealed that FUS sonication enhanced the transport of fluorescently labeled albumin tracer in the perivascular space (PVS) along microvessels, primarily the arterioles. We also obtained evidence of FUS-enhanced penetration of the albumin tracer from the PVS into the interstitial space. This study revealed that ultrasound combined with circulating MBs could mechanically enhance glymphatic transport in the brain

    Focused ultrasound-enhanced delivery of intranasally administered anti-programmed cell death-ligand 1 antibody to an intracranial murine glioma model

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    Immune checkpoint inhibitors have great potential for the treatment of gliomas; however, their therapeutic efficacy has been partially limited by their inability to efficiently cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The objective of this study was to evaluate the capability of focused-ultrasound-mediated intranasal brain drug delivery (FUSIN) in achieving the locally enhanced delivery of anti-programmed cell death-ligand 1 antibody (aPD-L1) to the brain. Both non-tumor mice and mice transcranially implanted with GL261 glioma cells at the brainstem were used in this study. aPD-L1 was labeled with a near-infrared fluorescence dye (IRDye 800CW) and administered to mice through the nasal route to the brain, followed by focused ultrasound sonication in the presence of systemically injected microbubbles. FUSIN enhanced the accumulation of aPD-L1 at the FUS-targeted brainstem by an average of 4.03- and 3.74-fold compared with intranasal (IN) administration alone in the non-tumor mice and glioma mice, respectively. Immunohistochemistry staining found that aPD-L1 was mainly located within the perivascular spaces after IN delivery, while FUSIN further enhanced the penetration depth and delivery efficiency of aPD-L1 to the brain parenchyma. The delivered aPD-L1 was found to be colocalized with the tumor cells after FUSIN delivery to the brainstem glioma. These findings suggest that FUSIN is a promising technique to enhance the delivery of immune checkpoint inhibitors to gliomas

    Design of Affordable 3D Printers

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    poster abstractThe recent expiration of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) patents sparked a growth in the 3D printing industry. Fused Deposition Modeling is the most common way of 3D printing parts. It takes a material, usually a plastic, melts it, and then builds a part layer by layer from the molten material. As patents for 3D printing technologies continue to expire, 3D printing will continue to see a large growth in popularity for several different applications; however, there are currently limitations on 3D printers preventing them from entering certain markets. The goal of our project was to address two of the biggest current limitations: the cost of the 3D printer and the ability to print with different materials. We addressed these issues by researching and building two different types of 3D printers along with researching different ways to print different materials. The goal for the first project was to design and assemble an affordable ceramic 3D printer. We researched and purchased an affordable delta 3D printer kit and an affordable ceramic extrusion system. The goal for the second project was to design and assemble an affordable dual extruder desktop 3D printer that could print two different plastics. We successfully built the delta 3D printer and it is working correctly. The dual extruder desktop 3D printer has been assembled. For both projects, we were able to assemble low-cost 3D printers. In conclusion, this research has resulted in two affordable 3D printers with the potential to 3D print different materials

    Novel nanoparticle detection method using electrochemical device based on anodic aluminum oxide nanopore membrane

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    AbstractSome investigations suggest that nanoparticles are potentially the most dangerous because they can also penetrate deeper into lung tissue than other large particles. However, some researchers declare that the research on security of environmental nanoparticles should be on the basis of the standardization of investigation system. Therefore, it is significant to detect nanoparticles for both environmental evaluation and further treatment. In this paper, a method for iron oxide nanoparticle detection was investigated by a novel electrochemical device based on AAO nanopore membrane and preliminary results was taken out which may create novel avenues and applications for nanoparticle detection