1,043 research outputs found

    Rawls and the Global Original Position

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    Cosmopolitans including Charles Beitz, David Richards, Brian Barry, Thomas Pogge and Gillian Brock propose the device of an original global position to work out global principles of justice. However, John Rawls does not agree with this kind of proposal. In this paper, I add two key original contributions, which go beyond previous arguments by cosmopolitans and advance the current debates. First, to argue against Rawls’s objection to the global original position, I demonstrate the importance of the distinction between accepting a particular substantive principle and accepting the original position procedure. Second, in order to respond to cultural pluralism, I take a unique approach to show that the idea of the person as free and equal is a fundamental part of the global public culture by examining the most fundamental legal documents: the proto-constitutional documents in international law and the constitutions of the major states. I apply Samuel Huntington’s classification of civilisations to identify the major civilisations and their core states and show that the idea of the person as free and equal is implicit in the constitutions of most influential countries even though these countries are categorised in different civilisations

    Extracting Event Dynamics from Event-by-Event Analysis

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    The problem of eliminating the statistical fluctuations and extracting the event dynamics from event-by-event analysis is discussed. New moments GpG_p (for continuous distribution), and Gq,pG_{q,p} (for anomalous distribution) are proposed, which are experimentally measurable and can eliminate the Poissonian type statistical fluctuations to recover the dynamical moments CpC_p and Cq,pC_{q,p}. In this way, the dynamical distribution of the event-averaged transverse momentum \bar{\pt} can be extracted, and the anomalous scaling of dynamical distribution, if exists, can be recovered, through event-by-event analysis of experimental data.Comment: 15 pages, 2 eps figures, Phys. Rev. C accepte

    Financial liberalisation and international market interdependence: evidence from China’s stock market in the post-WTO accession period

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    This paper studies China’s stock market with respect to financial liberalization and international market interdependence after its accession to the WTO in 2001. Using the multi-factor R-squared measure, we derive a normalized index to measure the impact of financial liberalization policies on stock market interdependence between China and the world. Some of China’s financial liberalization measures, such as QFII and exchange rate reform, are found to have played an important role in increasing market interdependence. After the US credit crunch in 2007 and the world financial crisis in the following years, some anomalies were observed as China’s stock market was more interdependent of the global market than the US stock market in some specific periods. These anomalies may have been related to the former’s overreaction and economic overheating

    Research on Automatic Identification of Rumors in Stock Forum Based on Machine Learning

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    When rumors prevail in securities market, it is very difficult for investors to identify valid information. In the meantime, investors have much more ways to access information with the evolution of internet. But there is an overwhelming quantity of information on the Internet, the coexistence of facts and rumors, namely, “widely circulated” and “specious”, yet “unconfirmed officially” vague information, makes it more difficult for investors who with limited rationality to distinguish facts from rumors. Existing studies are mainly devoted in the method of event study, namely screening rumors from “official channels” that clarified, which is neither timely efficient in terms of accessing to rumors nor providing the basis for decision-making. Traditional news has evolved into various forms of social media, including forums, blogs, micro-blogs etc., and users can not only gain quick access to more valuable and timely information, but also amplify information that embed the news effectively by participating in commenting on various social media. Dynamic information creation, sharing and coordination among Web users are exerting increasingly prominent impact on the securities market in now days. Thus, it is very necessary to study the effects of social media as online forums on the securities market. In this paper, the method of machine learning is adopted for the first time to identifying the Internet rumors automatically, and successfully in crawling massive forum data by smart computer technology. Unlike the case study and statistical sampling of rumors, this paper conduct automatic identification of Internet rumors by utilize the smart technology, thus paving the way for more in-depth analysis about the effects of Internet media on the securities market in future

    Differential Gene Transcription in Honeybee (Apis cerana) Larvae Challenged by Chinese Sacbrood Virus (CSBV)

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    Honey bees are economically important social insect. They are suffering from all kinds of pathogens, especially the virus. In response to pathogens, different immune pathways such as Toll, Imd, Jak-Stat and RNAi are involved. In the present study, the transcription analysis of 32 immune-related genes from Apis cerana challenged by Chinese sacbrood virus (CSBV), the most widely distributed virus in A. cerana, was carried out by qRT-PCR to provide cues for the antiviral mechanism and the effective control of bee viruses. The expression level of 22 genes were statistically changed, including 11 up-regulated genes (catus-2, lys-2, vir, s3a, mta1, faa, vhdl, co-1-iv, ago-1, ago-3, aub) in which 3 (ago-1, ago-3, aub) were related to RNAi pathway, and 11 down-regulated genes (kenny, pgrp-lc, pgrp-s2, abaecin, lys-1, lys-3, domeless, tepa, mlc, dscam, rpl8) related to Toll, Imd, and Jak-Stat pathways. The results indicated CSBV infection in A. cerana may activate a RNA-based antiviral immunity system. This work constituted the first report, under laboratory conditions, about induction of immune related genes in response to CSBV
