1,450 research outputs found

    Study of f_0(980) and f_0(1500) from B_s \to f_0(980)\pi, f_0(1500)\pi Decays

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    In this paper, we analyze the scalar mesons f0(980)f_0(980) and f0(1500)f_0(1500) from the decays Bˉs0f0(980)π0,f0(1500)π0\bar B^0_s \to f_0(980)\pi^0, f_0(1500)\pi^0 within Perturbative QCD approach. From the leading order calculations, we find that (a) in the allowed mixing angle ranges, the branching ratio of Bˉs0f0(980)π0\bar B^0_s\to f_0(980)\pi^0 is about (1.01.6)×107(1.0\sim1.6)\times 10^{-7}, which is smaller than that of Bˉs0f0(980)K0\bar B^0_s\to f_0(980)K^0 (the difference is a few times even one order); (b) the decay Bˉs0f0(1500)π0\bar B^0_s \to f_0(1500)\pi^0 is better to distinguish between the lowest lying state or the first excited state for f0(1500)f_0(1500), because the branching ratios for two scenarios have about one-order difference in most of the mixing angle ranges; and (c) the direct CP asymmetries of Bˉs0f0(1500)π0\bar B^0_s \to f_0(1500)\pi^0 for two scenarios also exists great difference. In scenario II, the variation range of the value ACPdir(Bˉs0f0(1500)π0){\cal A} ^{dir}_{CP}(\bar B^0_s \to f_0(1500)\pi^0) according to the mixing angle is very small, except for the values corresponding to the mixing angles being near 9090^\circ or 270270^\circ, while the variation range of ACPdir(Bˉs0f0(1500)π0){\cal A} ^{dir}_{CP}(\bar B^0_s \to f_0(1500)\pi^0) in scenario I is very large. Compared with the future data for the decay Bˉs0f0(1500)π0\bar B^0_s \to f_0(1500)\pi^0, it is ease to determine the nature of the scalar meson f0(1500)f_0(1500).Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, Revte

    Charmless Exclusive Baryonic B Decays

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    We present a systematical study of two-body and three-body charmless baryonic B decays. Branching ratios for two-body modes are in general very small, typically less than 10610^{-6}, except that \B(B^-\to p \bar\Delta^{--})\sim 1\times 10^{-6}. In general, BˉNΔˉ>BˉNNˉ\bar B\to N\bar\Delta>\bar B\to N\bar N due to the large coupling constant for ΣbBΔ\Sigma_b\to B\Delta. For three-body modes we focus on octet baryon final states. The leading three-dominated modes are Bˉ0pnˉπ(ρ),npˉπ+(ρ+)\bar B^0\to p\bar n\pi^-(\rho^-), n\bar p\pi^+(\rho^+) with a branching ratio of order 3×1063\times 10^{-6} for Bˉ0pnˉπ\bar B^0\to p\bar n\pi^- and 8×1068\times 10^{-6} for Bˉ0pnˉρ\bar B^0\to p\bar n\rho^-. The penguin-dominated decays with strangeness in the meson, e.g., BppˉK()B^-\to p\bar p K^{-(*)} and Bˉ0pnˉK(),nnˉKˉ0()\bar B^0\to p\bar n K^{-(*)}, n\bar n \bar K^{0(*)}, have appreciable rates and the NNˉN\bar N mass spectrum peaks at low mass. The penguin-dominated modes containing a strange baryon, e.g., Bˉ0Σ0pˉπ+,Σnˉπ+\bar B^0\to \Sigma^0\bar p\pi^+, \Sigma^-\bar n\pi^+, have branching ratios of order (14)×106(1\sim 4)\times 10^{-6}. In contrast, the decay rate of Bˉ0Λpˉπ+\bar B^0\to\Lambda\bar p\pi^+ is smaller. We explain why some of charmless three-body final states in which baryon-antibaryon pair production is accompanied by a meson have a larger rate than their two-body counterparts: either the pole diagrams for the former have an anti-triplet bottom baryon intermediate state, which has a large coupling to the BB meson and the nucleon, or they are dominated by the factorizable external WW-emission process.Comment: 46 pages and 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. D. Major changes are: (i) Calculations of two-body baryonic B decays involving a Delta resonance are modified, and (ii) Penguin-dominated modes B-> Sigma+N(bar)+p are discusse

    Perturbative QCD analysis of BϕKB \to \phi K^* decays

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    We study the first observed charmless BVVB\to VV modes, the BϕKB\to\phi K^* decays, in perturbative QCD formalism. The obtained branching ratios B(BϕK)15×106B(B\to\phi K^*)\sim 15 \times 10^{-6} are larger than 9×106\sim 9\times 10^{-6} from QCD factorization. The comparison of the predicted magnitudes and phases of the different helicity amplitudes, and branching ratios with experimental data can test the power counting rules, the evaluation of annihilation contributions, and the mechanism of dynamical penguin enhancement in perturbative QCD, respectively.Comment: 14 pages, 2 tables, brief disscussion on hard sacle added, version to appear in PR

    Implications of Recent Measurements of Hadronic Charmless B Decays

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    Implications of recent CLEO measurements of hadronic charmless B decays are discussed. (i) Employing the Bauer-Stech-Wirbel (BSW) model for form factors as a benchmark, the Bπ+πB\to\pi^+\pi^- data indicate that the form factor F0Bπ(0)F_0^{B\pi}(0) is smaller than that predicted by the BSW model, whereas the data of Bωπ,KηB\to\omega\pi, K^*\eta imply that the form factors A0Bω(0),A0BK(0)A_0^{B\omega}(0), A_0^{BK^*}(0) are greater than the BSW model's values. (ii) The tree-dominated modes Bπ+π,ρ0π±,ωπ±B\to\pi^+\pi^-, \rho^0\pi^\pm, \omega\pi^\pm imply that the effective number of colors N_c(LL) for (V-A)(V-A) operators is preferred to be smaller, while the current limit on BϕKB\to\phi K shows that N_c(LR)>3. The data of BKηB\to K\eta' and KηK^*\eta clearly indicate that Nc(LR)Nc(LL)N_c(LR)\gg N_c(LL). (iii) In order to understand the observed suppression of π+π\pi^+\pi^- and non-suppression of KπK\pi modes, both being governed by the form factor F0BπF_0^{B\pi}, the unitarity angle γ\gamma is preferred to be greater than 9090^\circ. By contrast, the new measurement of B±ρ0π±B^\pm\to\rho^0\pi^\pm no longer strongly favors cosγ<0\cos\gamma<0. (iv) The observed pattern K^-\pi^+\sim \ov K^0\pi^-\sim {2\over 3}K^-\pi^0 is consistent with the theoretical expectation: The constructive interference between electroweak and QCD penguin diagrams in the Kπ0K^-\pi^0 mode explains why {\cal B}(B^-\to K^-\pi^0)>{1\over 2}{\cal B}(\ov B^0\to K^-\pi^+). (v) The observation \nc(LL)<3<\nc(LR) and our preference for \nc(LL)\sim 2 and \nc(LR)\sim 6 are justified by a recent perturbative QCD calculation of hadronic rare B decays in the heavy quark limit.Comment: 21 pages; CLEO measurements of several charmless B decay modes are updated. Discussion of the unitarity angle gamma in the \rho\pi mode is revise

    Updated Analysis of a_1 and a_2 in Hadronic Two-body Decays of B Mesons

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    Using the recent experimental data of BD()(π,ρ)B\to D^{(*)}(\pi,\rho), BD()Ds()B\to D^{(*)} D_s^{(*)}, BJ/ψK()B\to J/\psi K^{(*)} and various model calculations on form factors, we re-analyze the effective coefficients a_1 and a_2 and their ratio. QCD and electroweak penguin corrections to a_1 from BD()Ds()B\to D^{(*)}D_s^{(*)} and a_2 from BJ/ψK()B\to J/\psi K^{(*)} are estimated. In addition to the model-dependent determination, the effective coefficient a_1 is also extracted in a model-independent way as the decay modes BD()hB\to D^{(*)}h are related by factorization to the measured semileptonic distribution of BD()νˉB\to D^{(*)}\ell \bar\nu at q2=mh2q^2=m_h^2. Moreover, this enables us to extract model-independent heavy-to-heavy form factors, for example, F0BD(mπ2)=0.66±0.06±0.05F_0^{BD}(m_\pi^2)=0.66\pm0.06\pm0.05 and A0BD(mπ2)=0.56±0.03±0.04A_0^{BD^*}(m_\pi^2)=0.56\pm0.03\pm0.04. The determination of the magnitude of a_2 from BJ/ψK()B\to J/\psi K^{(*)} depends on the form factors F1BKF_1^{BK}, A1,2BKA_{1,2}^{BK^*} and VBKV^{BK^*} at q2=mJ/ψ2q^2=m^2_{J/\psi}. By requiring that a_2 be process insensitive (i.e., the value of a_2 extracted from J/ψKJ/\psi K and J/ψKJ/\psi K^* states should be similar), as implied by the factorization hypothesis, we find that BK()B\to K^{(*)} form factors are severely constrained; they respect the relation F1BK(mJ/ψ2)1.9A1BK(mJ/ψ2)F_1^{BK}(m^2_{J/\psi})\approx 1.9 A_1^{BK^*}(m^2_{J/\psi}). Form factors A2BKA_2^{BK^*} and VBKV^{BK^*} at q2=mJ/ψ2q^2=m^2_{J/\psi} inferred from the measurements of the longitudinal polarization fraction and the P-wave component in BJ/ψKB\to J/\psi K^* are obtained. A stringent upper limit on a_2 is derived from the current bound on \ov B^0\to D^0\pi^0 and it is sensitive to final-state interactions.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures. Typos in Tables I and IX are corrected. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Comments on the Boundary Scattering Phase

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    We present a simple solution to the crossing equation for an open string worldsheet reflection matrix, with boundaries preserving a SU(1|2)^2 residual symmetry, which constrains the boundary dressing factor. In addition, we also propose an analogous crossing equation for the dressing factor where extra boundary degrees of freedom preserve a SU(2|2)^2 residual symmetry.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures; v2: affiliation correcte

    The lifetime of B_c-meson and some relevant problems

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    The lifetime of the B_c-meson is estimated with consistent considerations on all of the heavy mesons (B0,B±,Bs,D0,D±DsB^0, B^\pm, B_s, D^0, D^\pm D_s) and the double heavy meson B_c. In the estimate, the framework, where the non-spectator effects for nonleptonic decays are taken into account properly, is adopted, and the parameters needed to be fixed are treated carefully and determined by fitting the available data. The bound-state effects in it are also considered. We find that in decays of the meson B_c, the QCD correction terms of the penguin diagrams and the main component terms c_1O_1, c_2O_2 of the effective interaction Lagrangian have direct interference that causes an enhancement about 3 ~ 4% in the total width of the B_c meson.Comment: 27 pages, 0 figur

    Nonfactorizable contributions to BD()MB \to D^{(*)} M decays

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    While the factorization assumption works well for many two-body nonleptonic BB meson decay modes, the recent measurement of BˉD()0M0\bar B\to D^{(*)0}M^0 with M=πM=\pi, ρ\rho and ω\omega shows large deviation from this assumption. We analyze the BD()MB\to D^{(*)}M decays in the perturbative QCD approach based on kTk_T factorization theorem, in which both factorizable and nonfactorizable contributions can be calculated in the same framework. Our predictions for the Bauer-Stech-Wirbel parameters, a2/a1=0.43±0.04|a_2/a_1|= 0.43\pm 0.04 and Arg(a2/a1)42Arg(a_2/a_1)\sim -42^\circ and a2/a1=0.47±0.05|a_2/a_1|= 0.47\pm 0.05 and Arg(a2/a1)41Arg(a_2/a_1)\sim -41^\circ, are consistent with the observed BDπB\to D\pi and BDπB\to D^*\pi branching ratios, respectively. It is found that the large magnitude a2|a_2| and the large relative phase between a2a_2 and a1a_1 come from color-suppressed nonfactorizable amplitudes. Our predictions for the Bˉ0D()0ρ0{\bar B}^0\to D^{(*)0}\rho^0, D()0ωD^{(*)0}\omega branching ratios can be confronted with future experimental data.Comment: 25 pages with Latex, axodraw.sty, 6 figures and 5 tables, Version published in PRD, Added new section 5 and reference

    JWalk: a tool for lazy, systematic testing of java classes by design introspection and user interaction

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    Popular software testing tools, such as JUnit, allow frequent retesting of modified code; yet the manually created test scripts are often seriously incomplete. A unit-testing tool called JWalk has therefore been developed to address the need for systematic unit testing within the context of agile methods. The tool operates directly on the compiled code for Java classes and uses a new lazy method for inducing the changing design of a class on the fly. This is achieved partly through introspection, using Java’s reflection capability, and partly through interaction with the user, constructing and saving test oracles on the fly. Predictive rules reduce the number of oracle values that must be confirmed by the tester. Without human intervention, JWalk performs bounded exhaustive exploration of the class’s method protocols and may be directed to explore the space of algebraic constructions, or the intended design state-space of the tested class. With some human interaction, JWalk performs up to the equivalent of fully automated state-based testing, from a specification that was acquired incrementally