161,445 research outputs found

    Network support for integrated design

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    A framework of network support for utilization of integrated design over the Internet has been developed. The techniques presented also applicable for Intranet/Extranet. The integrated design system was initially developed for local application in a single site. With the network support, geographically dispersed designers can collaborate a design task through out the total design process, quickly respond to clients’ requests and enhance the design argilty. In this paper, after a brief introduction of the integrated design system, the network support framework is presented, followed by description of two key techniques involved: Java Saverlet approach for remotely executing a large program and online CAD collaboration

    Nonparametric IV estimation of shape-invariant Engel curves

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    This paper concerns the identification and estimation of a shape-invariant Engel curve system with endogenous total expenditure. The shape-invariant specification involves a common shift parameter for each demographic group in a pooled system of Engel curves. Our focus is on the identification and estimation of both the nonparametric shape of the Engel curve and the parametric specification of the demographic scaling parameters. We present a new identification condition, closely related to the concept of bounded completeness in statistics. The estimation procedure applies the sieve minimum distance estimation of conditional moment restrictions allowing for endogeneity. We establish a new root mean squared convergence rate for the nonparametric IV regression when the endogenous regressor has unbounded support. Root-n asymptotic normality and semiparametric efficiency of the parametric components are also given under a set of ‘low-level’ sufficient conditions. Monte Carlo simulations shed lights on the choice of smoothing parameters and demonstrate that the sieve IV estimator performs well. An application is made to the estimation of Engel curves using the UK Family Expenditure Survey and shows the importance of adjusting for endogeneity in terms of both the curvature and demographic parameters of systems of Engel curves

    Semi-nonparametric IV estimation of shape-invariant Engel curves

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    This paper studies a shape-invariant Engel curve system with endogenous total expenditure, in which the shape-invariant specification involves a common shift parameter for each demographic group in a pooled system of nonparametric Engel curves. We focus on the identification and estimation of both the nonparametric shapes of the Engel curves and the parametric specification of the demographic scaling parameters. The identification condition relates to the bounded completeness and the estimation procedure applies the sieve minimum distance estimation of conditional moment restrictions, allowing for endogeneity. We establish a new root mean squared convergence rate for the nonparametric instrumental variable regression when the endogenous regressor could have unbounded support. Root-n asymptotic normality and semiparametric efficiency of the parametric components are also given under a set of "low-level" sufficient conditions. Our empirical application using the U.K. Family Expenditure Survey shows the importance of adjusting for endogeneity in terms of both the nonparametric curvatures and the demographic parameters of systems of Engel curves

    A Lattice Boltzmann method for simulations of liquid-vapor thermal flows

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    We present a novel lattice Boltzmann method that has a capability of simulating thermodynamic multiphase flows. This approach is fully thermodynamically consistent at the macroscopic level. Using this new method, a liquid-vapor boiling process, including liquid-vapor formation and coalescence together with a full coupling of temperature, is simulated for the first time.Comment: one gzipped tar file, 19 pages, 4 figure

    Meissner state in finite superconducting cylinders with uniform applied magnetic field

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    We study the magnetic response of superconductors in the presence of low values of a uniform applied magnetic field. We report measurements of DC magnetization and AC magnetic susceptibility performed on niobium cylinders of different length-to-radius ratios, which show a dramatic enhance of the initial magnetization for thin samples, due to the demagnetizing effects. The experimental results are analyzed by applying a model that calculates the magnetic response of the superconductor, taking into account the effects of the demagnetizing fields. We use the results of magnetization and current and field distributions of perfectly diamagnetic cylinders to discuss the physics of the demagnetizing effects in the Meissner state of type-II superconductors.Comment: Accepted to be published in Phys. Rev. B; 15 pages, 7 ps figure

    Selecting between two transition states by which water oxidation intermediates on an oxide surface decay

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    While catalytic mechanisms on electrode surfaces have been proposed for decades, the pathways by which the product's chemical bonds evolve from the initial charge-trapping intermediates have not been resolved in time. Here, we discover a reactive population of charge-trapping intermediates with states in the middle of a semiconductor's band-gap to reveal the dynamics of two parallel transition state pathways for their decay. Upon photo-triggering the water oxidation reaction from the n-SrTiO3 surface with band-gap, pulsed excitation, the intermediates' microsecond decay reflects transition state theory (TST) through: (1) two distinct and reaction dependent (pH, T, Ionic Strength, and H/D exchange) time constants, (2) a primary kinetic salt effect on each activation barrier and an H/D kinetic isotope effect on one, and (3) realistic activation barrier heights (0.4 - 0.5 eV) and TST pre-factors (10^11 - 10^12 Hz). A photoluminescence from midgap states in n-SrTiO3 reveals the reaction dependent decay; the same spectrum was previously assigned by us to hole-trapping at parallel Ti-O(dot)-Ti (bridge) and perpendicular Ti-O(dot) (oxyl) O-sites using in situ ultrafast vibrational and optical spectroscopy. Therefore, the two transition states are naturally associated with the decay of these respective intermediates. Furthermore, we show that reaction conditions select between the two pathways, one of which reflects a labile intermediate facing the electrolyte (the oxyl) and the other a lattice oxygen (the bridge). Altogether, we experimentally isolate an important activation barrier for water oxidation, which is necessary for designing water oxidation catalysts with high O2 turn over. Moreover, in isolating it, we identify competing mechanisms for O2 evolution at surfaces and show how to use reaction conditions to select between them

    Nonmonotonic External Field Dependence of the Magnetization in a Finite Ising Model: Theory and MC Simulation

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    Using ϕ4\phi^4 field theory and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation we investigate the finite-size effects of the magnetization MM for the three-dimensional Ising model in a finite cubic geometry with periodic boundary conditions. The field theory with infinite cutoff gives a scaling form of the equation of state h/Mδ=f(hLβδ/ν,t/h1/βδ)h/M^\delta = f(hL^{\beta\delta/\nu}, t/h^{1/\beta\delta}) where t=(TTc)/Tct=(T-T_c)/T_c is the reduced temperature, hh is the external field and LL is the size of system. Below TcT_c and at TcT_c the theory predicts a nonmonotonic dependence of f(x,y)f(x,y) with respect to xhLβδ/νx \equiv hL^{\beta\delta/\nu} at fixed yt/h1/βδy \equiv t/h^{1/\beta \delta} and a crossover from nonmonotonic to monotonic behaviour when yy is further increased. These results are confirmed by MC simulation. The scaling function f(x,y)f(x,y) obtained from the field theory is in good quantitative agreement with the finite-size MC data. Good agreement is also found for the bulk value f(,0)f(\infty,0) at TcT_c.Comment: LaTex, 12 page

    Non-universal size dependence of the free energy of confined systems near criticality

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    The singular part of the finite-size free energy density fsf_s of the O(n) symmetric ϕ4\phi^4 field theory in the large-n limit is calculated at finite cutoff for confined geometries of linear size L with periodic boundary conditions in 2 < d < 4 dimensions. We find that a sharp cutoff Λ\Lambda causes a non-universal leading size dependence fsΛd2L2f_s \sim \Lambda^{d-2} L^{-2} near TcT_c which dominates the universal scaling term Ld\sim L^{-d}. This implies a non-universal critical Casimir effect at TcT_c and a leading non-scaling term L2\sim L^{-2} of the finite-size specific heat above TcT_c.Comment: RevTex, 4 page