81 research outputs found

    Deep learning for dense Z-spectra reconstruction from CEST images at sparse frequency offsets

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    A direct way to reduce scan time for chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST)-magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is to reduce the number of CEST images acquired in experiments. In some scenarios, a sufficient number of CEST images acquired in experiments was needed to estimate parameters for quantitative analysis, and this prolonged the scan time. For that, we aim to develop a general deep-learning framework to reconstruct dense CEST Z-spectra from experimentally acquired images at sparse frequency offsets so as to reduce the number of experimentally acquired CEST images and achieve scan time reduction. The main innovation works are outlined as follows: (1) a general sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) framework is proposed to reconstruct dense CEST Z-spectra from experimentally acquired images at sparse frequency offsets; (2) we create a training set from wide-ranging simulated Z-spectra instead of experimentally acquired CEST data, overcoming the limitation of the time and labor consumption in manual annotation; (3) a new seq2seq network that is capable of utilizing information from both short-range and long-range is developed to improve reconstruction ability. One of our intentions is to establish a simple and efficient framework, i.e., traditional seq2seq can solve the reconstruction task and obtain satisfactory results. In addition, we propose a new seq2seq network that includes the short- and long-range ability to boost dense CEST Z-spectra reconstruction. The experimental results demonstrate that the considered seq2seq models can accurately reconstruct dense CEST images from experimentally acquired images at 11 frequency offsets so as to reduce the scan time by at least 2/3, and our new seq2seq network contributes to competitive advantage

    APT Weighted MRI as an Effective Imaging Protocol to Predict Clinical Outcome After Acute Ischemic Stroke

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    To explore the capability of the amide-proton-transfer weighted (APTW) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the evaluation of clinical neurological deficit at the time of hospitalization and assessment of long-term daily functional outcome for patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS). We recruited 55 AIS patients with brain MRI acquired within 24–48 h of symptom onset and followed up with their 90-day modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score. APT weighted MRI was performed for all the study subjects to measure APTW signal quantitatively in the acute ischemic area (APTWipsi) and the contralateral side (APTWcont). Change of the APT signal between the acute ischemic region and the contralateral side (ΔAPTW) was calculated. Maximum APTW signal (APTWmax) and minimal APTW signal (APTWmin) were also acquired to demonstrate APTW signals heterogeneity (APTWmax−min). In addition, all the patients were divided into 2 groups according to their 90-day mRS score (good prognosis group with mRS score <2 and poor prognosis group with mRS score ≄2). In the meantime, ΔAPTW of these groups was compared. We found that ΔAPTW was in good correlation with National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score (R2 = 0.578, p < 0.001) and 90-day mRS score (R2 = 0.55, p < 0.001). There was significant difference of ΔAPTW between patients with good prognosis and patients with poor prognosis. Plus, APTWmax−min was significantly different between two groups. These results suggested that APT weighted MRI could be used as an effective tool to assess the stroke severity and prognosis for patients with AIS, with APTW signal heterogeneity as a possible biomarker

    SRY gene transferred by extracellular vesicles accelerates atherosclerosis by promotion of leucocyte adherence to endothelial cells

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    Abstract We set out to investigate whether and how SRY (sex-determining region, Y) DNAs in plasma EVs (extracellular vesicles) is involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. PCR and gene sequencing found the SRY gene fragment in plasma EVs from male, but not female, patients; EVs from male patients with CAD (coronary artery disease) had a higher SRY GCN (gene copy number) than healthy subjects. Additional studies found that leucocytes, the major source of plasma EVs, had higher SRY GCN and mRNA and protein expression in male CAD patients than controls. After incubation with EVs from SRY-transfected HEK (human embryonic kidney)-293 cells, monocytes (THP-1) and HUVECs (human umbilical vein endothelial cells), which do not endogenously express SRY protein, were found to express newly synthesized SRY protein. This resulted in an increase in the adherence factors CD11-a in THP-1 cells and ICAM-1 (intercellular adhesion molecule 1) in HUVECs. EMSA showed that SRY protein increased the promoter activity of CD11-a in THP-1 cells and ICAM-1 in HUVECs. There was an increase in THP-1 cells adherent to HUVECs after incubation with SRY-EVs. SRY DNAs transferred from EVs have pathophysiological significance in vivo; injection of SRY EVs into ApoE −/− (apolipoprotein-knockout) mice accelerated atherosclerosis. The SRY gene in plasma EVs transferred to vascular endothelial cells may play an important role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis; this mechanism provides a new approach to the understanding of inheritable CAD in men

    Numerical simulation of rubber coating circular plates subjected to near-field underwater explosion

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    [Objectives] To study the coating effects on structures subjected to near-field underwater explosion, [Methods] the coupling Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin Method, Boundary Element Method and Finite Element Method are developed in this paper to solve a rubber coating circular plate subjected to near-field underwater explosion. The results are compared with experimentally obtained wet face pressure and bubble shape to verify the method, and the explosion bubble response to the flexible boundary is discussed. [Results] The results indicate that the rubber coating plate will shorten the pulse width of the shockwave, but the cavitation collapse will occur more easily. In addition, solid rubber coating has little effect on the deformation of the explosion bubble. [Conclusions] This research can provide a theoretical basis and technical support for the coating design and optimization of warships subjected to near-field underwater explosion

    Shock mitigation properties of compound claddings subjected to underwater explosion loads

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    [Objectives] To improve the shock resistance ability of submarines, [Methods] an anti-shock cladding for submarines which consists of a compound coating with rubber and plastic foam is proposed on the basis of the shock environment of submarines. The numerical model is established by Abaqus/Explicit to analyze the dynamic response of anti-shock cladding under the combined loads of hydrostatic pressure and underwater explosion loads. [Results] The results indicate that the deformation of the cladding is negligible under hydrostatic pressure, and the shock load is largely mitigated when the yield stress of the cladding is higher than the hydrostatic pressure. Conversely, the deformation of the cladding is great under hydrostatic pressure and the shock mitigation effects of the coating are weakened when the yield stress of the cladding is lower than the hydrostatic pressure. As such, the yield stress of the cladding should be higher than the hydrostatic pressure, and densification should be avoided. [Conclusions] The research findings in this paper can provide guidance for the design of anti-shock cladding for submarines

    The fusion of keratinized epithelium, an indication of early implant placement in the aesthetic area: an animal study

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    Abstract Background In the period of the early implant placement, the socket is mainly occupied by provisional matrix (PM). Keratinized epithelium (KE) is critical for primary wound closure. Although both KE and PM are important, the detailed relationship among migrating KE, PM formation and indication of the early implant placement is still unclear. Objective This research aimed to locate a healing stage of KE with highest osteogenic PM formation after tooth extraction, which could be treated as the optimal time point for early implant placement. Material and methods Mice were sacrificed on days 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 after incisor extraction. Clinical, histological, and immunohistochemical evaluations of the extraction sockets were performed, and statistical analyses were conducted. We then inserted implants into the PM with the greatest bioactivity and observed its osseointegration pattern for 3, 10, 17 and 30 days. Result When KE fusion was reached, sockets were dominated by PM with the greatest expression of osteocalcin (OC, P < 0.05) and high levels of CD34 and Runx2. OC and Runx2 expression were positively correlated with KE coverage (P < 0.05). When the implant was inserted at 4 days’ healing, the PM maintained its osteogenic ability, and osseointegration proceeded perfectly. Conclusion The migration of KE was correlated with the formation of highly osteogenic and angiogenic PM. And the fusion of KE could be treated as an indication for early implant placement
