23 research outputs found


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    The improvement of lithium.ion chemical current sources is currently focused on the creation of new materials for electrodes. We reported on the development of a method for producing silicon nanofibers by electrolysis of molten salts. This anode material can significantly increase the capacity of lithium batteries compared with graphite used in the anodes. The electrolysis of silicon salts allows you to get the high.quality anode material on an industrial scale with low cost.Совершенствование литий.ионных ХИТ тока в настоящее время сосредоточено на создании новых материалов для электродов. Сообщается о разработке метода получения нановолокон Si электролизом расплавов солей. Этот анодный материал позволяет в разы увеличить емкость литиевых батарей по сравнению с применяемым в анодах графитом. Электролиз солей кремния позволяет получать качественный анодный материал в промышленных масштабах с низкой себестоимостью

    The algorithm of crack and crack tip coordinates detection in optical images during fatigue test

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    An algorithm of crack detection during fatigue testing of materials, designed to automate the process of cyclic loading and tracking the crack tip, is proposed and tested. The ultimate goal of the study is aimed at controlling the displacements of the optical system with regard to the specimen under fatigue loading to ensure observation of the 'area of interest'. It is shown that the image region that contains the crack may be detected and positioned with an average error of 1.93%. In terms of determining the crack tip position, the algorithm provides the accuracy of its localization with the average error value of 56 pixels

    Aperiodic Schrodinger Crystals

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    In 1945, E. Schrödinger predicted the possibility of the existence of "aperiodic crystals,"that is, more and more increasing crystalline aggregates, but without a simple lattice repetition mechanism. In the present work, such structures are experimentally prepared using selenium as an example. By thermal gradient treatment of the amorphous selenium film, we have obtained nano-thin spatial dissipative structures (SDS) of hexagonal selenium, the lattice of which undergoes non-uniform rotational curvature around, in the general case, three mutually perpendicular directions. The formation of these nano-thin SDS of hexagonal selenium occurs as a result of cooperative rotations of selenium macromolecules around, in general, three mutually perpendicular directions. Since nano-thin SDS after hardening in air have all the features of crystals each of the above nano-thin SDS of hexagonal selenium obtained at different annealing temperatures corresponds to the concept of "aperiodic crystals"Thus, "aperiodic crystals"were obtained experimentally, the possibility of the existence of which was predicted by E. Schrödinger. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Application of Lucas-Kanade algorithm with weight coefficient bilateral filtration for the digital image correlation method

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    Application of bilateral filer weight coefficients for computing the weight function in Lucas-Kanade algorithm for optical flow determination is proposed. The obtained results based on processing different image types demonstrate the error reduction in optical flow determination. The approach to weight function parameters selection for bilateral filter is proposed and investigated

    Study of Physical Properties and Physical Processes in Nano-thin Spatial Dissipative Structures

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    Two-dimensional geometric object "neutral surface"- successfully used to study thin plates. The use of this two-dimensional geometric object is not possible for the study of physical properties and physical processes in nano-thin SDS (spatial dissipative structures). The SDS lattice undergoes a rotational curvature around three mutually perpendicular directions, and the nano-thin SDS itself remains flat. We have developed a method for the study of nano-thin SDS with rotary lattice curvature. We used as a basis the method of visualizing the rotational curvature of the lattice by constructing a two-dimensional geometric object - the surface of the lattice curvature by nano-thin SDS. This method of investigation involves application of the lattice curvature surface with nano-thin SDS for the selected crystallographic direction as a "neutral surface". The method will find application in nanotechnology. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Nanofine spatial dissipative structures with azimutal lattice curvation

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    The nanofine spatial dissipative structures (NSDS) were characterized by transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction. The NSDS obtained by thermogradiently processing an amorphous selenium film by unilateral heating of its lower surface at T = 413 K preliminarily. The results indicate that the NSDS of hexagonal selenium obtained in an amorphous film possess an azimuthal curvature of the lattice and a nonlinear fan-shaped system of flexural contours on their electron microscopic image. The lattice of the above NSDS undergoes elastic - plastic rotational curvature around three mutually perpendicular directions. The lattice rotation angles of hexagonal selenium NSDS reach: around [001], - 25 , around the direction perpendicular [001] and lying in the plane of the amorphous film - 32 , around the direction perpendicular to the first two ones and not lying in the plane of the amorphous film - azimuthal curvature of the lattice, - 35 . Thus, as a result of electron-microscopic and microdiffraction studies, it was found that NSDS of hexagonal selenium with azimuthal curvature of the lattice, causing the curvature of its habitus, are in a nonequilibrium state. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Phenomenon of relaxation of inhomogeneous elastic rotational curvature of the lattice of nanofine spatial dissipative structures of hexagonal selenium

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    Nanofine rhomboid spatial dissipative structures (NRSDS) of hexagonal selenium were found and studied by means of transmission electron microscopy in amorphous Se films coated with nanofine layers of amorphous carbon, at a temperature of their thermo gradient treatment of 423 K. As a result, pictures were received of fan-shaped linear bending extinction contours on the electron-microscopic images of NRSDS. It was shown that in the above NRSDS take place continuous linear increase in the bend radius of the lattice along [001], due to continuous linear relaxation of the inhomogeneous elastic torsion of the lattice around [001]. The continuous linear relaxation of the elastic rotational curvature of the lattice around [001] in NRSDS of hexagonal selenium with inhomogeneous elastic rotational curvature of the lattice covers the entire nanofine rhomboid spatial dissipative structures, and not its part, as is the case with the formation of interblock boundaries in the nanofine rhomboid spatial dissipative structures. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Silicon phase origin on glassy carbon in KF-KCl-K2SiF6 fusion

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    Silicon nucleation process was invesigated in melt KF-KCl-K2SiF6 on glassy carbon substrates at 675 ºС by chronoamperometric method. Using data of the chronoamperograms the linear dependence I – τ3/2 was constructed. That fact testified the progressive nucleation mode of silicon. As seem from SEM micrographs silicon crystals obtained by a single pulse had different sizes, that also confirmed the progressive nucletion mode

    Фазозарождение кремния на стеклоуглероде в расплаве KF-KCl-K2SiF6

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    Silicon nucleation process was invesigated in melt KF-KCl-K2SiF6 on glassy carbon substrates at 675 ºС by chronoamperometric method. Using data of the chronoamperograms the linear dependence I – τ3/2 was constructed. That fact testified the progressive nucleation mode of silicon. As seem from SEM micrographs silicon crystals obtained by a single pulse had different sizes, that also confirmed the progressive nucletion mode.Методом хроноамперометрии изучено зарождение кремния на стеклоуглеродной подложке в расплаве KF-KCl-K2SiF6 при температуре 675 ºС. Выявлено прогрессивное фазозарождение кремния. Из SEM-микрофотографий зародышей кремния, выращенных на стеклоуглеродной подложке в потенциостатическом режиме в интервале потенциалов от –0.005 до –0.03 В в расплаве KF-KCl-K2SiF6 при Т = 675 ºС, видно, что в условиях одного эксперимента они имеют размеры, различающиеся в несколько раз, что подтверждает прогрессирующий характер возникновения зародышей кремния. Показано, что когда к рабочему электроду при прочих равных условиях прикладывается более отрицательное значение потенциала относительно кремниевого электрода сравнения, то количество сформировавшихся зародышей на поверхности электрода растет

    Experience of electronic educational resources application in teaching medical University students

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    The article describes the experience of using electronic educational resources for mastering the main educational professional program in the disciplines "Microbiology", "Microbiology, Virology", "Microbiology, Virology, Immunology" by students of the medical university. The advantages of the ESM for self-training of students are indicatedВ статье изложен опыт применения электронных образовательных ресурсов для освоения основной образовательной профессиональной программы по дисциплинам «Микробиология», «Микробиология, вирусология», «Микробиология, вирусология, иммунология» студентами медицинского университета. Обозначены преимущества электронного образовательного ресурса (ЭОР) для самостоятельной подготовки обучающихс