27 research outputs found

    Environmental manipulations generate bidirectional shifts in both behavior and gene regulation in a crossbred mouse model of extremes in trait anxiety

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    Although gene-environment interactions are known to significantly influence psychopathology related disease states, only few animal models cover both the genetic background and environmental manipulations. Therefore, we have taken advantage of the bidirectionally inbred high (HAB) and low (LAB) anxiety-related behavior mouse lines to generate HAB x LAB F1 hybrids that intrinsically carry both lines' genetic characteristics, and subsequently raised them in three different environments standard, enriched (EE) and chronic mild stress (CMS). Assessing genetic correlates of trait anxiety, we focused on two genes already known to play a role in HAB vs. LAB mice, corticotropin releasing hormone receptor type 1 (Crhr1) and high mobility group nucleosomal binding domain 3 (Hmgn3). While EE F1 mice showed decreased anxiety related and increased explorative behaviors compared to controls, CMS sparked effects in the opposite direction. However, environmental treatments affected the expression of the two genes in distinct ways. Thus, while expression ratios of Hmgn3 between the HAB- and LAB-specific alleles remained equal, total expression resembled the one observed in HAB vs. LAB mice, i.e., decreased after EE and increased after CMS treatment. On the other hand, while total expression of Crhr1 remained unchanged between the groups, the relative expression of HAB- and LAB-specific alleles showed a clear effect following the environmental modifications. Thus, the environmentally driven bidirectional shift of trait anxiety in this F1 model strongly correlated with Hmgn3 expression, irrespective of allele-specific expression patterns that retained the proportions of basic differential HAB vs. LAB expression, making this gene a match for environment-induced modifications. An involvement of Crhr1 in the bidirectional behavioral shift could, however, rather be due to different effects of the HAB- and LAB specific alleles described here. Both candidate genes therefore deserve attention in the complex regulation of anxiety-related phenotypes including environment-mediated effects

    Bidirectional rescue of extreme genetic predispositions to anxiety: impact of CRH receptor 1 as epigenetic plasticity gene in the amygdala

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    The continuum of physiological anxiety up to psychopathology is not merely dependent on genes, but is orchestrated by the interplay of genetic predisposition, gene x environment and epigenetic interactions. Accordingly, inborn anxiety is considered a polygenic, multifactorial trait, likely to be shaped by environmentally driven plasticity at the genomic level. We here took advantage of the extreme genetic predisposition of the selectively bred high (HAB) and low anxiety (LAB) mouse model exhibiting high vs low anxiety-related behavior and tested whether and how beneficial (enriched environment) vs detrimental (chronic mild stress) environmental manipulations are capable of rescuing phenotypes from both ends of the anxiety continuum. We provide evidence that (i) even inborn and seemingly rigid behavioral and neuroendocrine phenotypes can bidirectionally be rescued by appropriate environmental stimuli, (ii) corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1 (Crhr1), critically involved in trait anxiety, shows bidirectional alterations in its expression in the basolateral amygdala (BLA) upon environmental stimulation, (iii) these alterations are linked to an increased methylation status of its promoter and, finally, (iv) binding of the transcription factor Yin Yang 1 (YY1) to the Crhr1 promoter contributes to its gene expression in a methylation-sensitive manner. Thus, Crhr1 in the BLA is critically involved as plasticity gene in the bidirectional epigenetic rescue of extremes in trait anxiety

    Clinical case of mechanical and non-mechanical rhabdomyolysis complicated by acute kidney injury. Case report

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    To date, the problem of rhabdomyolysis remains relevant in Russia. Despite the introduction of modern methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment, mortality remains high, up to 40%, especially with the addition of acute kidney injury. This article presents a clinical case of rhabdomyolysis, which arose as a result of the combined effects of non-traumatic (toxic effects of methadone, alcohol) and traumatic (vibration and non-physiological position during sleep) factors. This syndrome eventually led to the development of acute kidney damage up to anuria. In this clinical case, intensive infusion and detoxification therapy, including hemodialysis procedures, was carried out, which led to an almost complete restoration of the functional state of the kidneys. Thus, early diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis and AKI based on anamnesis, timely laboratory and instrumental diagnosis can prevent severe kidney damage up to terminal uremia and fatal consequences

    Intraspecific Differentiation of <i>Francisella tularensis</i> Strains Using Multilocus Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction

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    The aim of the study was to develop a method for intraspecific differentiation of the tularemia microbe: subspecies tularensis (subpopulations AI and AII), holarctica (biovars japonica, EryS/R), mediasiatica, and novicida using multilocus real-time PCR. Materials and methods. We used 48 strains of F. tularensis of various subspecies, biovars, and subpopulations. Intraspecific appurtenance of the strains was carried out on the basis of the analysis of the RD-1 region variability applying PCR, the sdhA gene by Sanger fragment sequencing and by the disk diffusion method using disks with erythromycin. The selection of primers and probes was performed using the software available at www.genscript.com and GeneRunner 6.5.52. Sequence homology was assessed using the BLAST algorithm and the GenBank NCBI database. Results and discussion. New data on the structure and occurrence of the differentiation regions RD-8, RD-12, RD-28 of FTT1122c gene and its homologous sequences in strains of tularemia microbe of various subspecies have been obtained. Novel RDhm 346 bp in size, characteristic of strains of the subsp. mediasiatica, holarctica, which is deleted in subsp. tularensis and absent in subsp. novicida has been detected. Based on the detection of the FTT1670, FTT1122с, FTT1067, FTW_2084 loci, a multilocus real-time PCR has been developed – “F. tularensis 4c”, providing for identification of all subspecies of the tularemia microbe, separately for the biovar japonica of the Holarctic subspecies and subpopulations AI, AII of the subspecies tularensis. The PCR specificity was confirmed in the study of strains of tularemia microbe from the fund of the “State Collection of Pathogenic Bacteria” at the premises of the Russian Reserarch Anti-Plague Institute “Microbe”. The results obtained expand the concept of intraspecific genetic heterogeneity of tularemia microbe and possibilities of identifying the causative agent of tularemia using molecular-genetic methods. They are important for understanding the processes of adaptation of the pathogen to circulation in the host organism and environmental objects, the course of evolution and formation of new species of Francisella

    The clinical case of limb-girdle muscle dystrophy 2Q associated with myasthenic syndrome and lung damage

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    Limb-girdle muscle dystrophy 2Q is one of the rarest forms of plectinopathies and is represented by an isolated muscular dystrophic syndrome, according to two previously described literature reports. There are five forms of plectinopathies, including limb-girdle muscle dystrophy 2Q, are caused by mutations in the PLEC gene, the alternative splicing of which determines the synthesis of 9 isoforms of the plectin protein (1, 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1g, 3) performing cytolinker function in the neuronal, epithelial and muscle tissue.The article describes the family observation of three sick siblings with the limb-girdle muscle dystrophy 2Q phenotype due to the presence of a new homozygous mutation (NM_201378.3:c.58G&gt;T, NP_958780.1:p.Glu20Ter) in the isoform 1f PLEC revealed by whole-exome sequencing. Clinical, electromyography, visualization and histopathological features of limb-girdle muscle dystrophy 2Q were analyzed in detail. The onset of clinical manifestations in all the described siblings was observed in early childhood with moderate weakness mainly in the pelvic girdle muscles and proximal lower limbs with minimal involvement of the muscles of the shoulder girdle. A distinctive aspect is the stagnation of the myodystrophic process until 20—21 years, followed by the progression and development of episodes of respiratory failure, as well as the formation of rigidity of the cervical, thoracic spine and moderate contracture of the Achilles tendons. Typical features are marked atrophy of paravertebral muscles with the formation of pterygoid scapula and the presence of hypertrophy m. gastrocnemius, m. quadriceps femoris, m. deltoideus and m. triceps brachii. Histopathological examination m. vastus lateralis revealed myodystrophic process without inflammatory infiltration, muscle fiber cytoskeleton disorganization resulted from the plectin loss.Electrocardiography signs of the early repolarization syndrome, focal cardiosclerosis and sinus tachycardia are described. For the first time, involvement in the pathological process of pulmonary tissue in the form of noninfectious bronchiolitis, atelectasis, and the development of the myasthenic syndrome causing episodes of respiratory failure resulted in the death of two described siblings aged 29 and 31 years. Discussed pathogenetic role of PLEC 1f isoform in the development of described syndromes, expands understanding of rare nosology limb-girdle muscle dystrophy 2Q

    Новая мутация в гене TYMP: клинико-морфологическая характеристика пациента с синдромом MNGIE

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    Mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy is an extremely rare (1–9:1 000 000, Orphanet, 2021) multisystem genetic disease caused by mutations in the TYMP gene encoding the enzyme thymidine phosphorylase.The article presents the data of a thirteen‑year survey on 40‑year‑old patient D. with clinical manifestations of mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy syndrome associated with the previously undescribed missense mutation c.1301G&gt;T (p.Gly434Val) of the TYMP gene. Detailed clinical picture (gastrointestinal dysfunction, cachexia, blepharoptosis, ophthalmoparesis, peripheral polyneuropathy and leukoaraiosis), electroneuromyography data (demyelination with secondary axonopathy), high blood serum level of dihydrothymine together with normal levels of thymidine and deoxyuridine made it possible to verify the diagnosis. Histopathological examination revealed atrophy of the longitudinal (outer) muscle layer of the small and large intestines and a significant decrease in the number of CD117+ cells (telocytes), signs of damage to the striated skeletal muscles of a mixed nature with a predominance of the myogenic pattern, as well the destruction of the myelin sheaths of peripheral nerves. Histochemical examination did not reveal “ragged red fibers” characteristic of mitochondrial pathology. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated the presence of megalomitochondria in the myocardium.Синдром митохондриальной нейрогастроинтестинальной энцефаломиопатии – редкое (1–9:1000000, Orphanet, 2021) генетическое мультисистемное заболевание, обусловленное мутациями в ядерном гене TYMP, кодирующем фермент тимидинфосфорилазу.Представлены данные 13‑летнего наблюдения пациентки Д., 40 лет, с синдромом митохондриальной нейрогастроинтестинальной энцефаломиопатии, связанным с ранее не описанной миссенс‑заменой c.1301G&gt;T (p.Gly434Val) в гене TYMP. Диагноз синдрома митохондриальной нейрогастроинтестинальной энцефаломиопатии был поставлен на основании клинических проявлений (дисфункция желудочно‑кишечного тракта, кахексия, блефароптоз, офтальмопарез, периферическая полинейропатия и лейкоэнцефалопатия), результатов электронейромиографии (демиелинизация с вторичной аксонопатией), а также повышения уровня дигидротимина в сыворотке крови при нормальных уровнях тимидина и дезоксиуридина. Патогистологическое исследование выявило атрофию продольного (наружного) мышечного слоя тонкой и толстой кишок и значимое уменьшение количества CD117+‑клеток (телоцитов), поражение скелетных мышц смешанного характера с преобладанием миогенного паттерна, а также деструкцию миелиновых оболочек периферических нервов. Исследование S100‑положительных вегетативных образований кишечной стенки не выявило патологических изменений. При гистохимическом исследовании не были обнаружены «рваные красные волокна», характерные для митохондриопатий. Трансмиссионная электронная микроскопия продемонстрировала наличие полиморфизма митохондрий кардиомиоцитов и мегаломитохондрий лейомиоцитов кишечника

    Ацербин в комплексном лечении длительно незаживающих ран

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    Object. To study the clinical efficacy of the Acerbin solution in topical administration and its effects on the morphological changes in tissues in the complex treatment of chronic wounds by various etiologies.Materials and methods. The prospective clinical study consistently included 32 patients aged from 28 to 74 years (mean age 54.3 ± 3.6 years) with chronic wounds of various etiologies and localizations (did not heal against the background of local treatment within 30 days from the moment of formation). Patients were hospitalized in the Department of Wounds and Wound Infections of the A. V. Vishnevsky National Medical Research Center of Surgery in 2016–2018. 16 (50.0 %) patients were admitted with extensive nonhealing wounds on the background of chronic venous insufficiency (C6 according to the CEAP classification). In 7 (21.9 %) patients, chronic postoperative wounds of various localization were diagnosed and in 9 (28.1 %) – non-healing wounds after surgical treatment of the neuropathic form of diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) – Wagner II–IV. The protocol of local treatment in all patients was the same. After Acerbin solution applying, the wound surface was closed with a gauze cloth soaked in Levomekol ointment. Re-dressings were performed daily for the first 5–7 days, and then every other day. The average duration of treatment under dressings using a Acerbin solution did not exceed two weeks. All patients at the same time carried out qualitative and quantitative microbiological studies. For an objective assessment of the dynamics of the course of the wound process cytological and morphological studies were performed.Results. In all cases, the initial clinical picture corresponded to a sluggish chronic process. Microbiological studies have shown a variety of pathogens of the infectious process. As a rule, associations of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms were detected. All isolated strains (Ps. Aeruginosa, E. coli, Acinetobacter sp., Kl. Pneumonia) were resistant to most broad-spectrum drugs, indicating their hospital affiliation. At 3–5 days of treatment in the cytograms changes in the cellular composition was revealed by increasing the number of polymorphonuclear neutrophils and a significant decrease in the number of polyblasts with their transition to active macrophages, a positive shift was observed during the wound process and an increase in the processes of biological wound cleansing. On days 7–10 of treatment the cytological picture indicated the activation of the regeneration process in the wound against the background of ongoing intensive biological cleansing. By 8–14 days of treatment, the wounds were completely cleared, which allowed to proceed to its final stage – to performance the reconstructive and plastic surgeries.Conclusion. Using the Acerbin solution in the complex treatment of patients with non-healing wounds made it possible to avoid additional surgical debridment. Purification of wounds from necrotic tissues and fibrin occurred in a shorter time compared with traditional methods of treatment, which made it possible to perform the reconstructive stage of treatment of patients in a shorter time.Цель исследования: изучить клиническую эффективность местного применения раствора Ацербин и его воздействие на морфологические изменения в тканях при комплексном лечении длительно незаживающих ран различной этиологии.Материалы и методы исследования. В проспективное клиническое исследование последовательно включено 32 пациента в возрасте от 28 до 74 лет (средний возраст 54,3 ± 3,6 лет) с хроническими ранами различной этиологии и локализации (не зажили на фоне местного лечения в течение 30 суток от момента образования). Больные находились на стационарном лечении в отделе ран и раневых инфекций ФГБУ «НМИЦ хирургии им. А. В. Вишневского» МЗ РФ в 2016–2018 гг. 16 (50,0 %) пациентов поступили с обширными длительно незаживающими ранами на фоне хронической венозной недостаточности (С6 по классификации СЕАР). У 7 (21,9 %) больных были диагностированы хронические послеоперационные раны различной локализации и у 9 (28,1 %) – длительно незаживающие раны после хирургического лечения нейропатической формы синдрома диабетической стопы (СДС) – Wagner II–IV. Протокол местного лечения у всех больных был единым. После нанесения раствора Ацербин раневую поверхность закрывали марлевой салфеткой, пропитанной мазью Левомеколь. Повторные перевязки на протяжении первых 5–7 суток выполняли ежедневно, а затем – через день. Средняя продолжительность лечения под повязками с использованием раствора Ацербин не превышала двух недель. Всем больным в эти же сроки проводили качественные и количественные микробиологические исследования. Для объективной оценки динамики течения раневого процесса – цитологические и морфологические исследования.Результаты. Во всех случаях исходная клиническая картина соответствовала вялотекущему хроническому процессу. Микробиологические исследования показали разнообразие возбудителей инфекционного процесса. Как правило, выявлялись ассоциации грамположительных и грамотрицательных микроорганизмов. Все выделенные штаммы (Ps. aeruginosa, E. coli, Acinetobacter sp., Kl. рneumonia) были устойчивы к большинству препаратов широкого спектра действия, что указывало на их госпитальную принадлежность. На 3–5 сутки лечения в цитограммах выявляли изменение клеточного состава за счет увеличения числа полиморфноядерных нейтрофилов и достоверного уменьшения числа полибластов с переходом их в активные макрофаги, наблюдался положительный сдвиг в течении раневого процесса и усиление процессов биологического очищения раны. На 7–10 сутки лечения цитологическая картина указывала на активизацию процесса регенерации в ране на фоне продолжающегося интенсивного биологического очищения. К 8–14 суткам лечение приводило к полному очищению ран, что позволяло перейти к его заключительному этапу – выполнению реконструктивных и пластических операций.Заключение. Применение раствора Ацербин в комплексном лечении большинства больных с длительно незаживающими ранами позволило избежать выполнения дополнительных хирургических обработок. Очищение ран от некротических тканей и фибрина происходило в более короткие сроки по сравнению с традиционными методами лечения, что позволяло выполнять реконструктивный этап лечения больных также в более короткие сроки

    Molecular biology of breast cancer metastasis: Genetic regulation of human breast carcinoma metastasis

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    The present is an overview of recent data that describes the genetic underpinnings of the suppression of cancer metastasis. Despite the explosion of new information about the genetics of cancer, only six human genes have thus far been shown to suppress metastasis functionally. Not all have been shown to be functional in breast carcinoma. Several additional genes inhibit various steps of the metastatic cascade, but do not necessarily block metastasis when tested using in vivo assays. The implications of this are discussed. Two recently discovered metastasis suppressor genes block proliferation of tumor cells at a secondary site, offering a new target for therapeutic intervention

    Metastasis Suppressors and the Tumor Microenvironment

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    The most dangerous attribute of cancer cells is their ability to metastasize. Throughout the process of metastasis, tumor cells interact with other tumor cells, host cells and extracellular molecules. This brief review explores how a new class of molecules – metastasis suppressors – regulate tumor cell–microenvironmental interactions. Data are presented which demonstrate that metastasis suppressors act at multiple steps of the metastatic cascade. A brief discussion for how metastasis suppressor regulation of cellular interactions might be exploited is presented


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    Objective – to study the dynamics of reparative processes in the purulonecrotic wound in cases of diabetic foot syndrome. The subjects treated in this study included three groups of patients: Group 1 – after surgical treatment of wounds and topical treatment with ointments on polyethylene glycol basis; Group 2 – after surgical treatment of wounds with hydrosurgical system VersaJet® and intravenous systemic antibiotics therapy, chosen according to the results antibiogram; Group 3 – after surgical treatment of wounds with hydrosurgical system VersaJet® and combination systemic antibiotic therapy (a drug selected as a result of antibiogram plus clarithromycin). There is shown the ultrastructure of a microbial biofilm, the effect of antimicrobial agents on its destruction and the structural and functional state of microbial populations and injury cells. The high efficiency of the hydrosurgery system VersaJet® and combined systemic antibiotic therapy with clarithromycin in the treatment regimen, and dressings with ointments on PEG basis for the treatment of purulonecrotic wounds in patients with neuropathic form of diabetic foot syndrome. Already on the 5th day of the complex wound treatment the morphological study of the biopsy materials of the wounds showed no presence of biofilms on the surface of the wound, and in its deepest layers. Free (plankton-like) cells of microorganisms were also none. Effective purification of wounds from microbial and cellular detritus was indicated that led to the intensification of the functional and proliferative activity of the cells of the granulation tissue. Such dynamics of wound process in almost all Group 3 patients allowed to conduct the final stage of treatment (plastic reconstruction of the foot) in a shorter time. Introduced for the Group 3 of patients the algorithm of complex treatment prevents the formation of new microbial biofilms, increases the activity of systemic antimicrobials even in the identification of multiple-antibiotic resistant strains.Представлены результаты проспективного сравнительного рандомизированного клинического, микробиологического и морфологического (электронно-микроскопического и электронно-радиоавтографического) исследования биоптатов ран 28 больных с нейропатической формой синдрома диабетической стопы (СДС), осложненного развитием гнойного процесса, до лечения, на 5-е и 10–14-е сутки лечения. Цель работы – изучение динамики репаративных процессов в гнойно-некротической ране при СДС. Обследованы 3 группы больных: 1-я – после хирургической обработки ран и местного лечения с применением мазей на полиэтиленгликолевой основе; 2-я – после хирургической обработки ран гидрохирургической системой VersaJet ® и внутривенного введения системных антибактериальных препаратов, подобранных по результатам антибиотикограммы; 3-я – после хирургической обработки ран гидрохирургической системой VersaJet ® и комбинированной системной антибактериальной терапии (препарат, подобранный по результатам антибиотикограммы + кларитромицин). Показаны ультраструктура микробной биопленки, влияние антимикробных препаратов на ее деструкцию и структурно-функциональное состояние микробных популяций и клеток раны. Продемонстрирована высокая эффективность применения гидрохирургической системы VersaJet ® и комбинированной системной антибактериальной терапии с включением в схему лечения кларитромицина и повязок с мазями на полиэтиленгликолевой основе при лечении гнойно-некротических ран у больных нейропатической формой СДС. Уже на 5-е сутки комплексного лечения морфологическое исследование биоптатов ран не выявило наличия биопленок как на поверхности раны, так и в глубоких ее слоях. Отсутствовали и свободные (планктонные) клетки микроорганизмов. Отмечалось эффективное очищение ран от микробного и клеточного детрита, что привело к интенсификации функциональной и пролиферативной активности клеток грануляционной ткани. Такая динамика раневого процесса практически у всех больных 3-й группы позволила провести заключительный этап лечения (пластическую реконструкцию стопы) в более короткие сроки. Представленный для 3-й группы больных алгоритм комплексного лечения предупреждает формирование новых микробных биопленок, повышает активность системных антимикробных препаратов даже при выявлении мультирезистентных госпитальных штаммов