24 research outputs found

    Development of Complex Mathematical Model of Light Naphtha Isomerization and Rectification Processes

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    The technique of developing a mathematical model of catalytic isomerization of light naphtha is stated Using experimental data from an industrial isomerization unit shows adequacy of the mathematical model to the real process. The paper presents a method for optimizing the operation of the plant together with catalytic isomerization unit and separation columns. Selection of optimal modes of separation columns allows achieving the desired flow separation between units, as well as extension of the life of the catalyst SI-2

    Efficiency Improvement of the Light Gasoline Fractions Isomerization by Mathematical Modeling

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    Optimization and forecasting of light gasoline fractions isomerization is a complex technological issue, as it includes a variety of factors and independent parameters. The most effective solution is to use the mathematical modeling method of physical and chemical laws of the process. In this paper, we propose a method of intensification of the combined fractionation and isomerization processes of pentane-hexane fraction with the aim to improve the service durability of the catalyst SI-2 on the L-35-11 / 300 production unit. The developed complex mathematical model takes into account the influence of the feedstock composition, allows for assessment of the catalyst current activity and it is also a powerful optimization tool. According to the survey results the optimizing the feedstock composition will increase the octane number of the isomerate at 1.6-2.2 points

    Analysis of Optimal Process Flow Diagrams of Light Naphtha Isomerization Process by Mathematic Modelling Method

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    An approach to simulation of hydrocarbons refining processes catalytic reactors. The kinetic and thermodynamic research of light naphtha isomerization process was conducted. The kinetic parameters of hydrocarbon feedstock chemical conversion on different types of platinum-content catalysts was established. The estimation of efficiency of including different types of isomerization technologies in oil refinery flow diagram was performed

    Correction of gasoline blending recipes with the use of computer modelling system

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    The process of gasoline blending is a difficult multistage industrial technology. In this paper gasoline blending recipes for one of the largest refineries in Russian Federation were corrected by using of developed computer modelling system "Compounding". As the result of correction, production volume of high-octane and high-quality gasoline was increased on 47 wt. %

    Ultradispersed Hydrocarbon Synthesis Catalyst from CO and H[2] Based on Electroexplosion of Iron Powder

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    The structure and properties of disperse particles of electroexplosive iron-based powder are studied with a laser diffraction method, transmission electron microscopy analysis and X-ray photography. The catalytic activity of ultradispersed iron powders in the synthesis of hydrocarbons from CO and H[2] by Fischer - Tropsch method is measured by concentration of the paramagnetic particles with electron paramagnetic resonance. In the laboratory of catalytic plant, hydrocarbons are synthesized at various feed mixture. Composition of liquid and gas products of synthesis are studied. Under explosion conditions, the electric wires of iron powders can be prepared with the specified properties (phase composition, particle size and structure). Powder of Fe (CO) can be used as a catalyst of the Fischer - Tropsch synthesis without reduction since during electrical explosion in an atmosphere of carbon monoxide generated phase structure needed to activate hydrocarbon synthesis reaction of a mixture of CO and H[2]

    Complex System for Gasoline Blending Maintenance

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    The main aim of the study is to increase the efficiency of gasoline blending process using developed complex modeling system, it provides counting feedstock changes in the refinery, influencing detonation characteristics of trade gasoline. Final products of modeling system are precise and gasoline blending recipes are economically optimal. The relevance of the study is caused by the need to increase production volumes of trade gasoline in refineries that meet gasoline quality standards. Mathematical modeling and application of automatic computer systems are most relevant solutions for optimization of technologically difficult stages of oil production. The study considers the modeling approach to the blending process from the position of non-additivity of gasoline octane numbers. Practical results: The module of gasoline detonation characteristics developed in Borland "Delphi 7" workspace in conjunction with the module of chromatographic data analysis "Unichrom" and optimal recipes development module are combined in the universal complex system for gasoline blending process maintenance. The system allows taking into account feedstock composition changes on purpose to vary the recipes of trade gasoline blending. The developed complex system analyzes refinery conditions and recommends the feedstock supply in the process and allows getting essential economic benefit for the refineries by reducing the quality reserve of trade products

    Application of Mathematical Modeling for Optimization of Linear Alkylbenzenes Sulphonation Modes in Film Reactor

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    The methodological aspects of development and application of mathematical modeling system for optimization of multistage petrochemical production on the example of linear alkylbenzene sulphuric acids obtaining complex processes at LLC “KINEF” were reviewed. It was shown that creation of mathematical modeling system includes a sequence of reaction network development stages, reactor kinetic modeling, model theoretical and experimental studies, studying regularities of reactor modes and proposing recommendations for raw material composition improving

    A review of simulation and modeling approaches in microbiology

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    Bacterial communities are tightly interconnected systems consisting of numerous species making it challenging to analyze their structure and relations. There are several experimental techniques providing heterogeneous data concerning various aspects of this object. A recent avalanche of metagenomic data challenges not only biostatisticians but also biomodelers, since these data are essential to improve the modeling quality while simulation methods are useful to understand the evolution of microbial communities and their function in the ecosystem. An outlook on the existing modeling and simulation approaches based on different types of experimental data in the field of microbial ecology and environmental microbiology is presented. A number of approaches focusing on a description of such microbial community aspects as its trophic structure, metabolic and population dynamics, genetic diversity as well as spatial heterogeneity and expansion dynamics is considered. We also propose a classification of the existing software designed for simulation of microbial communities. It is shown that although the trend for using multiscale/hybrid models prevails, the integration between models concerning different levels of biological organization of communities still remains a problem to be solved. The multiaspect nature of integration approaches used to model microbial communities is based on the need to take into account heterogeneous data obtained from various sources by applying high-throughput genome investigation methods

    Четверта міжнародна наукова-практична конференція «Комп’ютерне моделювання в хімії і технологіях та системах сталого розвитку»

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    З використанням методу математичного моделювання створений розширений формалізований список з 110 компонентів, що вносять основний внесок у формування октанового числа бензинів. У середовищі Borland «Delphi 7» розроблений модуль автоматизованої обробки хроматограм, що дозволяє розробляти рецептури змішання товарних бензинів і реагувати на зміну складу сировини.The extended formalized set of 110 hydrocarbon components, key contributors in gasolines’ octane number formation, was created with applying of mathematic modeling. The new module of automatic chromatographic analysis data was developed in Borland «Delphi 7» workspace. It provides to develop recipes of trade gasolines blending and helps to respond the changes of raw materials composition.С использованием метода математического моделирования создан расширенный формализованный список из 110 компонентов, вносящих основной вклад в формирование октанового числа бензинов. В среде Borland «Delphi 7» разработан модуль автоматизированной обработки хроматограмм, позволяющий разрабатывать рецептуры смешения товарных бензинов и реагировать на изменение состава сырья

    Development of module of automatic chromatography data systematization for increasing the efficiency of trade gasoline blending process

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    The main aim of the study is to increase the efficiency of gasoline blending process counting the changes of feedstock, influencing on qualitative characteristics of trade gasolines. The counting became possible using computer program of gasolines octane numbers calculation "Compounding" in conjunction with the developed module of automatic chromatographic analysis data systematization. The relevance of the study is caused by the need to increase production volumes of trade gasolines that meet gasoline quality standards. Practical results: the extended formalized set of 110 hydrocarbon components, key contributors in gasoline octane number formation, was created applying the method of mathematic modeling. The new module of automatic chromatography analysis data systematization was developed in Borland "Delphi 7" workspace. In conjunction with program of gasoline octane numbers calculation "Compounding" it provides to develop blending recipes of trade gasolines marks Regular-92, Premium and Super-98, corresponding to the current Euro-2, Euro-3, Euro-4 and Euro-5 quality standards. Implementation of the module allows taking into account changes feedstock composition, varying the recipes of trade gasolines blending and formulating recommendations for involving different-composited feedstock into the blending process. Precision of the developed recipes provides the economy of expensive components, and allows getting essential economic benefit for refineries