12 research outputs found

    Makeup Yourself: professionalit\ue0, saperi e comunit\ue0 femminili

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    In questo saggioragioniamo sui modi di rappresentazione del corpo e del viso in relazione al formato del video online; sulla costruzione di un\u2019intimit\ue0 fra Youtuber e utenti; sulla configurazione di figure pubbliche che integrano discorsi sulla soggettivit\ue0 con modelli imprenditoriali femminili. Vogliamo quindi approfondire le negoziazioni fra i processi neoliberisti, che secondo le teorie del postfemminismo tendono a costruire la femminilit\ue0 secondo binari precostituiti, e le emergenze delle singole posizioni culturali e sociali

    Hyperfractionated total body irradiation for T-depleted HLA identical bone marrow transplants.

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    Twenty patients suffering from malignant hemopathies (mean age 31.7 years) were given hyperfractionated total body irradiation (TBI) (120 cGy/3 fractions per day: total dose = 1440 cGy/4 days) as conditioning for T-depleted HLA identical allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. At an average of 12 months (range of 4.5-22 months) follow-up there were two cases of early death and two cases (11%) of rejection. There were no cases of acute or chronic graft versus host disease (GVHD) nor cases of interstitial pneumonitis. The average time for durable engraftment was 22 days. Disease-free survival at 12 months was 65%. To improve the results and further reduce the percent of rejection, the authors propose intensifying the immunosuppressive conditioning by increasing the cyclophosphamide dose and that of TBI so that a total dose of 1560 cGy is reached

    Lung damage following bone marrow transplantation after hyperfractionated total body irradiation.

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    From July 1985 to December 1989, 72 evaluable patients aged between 6 and 51 (median age 27 years) suffering from haematological malignancies received an allogeneic bone marrow transplant (BMT) depleted of T-lymphocytes to reduce the risk of graft-versus-host-disease (GvHD); 57 were matched and 15 mismatched. Three different conditioning regimens were used in an effort to enhance cytoreduction without increase extramedullary toxicity. Mismatched patients were treated with more immunosuppressive regimens. Total body irradiation (TBI) was given in three doses per day, 5 h apart, over 4 days for a total of 12 fractions. The dose to the lungs was 14.4, 15.6 and 9 Gy according to the conditioning regimen. The incidence of interstitial pneumonia (IP) was 12.3% in matched and 46.7% in mismatched patients. Our results seem to indicate that lung toxicity is correlated with the intensity of the conditioning regimen, the stage of disease and, in mismatched patients, with the degree of human leucocyte antigen (HLA) disparity and the poor post-BMT reconstitution, rather than the radiotherapy dose delivered to the lungs. On the contrary, the hyperfractionated scheme adopted, the absence of GvHD and, perhaps, the post-TBI administration of cyclophosphamide all seem to have contributed to the low incidence of IP in our matched patients

    Interstitial pneumonitis after hyperfractionated total body irradiation in HLA-matched T-depleted bone marrow transplantation.

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    Interstitial pneumonia is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality after bone-marrow transplantation. We here report a series of 58 patients suffering from hematological malignancies who received HLA-matched T-lymphocyte depleted bone-marrow transplants between July 1985 and January 1990. Interstitial pneumonia occurred in 7/58 patients (12%) and was fatal in six. Three different pre-bone-marrow transplantation conditioning regimens were employed. Total body irradiation was delivered according to a hyperfractionated scheme of 12 fractions given three per day 5 hr apart for 4 days. Twenty-three patients received 36 mg/Kg procarbazine, 1275 UL/Kg antithymocite globulin, 14.4 Gy hyperfractionated total body irradiation and 120 mg/Kg cyclophosphamide. Only one patient developed interstitial pneumonia, but two rejected the graft and 10 relapsed. As a consequence, the total hyperfractionated scheme was increased to 15,6 Gy, cyclophosphamide to 200 mg/Kg, antithymocite globulin to 3400 UL/Kg and procarbazine eliminated. There were three cases of interstitial pneumonia, no rejection and four relapses in the 17 patients who received this regimen. In the last 18 patients hyperfractionated total body irradiation was reduced to 15 Gy, cyclophosphamide to 100 mg/Kg, and 10 mg/Kg of the myeloablative agent thiothepa added to enhance the cytoreductive effect without significantly increasing extramedullary toxicity. Three cases of interstitial pneumonia, one relapse but no rejection were recorded. Our results demonstrate that the absence of graft-versus-host disease due to T-cell depletion, and radio-chemotherapy doses and schedules used for the conditioning regimen each contributed to reducing the risk of interstitial pneumonitis. Hyperfractionated total body irradiation therefore, seems to play an important role in lowering the incidence of this complication


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    In recent decades, football had an important change in all its aspects: there was an increased intensity and frequency of training sessions and matches. In particular stress to which the athletes must be submitted has changed. This has led to an apparent increase in the incidence of injuries. The overall injury level of professional footballers has been shown to be high, approximately 1,000 times than of common industrial occupations generally regarded as high risk. The Federation of International Football Associations (FIFA) and the union of European Football Associations (uEFA) are concerned about the risk profile and injury characteristics of the sport. In 1999, uefa started a research project with the aim to decrease the number of injuries and increase occupational safety for professional footballers. FIgC, Italian Football Federation, has started in January 2011 a Sports injury survey system regarding all male and female youth teams, according to uEFA injury study model. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the injuries of the Italian national youth teams over one season. The affected anatomic sites, incidence rate, and type and severity of injuries are analyzed. All this data could help us to facilitate the development of management strategies in health, especially in the field of preventive medicine. This study describes the injuries of the Italian national male and female youth teams during friendly, official and tournament matches and training camps during one season, for a total of 2 female teams (under 17 e under 19), and 6 male teams (under 16, under 17, under 18 under 19, under 21). only male teams under 17, 19, 21 and female 17, 19 had official competitions, while the remaining had only friendly matches and training sessions. Two hundred ninety-one athletes of Italian national youth teams were studied during training, friendly matches and official matches. The following data were collected using a special form of evaluation: number of players, exposure training, exposure match, total number of injuries, total number of injuries during matches, total number of injuries during training. The registration of the injuries was based on a clinical examination by the team physician and according to the uEFA model. Exposure was documented individually in minutes and expressed as the number of playing hours. Injury incidence is expressed as the mean number of injuries per 1,000 h of exposure