6 research outputs found

    Perbezaan Latar Belakang Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Kesannya Terhadap Tanggapan serta Keinginan Masyarakat Kedayan, Sabah Mengamalkan Amalan Tradisi

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    Kedayan ethnic is one of the ethnic groups inhabiting Borneo island including Brunei, Sarawak and Sabah. All of them are Muslims who are believed to have been exposed to the spread of Islam during the Sultanate of Brunei at the end of the 15th century. As such, they are seen as those who understand Islam better than other ethnic groups on Borneo Island. Their awareness of Islamic education is also good. This can be seen in the numerous religious schools founded to teach Islamic education in Sipitang where Kedayan form the majority population. At the same time, Kedayan people also being associated with the uniqueness of their customs and traditions which they inherited for several centuries. Therefore, this study will focus on the differences in the attitude and intention of this community in performing their customs and traditions due to different levels of religious education. This study used a questionnaire distributed to 414 respondents. The findings of this study revealed high correlation between the attitude of Kedayan people toward customs and traditions and their intention to continue practicing their customs and traditions. Moreover, there was a statistically significant difference between attitude and intention of this community to practice their customs and traditions as far as different religious education backgrounds are concerned

    [Muraqabah and Mahabbah According to al-Sarraj: An Analysis According to The Perspective of Human Spiritual Development] Muraqabah dan Mahabbah Menurut al-Sarraj: Satu Analisis Menurut Perspektif Pembangunan Rohani Insan

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    Abu Nasr al-Tusi al-Sarraj was a Tasawwuf’s Sufi which highly contributes in providing methods and practices based on the guidance of Al-Quran and Sunnah as well as pearls of wisdom from respectable Sufis of Tasawwuf. He who lived around the fourth century of Hijra was recognized as one of the Tasawwuf’s Sufi who emphasized the concept of maqamat and ahwal as the main principle of Tasawwuf especially in soul building, thus developing the spirituality of human being towards a nobler and blessed by Allah. This research applies the methodology of qualitative approach. The data are derived from written documents such as books, journals, thesis and seminar proceeding. This article discusses the concept of muraqabah and mahabbah according to Abu Nasr al-Tusi al-Sarraj in his writing al-Luma’ fi Tarikh al-Tasawwuf of al-Islami. Finding of the research shows that the concept of muraqabah and mahabbah is among the concept that plays important role in developing the soul and spirituality of human. Al-Sarraj’s view is found to be aligned and parallel with the view of other respected Tasawwuf’s Sufis. The concept of muraqabah and mahabbah as explained by al-Sarraj seemed to be relevance and significant to be appreciated by communities nowadays. The appreciation then will help to create Muslims with an inner peace, always aware of evil and sin as well as putting the love towards Allah as the highest love in their soul. This article is expected to provide significant contribution toward the corpus of spiritual education of today’s community which seems to decline in their faith and decrease in their love towards Allah. Hopefully, this article will be capable of increasing the quality of Muslims as the best people among all people in the world. Abu Nasr al-Tusi al-Sarraj merupakan seorang ulama tasawuf yang berjasa besar dalam meletakkan kaedah dan pengamalan tasawuf berasaskan panduan al-Quran dan sunnah serta mutiara hikmah para ulama tasawuf muktabar. Beliau yang hidup sekitar abad keempat Hijrah diakui sebagai salah seorang ulama tasawuf yang turut mengetengahkan konsep maqamat dan ahwal sebagai prinsip utama tasawuf khususnya dalam membina jiwa dan seterusnya membangunkan rohani insan ke arah yang lebih mulia dan diredai Allah. Kajian ini mengaplikasikan pendekatan kualitatif. Data-data diperolehi melalui dokumen bertulis seperti buku, jurnal, tesis, prosiding seminar dan sebagainya. Artikel ini membincangkan konsep muraqabah dan mahabbah menurut Abu Nasr al-Tusi al-Sarraj dalam penulisan karya beliau al-Luma’ fi Tarikh al-Tasawwuf al-Islami. Hasil kajian menunjukkan muraqabah dan mahabbah merupakan antara rangkaian ahwal yang memainkan peranan penting dalam membangunkan jiwa atau rohani manusia. Pandangan al-Sarraj berhubung muraqabah dan mahabbah ini didapati sejajar dan seiring dengan pandangan ulama-ulama tasawuf muktabar. Muraqabah dan mahabbah sebagaimana yang dikupas oleh al-Sarraj ini dilihat masih signifikan dan relevan untuk dihayati oleh masyarakat masa kini. Penghayatan tersebut kemudiannya akan mampu membantu melahirkan individu muslim yang tenang, sentiasa berhati-hati dengan maksiat dan kejahatan serta sentiasa meletakkan cinta Allah adalah yang tertinggi di dalam jiwa. Artikel ini diharapkan dapat memberi sumbangan penting terhadap korpus pendidikan rohani ummah masa kini yang dilihat semakin pudar nilai keimanannya dan semakin merosot nilai cinta kepada Allah. Semoga artikel ini dapat lebih meningkatkan lagi kualiti umat Islam sebagai umat terbaik yang dilahirkan untuk manusia seluruhnya

    The Effect of Zikir Relaxation in Counseling to Reduce Internet Addiction

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    The high number of internet addiction experienced by students has been increasing for last decades. The addiction can potentially damage the brain's nerve cells, which in turn affect students' cognitive, emotion and behavior. Thus, an effective treatment is urgently needed. One of the alternatives is by employing the zikir relaxation in counseling. This study aims find the effect of zikir relaxation in counseling as the attempt to reduce the anxiety due to the internet addiction of high school students. The research method used experiment method specifically, the pretest and posttest control group design. There were 10 students taken through the random sampling. Data analysis used independent t test. The results of the study found that: (1) there was a difference level of anxiety reduction due to internet addiction for the students who received the treatment compared those who did not get, and (2) there was a significant influence between remembrance relaxations in counseling on student anxiety reduction in internet addiction. This implies that zikir relaxation is effective to use by counselors in schools to handle internet addictio

    Menangani permasalahan laman web pornografi: antara perisian penapis, penguatkuasaan undang-undang dan amalan spritual

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    Pelayaran laman web pornografi bole dikawal dengan menggunakan perisian penapis web, menguatkuasakan undang-undang dan kod etika atau kerohanian yang bertujuan untuk mengawal diri pelayar laman web.melayari laman web pornografi adalah haram disisi Islam. Artikel ini membincangkan kaedah kawalan pelayaran laman web pornografi yang dilakukan dalam bidang teknologi Internet, undang-undang yang dikuatkuasakan dinegara lain dan amalan kerohanian menurut psikospiritual Isla

    Analisis Keperluan Pembangunan Manual Psikospiritual Islam Dalam Penjagaan Paliatif

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    Penjagaan paliatif ialah penjagaan secara holistik melibatkan aspek fizikal, spiritual, mental dan sosial kepada pesakit terminal atau pesakit tiada harapan sembuh seperti pesakit kanser, pesakit yang mengalami kegagalan buah pinggang dan lain-lain. Kajian ini membawa pendekatan Islam dalam konsep penjagaan pesakit tersebut. Artikel ini membincangkan analisis keperluan kajian reka bentuk dan pembangunan manual psikospiritual Islam dalam penjagaan paliatif dan elemen yang menjadi keperluan dalam penjagaan tersebut. Metodologi kajian menggunakan kaedah Reka Bentuk dan Pembangunan (DDR) yang mempunyai tiga fasa utama dibangunkan oleh Richey dan Klein. Artikel ini memberi fokus kepada fasa pertama kajian iaitu analisis keperluan. Pendekatan kajian berbentuk kuantitatif yang menggunakan instrumen soal selidik kepada 210 orang responden. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan perisian SPSS versi 25 bagi memperolehi kadar kekerapan (Ć’) dan purata min (xĚ…) dalam dapatan kajian. Dapatan kajian mendapati majoriti yang terdiri daripada pengamal perubatan, penjaga, pesakit dan populasi awam bersetuju dengan pembinaan manual berasaskan psikospiritual Islam. Selain itu dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan heirarki elemen penekanan dalam manual bermula dengan elemen sokongan emosi dalam manual dengan kadar purata min (xĚ…) tertinggi, diikuti dengan penekanan kepercayaan kepada Tuhan, sokongan spiritual dan keagamaan, pengurusan diri dan fizikal, pengurusan trauma atau pengalaman lalu dan yang terakhir ialah sokongan dalam aktiviti bersosial (Abstract by authors

    Escalating progression of mental health disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from a nationwide survey.

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    Since the first nationwide movement control order was implemented on 18 March 2020 in Malaysia to contain the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, to what extent the uncertainty and continuous containment measures have imposed psychological burdens on the population is unknown. This study aimed to measure the level of mental health of the Malaysian public approximately 2 months after the pandemic's onset. Between 12 May and 5 September 2020, an anonymous online survey was conducted. The target group included all members of the Malaysian population aged 18 years and above. The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21) was used to assess mental health. There were increased depressive, anxiety and stress symptoms throughout the study period, with the depression rates showing the greatest increase. During the end of the data collection period (4 August-5 September 2020), there were high percentages of reported depressive (59.2%) and anxiety (55.1%) symptoms compared with stress (30.6%) symptoms. Perceived health status was the strongest significant predictor for depressive and anxiety symptoms. Individuals with a poorer health perception had higher odds of developing depression (odds ratio [OR] = 5.68; 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.81-8.47) and anxiety (OR = 3.50; 95%CI 2.37-5.17) compared with those with a higher health perception. By demographics, young people-particularly students, females and people with poor financial conditions-were more vulnerable to mental health symptoms. These findings provide an urgent call for increased attention to detect and provide intervention strategies to combat the increasing rate of mental health problems in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic