81 research outputs found

    The Influence of Yb Substitution on the Magnetic, Electric Properties and Electronic Structure of YbxGd1-xNi5 System

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    The crystal and electronic structure, magnetic and electric properties of intermetallic compounds YbxGd1¡xNi5 (x = 0:0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5) are presented. The whole series crystallize in the hexagonal CaCu5 type of crystal structure. The ordering temperatures TC and the e®ective magnetic moments decrease with increase in ytterbium concentration. The electronic structure studied by X-ray photelectron spectroscopy method shows the domination of Ni 3d states nearby the Fermi level. The multiplet structure visible in valence bands is typical of Yb3+ ions

    Damski i męski świat biznesu - merkantylizm psychiczny oraz percepcja kryzysu ekonomicznego i własnego sukcesu

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    The belief that in the contemporary individualized world everyone, regardless of sex, age, or background, may decide their future and achieve success is evident not only in everyday life, but also in science.The manifestation of this may be the development of current positive psychology. However, from the perspective of psychological studies, in which our debate is embedded, the question emerges whether everything depends on the strength of motivation, and whether persons performing the same tasks perceive their success in a similar way.Przekonanie, że w dzisiejszym zindywidualizowanym świecie każdy, niezależnie od płci, wieku czy pochodzenia, może wpływać na swoją przyszłość i osiągnąć sukces, widoczne jest nie tylko w codziennym życiu, lecz także w nauce, czego przejawem może być rozwój nurtu psychologii pozytywnej. Z perspektywy badań psychologicznych, w których osadzone są niniejsze rozważania, pojawiają się jednak pytania o to, czy wszystko zależy od siły motywacji, czy osoby realizujące te same zadania podobnie odczuwają swój sukces

    Influence of transition metal substitution on the low-field magnetic properties in the Gd(Ni1-xTx)3 (T = Fe, Co) intermetallic compounds

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    The low-field magnetic properties of polycrystalline Gd(Ni1 xTxq3 (T = Fe, Co) intermetallic compounds are presented. The whole system crystallizes in the rhombohedral PuNi3 type of crystal structure. The composition dependence of the Curie temperature TCpxq is associated with the change in the number of 3d electrons. Moreover, the field cooled and zero field cooled (FC-ZFC) curves at low applied magnetic field are related to the anisotropy of T element. The saturation magnetic moment MSpxq upon doping was estimated based on the hysteresis loops MpHq[…

    People’s beliefs on the origins of talent – the implicit theory of talent in different job and study groups (a Polish study)

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    A sample of 465 participants was tested in order to identify the implicit theory of talent. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the gathered data allowed for the identification of 14 categories in which participants defined talent and its determinants. The most common category was “innate”; however, participants’ answers often related to an interactive aspect, which linked predispositions with work and development. Correspondence analysis revealed three groups differentiated in their beliefs regarding determinants of talent. Psychologists and pedagogues fell into the interactional group (innate-acquired), while artists’ beliefs related to the acquired aspect. In the longer term, it would be desirable to examine motivations of people who differ in their implicit theories of talent

    Influence of cr-atoms on the magnetic and electrical properties in Ho(Co1-xCrx)2 compounds

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    AC magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) measurements have been performed on the Ho(Coi_a,Cra,)2 compounds with x=0.0, 0.03, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20. A strengthening of the HoCo2 ferrimagnetism shows up through a rapid increase at small Cr concentration x of the Curie temperature Tq which reaches a maximum around x= 0.15. The lattice parameters also go through a maximum for the same concentration of Cr. A remarkable decrease of the density of states near the Fermi level is observed for the sample with x= 0.20. We correlate the changes of the Curie temperature with the decrease of d-electron concentration when Cr substitutes for Co[…

    Effect of Tb/Gd substitution on crystal structure and exchange interactions of Gd1- xTb xNi 3 intermetallic compounds

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    In the paper an in uence of Tb/Gd substitution on crystal structure and exchange interactions of Gd1xTbxNi3 (x = 0:0, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0) polycrystalline compounds have been studied. The crystal structure of all samples was checked at the room temperature by means of X-ray di raction. Exchange integrals of R R (JRR), T T (JTT) and R T (JRT) atoms were evaluated from M(T) magnetization curves (2 300 K, 2 T) based on the mean eld theory calculation. As it was shown the samples examined are single phase and crystallize in the PuNi3 (space group R-3m) type of crystal structure. The Tb/Gd substitution causes the decrease of lattice parameters as well as the volume of the unit cell. With increase of the x parameter the magnetic moment of Tb atoms increases from 6.94 B (x = 0:5) to 8.12 B (x = 1). The M(T) dependence of the examined compounds depends almost 8 times stronger on exchange interactions within the R R site than the interactions between the two antiferromagnetically coupled magnetic sublattices R T

    Electronic structure and X-ray photoelectron spectra of YNi4B compound

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    The electronic structure of the tern ary Y Ni4 B compoun d, crystalli zin g in the hexagonal CeCo4 B structure ( P 6= m m m space group ), was studied by X -ray photo electron spectroscopy and ab initio calculations. Core levels and the valence band were investigated. T he X- ray photo electron spectroscopy valence band is compared with that obtained from ab initi o calculations. The valence band spectrum at the Fermi level exhibits the domination of the Ni( 3 d ) states, which are hybridized with 4d states of Y and 2p states of B. The theoretical electronic specific heat coeffcient Û derived from N ( E F ) is about 11.33 mJ /(mol K 2 ) for exp erimental lattice parameters. T he calculated bulk modulus is B 0 = 1 :61632 Mbar

    Reagowanie na muzykę : afektywne podstawy i rola kontekstu poznawczego

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    The thesis deals with the subject of emotional reactions to music. The research so far has been based mainly on analyses that utilized the dimensional affective model. At the same time, an increase in the use of the musical emotions model has been observed as the most suitable for this type of reactions. The emerging inaccuracy in the definitions of emotions causes the lack of unambiguous answers about the nature of emotional reactions to music. The aim of the work was to verify the theoretical model in which the emotional reactions to music were based on affect described on two dimensions of arousal and valence. According to the model, the induction of more detailed reactions in the form of modal emotions or musical emotions is mediated by the cognitive appraisal originating from non-musical associations. Verification of the model was performed by conducting three studies that responded to research questions. In all three studies, five affectively different music pieces were used. In addition, in the first experiment affective words and in the third experiment affective images were used. In the second study and the third experiment, which were carried out both in the laboratory and online, emotional reactions to music were measured using three scales: modal emotions, musical emotions and dimensions of affect. The first experiment verified the hypotheses regarding the induction of unconscious affect congruent with the affective characterization of the stimulus. To this end, a lexical decision task was used. The second study verified whether emotional reactions to music could be reduced to a smaller number of dimensions that would correspond to existing models of affect. For this purpose, a study was conducted using three methods of measuring emotional reactions to music (modal emotions, musical emotions and dimensions of affect.) In the same study, the verified hypotheses regarded dominance of musical emotions preference in the description of subjective emotional reactions to specific music and the dependence of this preference on the type of listened music. Therefore, the respondents, after answering three types of scales of emotional reactions chose the most preferred form of responses at a given moment. The third experiment verified the hypothesis that subjectively perceived emotional reactions to music could be modified by cognitive associations. In the first experiment, the music's valence effect was partly obtained for the results from part two of the experiment, but the effect of music’s arousal did not appear in any part of the experiment. Thus, there was no positive answer to the question whether music causes changes in the affect on both its dimensions. In the second study, musical emotions were chosen more often as the preferred form of determining subjective emotional reactions to music in one of the samples. This effect was characteristic not for all types of music pieces. The choice of a particular way of describing emotional reactions depends on the type of listened music. The second study also provided preliminary confirmation of the assumption that emotional reactions to music have their base in the affect, because the conducted factor analysis and cluster analysis showed a structure similar to affective models. However, emotional reactions related to the aesthetic experience of music elude these divisions, making it difficult to reduce these reactions to existing two- or three-dimensional models of affect. In the third experiment the possibility of modifying the emotional response to music through the manipulation of cognitive associations was confirmed. However, the obtained effect was distinct, and some of the images used did not allow for effective modification of these reactions. The results, however, allow to state that the manipulation of emotions with associations is more effective by using music with rich affective characteristics, that is not explicit in emotional expression, or with a calm, relaxing affective character than by using music that have a highly unambiguous emotional character. The results of the three studies do not allow for explicit rejection or confirmation of the verified theoretical model, which prompts further its analysis using modified experimental procedures or completely new research solutions. The obtained results of the second study indicate the importance of the type of methods used by researchers to determine subjective emotional reactions to music. Regardless of their popularity in music psychology research, musical emotions are not always the most preferred method. In turn, the results of the third experiment suggest that emotional reactions to music to a limited extent, can be modified, which finds application in the area of advertising, film as well as music therapy

    Effect of alloying on magnetism and electronic structure of Gd(In1-xSnx)3 system - Ab initio study

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    We present the results of ab initio study of electronic and magnetic properties of Gd(In1xSnx)3 alloys carried out with the use of FP-LAPW method. Our precise ab initio calculations for the rst time uniquelly con rmed experimentally based predictions that the ground state magnetic structure of the alloys is antiferromagnetic and that upon the In/Sn substitution the magnetic structure undergo transition, changing the antiferromagnetic ordering from the ( 00)-type for the GdSn3 compound to the ( 0)-type for the GdIn3 one. Moreover, calculations gave an explanation of the oscillatory variation of density of states at Fermi level indicated by XPS measurements