5 research outputs found

    Agave jimenoi (Polycephalae group, Asparagaceae) a new species from the Totonacapan region, Veracruz, Mexico

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    A new hydrophytic species of Agave from the Tlapacoyan region, Veracruz, Mexico, is described and illustrated. Agave jimenoi belongs to the subgenus Littaea, and to the Polycepahalae group, it differs from A. gomezpompae in its smaller rosettes, hanging stems, leaves and inflorescences and glaucous-green pruinose leaves. A distribution map and key to the species of the Polycephalae group is presented. Zapotitlán 2013 Magnolia Press

    Проектирование ИС в среде системы Design Center : учеб. пособие по дисциплине «Основы САПР в микроэлектронике» для студентов специальностей I-41 01 02 «Микро- и наноэлектр. технологии и системы», I-41 01 03 «Квант. информ. системы» всех форм обучения

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    Пособие посвящено проблеме сквозного проектирования электронной аппаратуры с помощью системы Design Center корпорации MicroSim. Изложены основные положения работы в графическом редакторе Schematics, включая редактирование принципиальных схем, символов и атрибутов компонентов. Приведено описание редактора входных сигналов StmEd, а также порядок моделирования в среде графического редактора Schematics. Пособие снабжено большим количеством аналоговых и цифровых схем, необходимых для выполнения компьютерных лабораторных работ в среде системы Design Center

    Agave temacapulinensis (Agavaceae), a new ditepalous species from the Los Altos Region, Jalisco, Mexico

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    Agave temacapulinensis A. Vázquez & Chazaro (Agavaceae) is described and illustrated from Jalisco, Mexico. The new species belongs to Agave L. subg. Agave and is a member of the Ditepalae group, sensu Gentry. It is related to A. wocomahi Gentry in terms of its rosette size, solitary habit in most cases, the smooth texture of the leaves, the red-tipped dimorphic tepals, and the deep floral tube. Agave temacapulinensis differs from A. wocomahi in having light gray, glaucous rosettes (vs. dark green to glaucous green); short acuminate leaves (vs. long acuminate); crenate margins (vs. straight to undulate) with smaller marginal teeth (8-10 mm vs. 10-20 mm); larger panicles (5.5-6.5 m vs. 3-5 m) with more lateral branches (16 to 18 vs. 8 to 15); and smaller seeds (5-6 Zapotitlán 3-4 mm vs. 7 Zapotitlán 4.5-5 mm)

    Echeveria munizii (Crassulaceae) a new species of epiphyte from tropical Volcán de Colima, Mexico

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    Echeveria munizii, a new species from the southwestern slopes of Volcán de Colima on the Colima-Jalisco border in western Mexico is described and illustrated. This species belongs to series Gibbiflorae and is most similar to E. fulgens from which it differs in having adaxially sulcate leaves with straight and hyaline margins, olive green to brownish green surface, a fewer flowered inflorescence with fewer flowers per branch, a pink/orange bicolored corolla with the inner surface pale pink to orange, the base of the carpels white, and longer pedicels. A species conservation assessment, undertaken using IUCN criteria, determines Echeveria munizii to be Critically Endangered (CR). © 2014 Magnolia Press