9 research outputs found

    Responses of Mole Salamanders to Clearcutting: Using Field Experiments in Forest Management

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    Impacts of forest management practices on amphibian populations have received growing attention in the last 10 yr. However, to date, measured responses include only comparisons of species diversity indices and population counts without true spatial and temporal controls. We used an experimental approach to test for differences in growth rate, fecundity, age at maturity, and whole-body storage lipids in individual mole salamanders, Ambystoma talpoideum, placed in differently managed habitats. Four 100-m(2) field enclosures were built in each of two habitats, a 4-mo-old clearcut and an adjacent 40-yr-old pine forest. On 19 July 1994, 80 recently metamorphosed and individually marked, weighed, and measured (snout-vent length) A. talpoideum were randomly assigned to field enclosures (n = 640 salamanders). Between 31 October 1994 and 31 March 1995, salamanders were collected from the enclosures using pitfall traps. Body mass and length, whole-body nonpolar storage lipids, clutch size, and egg nonpolar lipids were determined for sexually mature salamanders. After an average of 5-6 mo exposure to clearcut and 40-yr-old pine forest, there were no significant differences between habitats for number of recaptured salamanders, final body mass, final body length, percent whole-body storage lipid, clutch size, or percent storage lipid of eggs. Our results suggest, in contrast to expectations based on many comparative studies with other species, that habitat modification resulting from clearcutting may not have detrimental effects on newly metamorphosed A. talpoideum. We contrast our experimental approach, with its strengths and weaknesses, to previous comparative studies and identify the inherent complexities involved in establishing a causal link between habitat management (clearcutting) and effects on amphibians

    Comparison of F(ab') versus Fab antivenom for pit viper envenomation: A prospective, blinded, multicenter, randomized clinical trial

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    BACKGROUND: Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab (Ovine) has been the only antivenom commercially available in the US since 2007 for treatment of Crotalinae envenomation. Late coagulopathy can occur or recur after clearance of Fab antivenom, often after hospital discharge, lasting in some cases more than 2 weeks. There have been serious, even fatal, bleeding complications associated with recurrence phenomena. Frequent follow-up is required, and additional intervention or hospitalization is often necessary. F(ab')2 immunoglobulin derivatives have longer plasma half life than do Fab. We hypothesized that F(ab')2 antivenom would be superior to Fab in the prevention of late coagulopathy following treatment of patients with Crotalinae envenomation. METHODS: We conducted a prospective, double-blind, randomized clinical trial, comparing late coagulopathy in snakebitten patients treated with F(ab')2 with maintenance doses [F(ab')2/F(ab')2], or F(ab')2 with placebo maintenance doses [F(ab')2/placebo], versus Fab with maintenance doses [Fab/Fab]. The primary efficacy endpoint was coagulopathy (platelet count < 150 K/mm(3), fibrinogen level < 150 mg/dL) between end of maintenance dosing and day 8. RESULTS: 121 patients were randomized at 18 clinical sites and received at least one dose of study drug. 114 completed the study. Of these, 11/37 (29.7%) in the Fab/Fab cohort experienced late coagulopathy versus 4/39 (10.3%, p < 0.05) in the F(ab')2/F(ab')2 cohort and 2/38 (5.3%, p < 0.05) in the F(ab')2/placebo cohort. The lowest heterologous protein exposure was with F(ab')2/placebo. No serious adverse events were related to study drug. In each study arm, one patient experienced an acute serum reaction and one experienced serum sickness. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, management of coagulopathic Crotalinae envenomation with longer-half-life F(ab')2 antivenom, with or without maintenance dosing, reduced the risk of subacute coagulopathy and bleeding following treatment of envenomation

    Status of the Appalachian Grizzled Skipper (Pyrgus centaureae wyandot) in Virginia

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    ABSTRACT The Appalachian grizzled skipper (Pyrgus centaureae wyandot) was documented historically (primarily from shale barren habitats) in 11 counties in Virginia. Between 1992 and 2002, staff of the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of Natural Heritage, conducted 175 surveys for P. c. wyandot at 75 sites in 12 counties. The species was observed at only six sites during these surveys, representing two new county records. All observations since 1992 combined account for &lt;80 individuals. Due to forest succession and threats from gypsy moth control measures, all recent sites for P. c. wyandot in Virginia may be degrading in overall habitat quality

    Les bases de données du GIS Sol : un accès à la connaissance de l’état des sols sur le territoire

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    National audienceDepuis maintenant presque 20 ans, le GIS Sol conçoit et coordonne les programmes nationaux d’acquisition des données sur les sols. Ainsi, sous son impulsion et grâce aux financements de ses membres, l’unité de service InfoSol de l’INRA a organisé les actions d’inventaire et de surveillance des sols, tout comme la récupération et la sauvegarde de données anciennes ou acquises par différents acteurs (bureaux d’étude, laboratoires) afin de constituer un système d’information unique sur les sols de France. Ces dernières années, le traitement des données et leur mise à disposition se sont accélérés, rendant ainsi possible l’accès à des informations sur les sols. Sont ainsi disponibles et accessibles des données de base sur les sols (ex : nature, distribution) ainsi que des informations sur les teneurs nationales du fond pédogéochimique en divers éléments majeurs (ex : Al, Fe, Ca, K) et traces (ex : As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Ni, Zn) tout comme les concentrations attendues en certaines familles de contaminants organiques persistants dans l’environnement (ex : HAP, PCB, dioxines). Cette intervention fait le bilan de 20 ans d’un dispositif unique en Europe qui a organisé la coopération entre les ministères de l’Agriculture et de l’Ecologie, des instituts de recherche et des agences de l’Etat pour créer et faire prospérer un système d’information sur les sols de France