6,695 research outputs found

    Unification of SU(2)xU(1) Using a Generalized Covariant Derivative and U(3)

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    A generalization of the Yang-Mills covariant derivative, that uses both vector and scalar fields and transforms as a 4-vector contracted with Dirac matrices, is used to simplify and unify the Glashow-Weinberg-Salam model. Since SU(3) assigns the wrong hypercharge to the Higgs boson, it is necessary to use a special representation of U(3) to obtain all the correct quantum numbers. A surplus gauge scalar boson emerges in the process, but it uncouples from all other particles.Comment: 12 pages, no figures. To be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Pseudogap and the specific heat of high TcT_c superconductors

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    The specific heat of a two dimensional repulsive Hubbard model with local interaction is investigated. We use the two-pole approximation which exhibits explicitly important correlations that are sources of the pseudogap anomaly. The interplay between the specific heat and the pseudogap is the main focus of the present work. Our self consistent numerical results show that above the occupation nT0.85n_T\approx 0.85, the specific heat starts to decrease due to the presence of a pseudogap in the density of states. We have also observed a two peak structure in the specific heat. Such structure is robust with respect to the Coulomb interaction UU but it is significantly affected by the occupation nTn_T. A detailed study of the two peak structure is carried out in terms of the renormalized quasi-particle bands. The role of the second nearest neighbor hopping on the specific heat behavior and on the pseudogap, is extensively discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Solid State Communication

    Electric and magnetic fields effects on the excitonic properties of elliptic core-multishell quantum wires

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    The effect of eccentricity distortions of core-multishell quantum wires on their electron, hole and exciton states is theoretically investigated. Within the effective mass approximation, the Schrodinger equation is numerically solved for electrons and holes in systems with single and double radial heterostructures, and the exciton binding energy is calculated by means of a variational approach. We show that the energy spectrum of a core-multishell heterostructure with eccentricity distortions, as well as its magnetic field dependence, are very sensitive to the direction of an externally applied electric field, an effect that can be used to identify the eccentricity of the system. For a double heterostructure, the eccentricities of the inner and outer shells play an important role on the excitonic binding energy, specially in the presence of external magnetic fields, and lead to drastic modifications in the oscillator strength.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    Specific heat of a non-local attractive Hubbard model

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    The specific heat of an attractive (interaction G<0G<0) non-local Hubbard model is investigated. We use a two-pole approximation which leads to a set of correlation functions. In particular, the correlation function $\ playsanimportantroleasasourceofanomaliesinthenormalstateofthemodel.Ourresultsshowthatforagivingrangeof plays an important role as a source of anomalies in the normal state of the model. Our results show that for a giving range of Gand and \deltawhere where \delta=1-n_T( (n_T=n_{\uparrow}+n_{\downarrow}),thespecificheatasafunctionofthetemperaturepresentsatwopeakstructure.Nevertehelesss,thepresenceofapseudogapontheantinodalpoints), the specific heat as a function of the temperature presents a two peak structure. Nevertehelesss, the presence of a pseudogap on the anti-nodal points (0,\pm\pi)and and (\pm\pi,0)$ eliminates the two peak structure, the low temperature peak remaining. The effects of the second nearest neighbor hopping on the specific heat are also investigated.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Chandra Observation of the Edge-on Galaxy NGC 3556 (M 108): Violent Galactic Disk-halo Interaction Revealed

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    We present a 60 ks Chandra ACIS-S observation of the isolated edge-on spiral NGC 3556, together with a multiwavelength analysis of various discrete X-ray sources and diffuse X-ray features. Among 33 discrete X-ray sources detected within the I_B = 25 mag per square arcsec isophote ellipse of the galaxy, we identify a candidate for the galactic nucleus, an ultraluminous X-ray source that might be an accreting intermediate-mass black hole, a possible X-ray binary with a radio counterpart, and two radio-bright giant HII regions. We detect large amounts of extraplanar diffuse X-ray emission, which extends about 10 kpc radially in the disk and >~ 4 kpc away from the galactic plane. The diffuse X-ray emission exhibits significant substructures, possibly representing various blown-out superbubbles or chimneys of hot gas heated in massive star forming regions. This X-ray-emitting gas has temperatures in the range of ~ 2-7 x 10^6 K and has a total cooling rate of ~ 2 x 10^40 erg/s. The energy can be easily supplied by supernova blast-waves in the galaxy. These results demonstrate NGC 3556 as being a galaxy undergoing vigorous disk-halo interaction. The halo in NGC 3556 is considerably less extended, however, than that of NGC 4631, in spite of many similarities between the two galaxies. This may be due to the fact that NGC 3556 is isolated whereas NGC 4631 is interacting. Thus NGC 3556 presents a more pristine environment for studying the disk-halo interaction.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figures. To appear in ApJ. Please see http://www.astro.umass.edu/~wqd/papers/n3556/n3556.pdf for a high resolution versio

    Discovery of VHE gamma-rays from the vicinity of the shell-type SNR G318.2+0.1 with H.E.S.S

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    The on-going H.E.S.S. Galactic Plane Survey continues to reveal new sources of VHE gamma-rays. In particular, recent re-observations of the region around the shell-type supernova remnant (SNR) G318.2+0.1 have resulted in the discovery of statistically-significant very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray emission from an extended region. Although the source remains unidentified, archival observations of CO12 in the region provide an opportunity to investigate a potential SNR/molecular cloud interaction. The morphological properties of this newly-discovered VHE gamma-ray source HESSJ1457-593 are presented and discussed in light of the multi-wavelength data available.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Proc. of the 25th TEXAS Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics. To appear in Proceedings of Scienc

    A decisão de investir na produção de farinha de arroz.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar e avaliar a viabilidade do investimento na produção de farinha de arroz, no contexto do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, a partir do arroz quebrado, subproduto das empresas beneficiadoras deste cereal, visando inicialmente o mercado de licitação pública para compras destinadas à merenda escolar, do sistema público de ensino do estado do Rio Grande do Sul