70 research outputs found

    "La scène éditoriale lyonnaise" : Étude des œuvres théâtrales de Paul Scarron à partir d’un corpus d’éditions de la bibliothèque municipale de Lyon de la fin du XVIIe siècle

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    Mémoire du Master 1 Cultures de l\u27écrit et de l\u27image portant sur l\u27étude des œuvres théâtrales de Paul Scarron à partir d’un corpus d’éditions de la bibliothèque municipale de Lyon de la fin du XVIIe siècle

    Institutional distance and foreign subsidiary performance in emerging markets: moderating effects of ownership strategy and host-country experience

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    Institutional distance has been known to be an important driver of Multinational Enterprises’ strategies and performance in host countries. Based on a large panel dataset of 10562 firms operating in 17 emerging markets and spanning 80 home countries, we re-examine the relationship described by Gaur and Lu (2007) between regulatory institutional distance and subsidiary performance. We extend this research by (1) examining this relationship in the context of emerging markets, (2) examining the moderating effects of ownership strategy and host-country experience within the context of emerging markets and (3) accounting for a greater variety of institutions by including a large number of home and host countries. We find that institutional distance negatively affects subsidiary performance in emerging markets. Our findings also show that the negative effects of institutional distance on subsidiary performance are lesser for subsidiaries with partial ownership (than for subsidiaries with full ownership) and for subsidiaries with greater host-country experience. We discuss our findings with respect to Gaur and Lu’s model, which explores the relationships between these variables in a general context

    Rethinking capital mobility, re‐regulating financial markets

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    The globalisation hypothesis has altered many of the common-sense ‘truths’ around which the social world is organised.* In particular, globalisation is thought to restrict the parameters of the politically and economically possible. Indeed, the notion of constrained choice is so pronounced that we are increasingly confronted with the image of globalisation’s ‘logic of no alternative’; an image which is predicated on the assumption of perfect capital mobility. Capital is considered to be sufficiently rational to take advantage of enhanced exit options from the national economy in circumstances in which its interests are served by moving off-shore. Moreover, global markets are also assumed to have exploited contemporary technological developments to such an extent that they now clear instantaneously; consequently, allowing capital to further its interests wherever in the world new profit opportunities arise. Thus, we are presented with the fundamental ‘reality’ of globalisation as currently narrated throughout much of the west: unless the market can be allowed to restore a competitive global equilibrium, capital will exit high-wage, high-cost western economies and re-locate in lower-wage, lower-cost, newly industrialising economies. Under the auspices of ever more hostile wage competition from the newly industrialising economies, globalisation is commonly presumed to act as a trigger for an ‘inevitable’ job displacement effect as capital deserts the advanced industrialised economies

    Economie internationale

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    Chavagneux. Economie internationale. In: Politique étrangère, n°4 - 1996 - 61ᵉannée. pp. 934-935

    Ethan B. Kapstein. Governing the Global Economy. International Finance and the State

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    Chavagneux. Ethan B. Kapstein. Governing the Global Economy. International Finance and the State. In: Politique étrangère, n°1 - 1995 - 60ᵉannée. pp. 272-273

    Nicolas van de Walle et Timothy A. Johnston. Improving Aid to Africa Benno Ndulu et Nicolas van de Walle (dir.). Agenda for Africa's Economic Renewal

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    Chavagneux. Nicolas van de Walle et Timothy A. Johnston. Improving Aid to Africa Benno Ndulu et Nicolas van de Walle (dir.). Agenda for Africa's Economic Renewal. In: Politique étrangère, n°2 - 1997 - 62ᵉannée. pp. 406-408

    Ibrahim F. I. Shihata. The World Bank in a Changing World. Selected Essays and Lectures, vol. II

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    Chavagneux. Ibrahim F. I. Shihata. The World Bank in a Changing World. Selected Essays and Lectures, vol. II. In: Politique étrangère, n°3 - 1996 - 61ᵉannée. pp. 697-698

    Béatrice Hibou. L'Afrique est-elle protectionniste ? Les chemins buissonniers de la libéralisation extérieure

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    Chavagneux. Béatrice Hibou. L'Afrique est-elle protectionniste ? Les chemins buissonniers de la libéralisation extérieure. In: Politique étrangère, n°2 - 1996 - 61ᵉannée. pp. 453-454

    Peter Kenen (ed.). Managing the World Economy. Fifty Years After Bretton Woods

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    Chavagneux. Peter Kenen (ed.). Managing the World Economy. Fifty Years After Bretton Woods. In: Politique étrangère, n°2 - 1995 - 60ᵉannée. pp. 538-539