46 research outputs found

    Advances in indium-catalysed organic synthesis

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    Reverse chemical ecology approach for the identification of an oviposition attractant for Culex quinquefasciatus.

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    Pheromones and other semiochemicals play a crucial role in today's integrated pest and vector management strategies. These semiochemicals are typically discovered by bioassay-guided approaches. Here, we applied a reverse chemical ecology approach; that is, we used olfactory proteins to lead us to putative semiochemicals. Specifically, we used 7 of the top 10 odorant receptors (ORs) most expressed in the antennae of the southern house mosquito, Culex quinquefasciatus, and which are yet to be deorphanized. We expressed these receptors in the Xenopus oocyte recording system and challenged them with a panel of 230 odorants, including physiologically and behaviorally active compounds. Six of the ORs were silent either because they are not functional or a key odorant was missing. CquiOR36, which showed the highest transcript levels of all OR genes in female antennae, was also silent to all odorants in the tested panel, but yielded robust responses when it was accidentally challenged with an old sample of nonanal in ethanol. After confirming that fresh samples were inactive and through a careful investigation of all possible "contaminants" in the old nonanal samples, we identified the active ligand as acetaldehyde. That acetaldehyde is activating CquiOR36 was further confirmed by electroantennogram recordings from antennae of fruit flies engineered to carry CquiOR36. Antennae of female mosquitoes also responded to acetaldehyde. Cage oviposition and dual-choice assays demonstrated that acetaldehyde is an oviposition attractant in a wide range of concentrations and thus of potential practical applications

    HIV reactivity trends in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Himachal Pradesh: a ten-year ICTC based retrospective analysis

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    Background: Despite being a low HIV prevalence nation, India has the third largest number of PLHAs in the world. The study aimed to explore the prevalence, pattern of socio-demographic and epidemiological distribution among HIV sero-positive patients in this part of Himachal Pradesh. Objective was to estimate the prevalence of HIV infection among the clients who had attended the ICTC for a period of ten years, i.e. from 2008 to 2017.Methods: A retrospective descriptive analysis of secondary data from the National AIDS control program from the year 2008 through 2017 was done.Results: Overall prevalence of HIV positivity amongst the clients attending the centre was observed to be 2.1%. Out of the total 55610 clients tested for HIV infection, 40.4% were male, 25.4% were female (excluding ANCs) and 34.2% were Ante-natal cases. Overall, seropositivity was higher among males (58%) than females (40%). However, amongst the groups, higher prevalence has been observed to be present in the females (3.3%) over males (3%) and Ante-natal cases (0.12%). Belonging to the female sex [OR 1.99 (95% CI: 1.77-2.24)] and male sex [OR 2.07 (95% CI: 1.84- 2.33)] had higher odds of having HIV sero-positivity than Ante-natal cases [OR 0.04 (95% CI: 0.02-0.05)]. Heterosexual route of transmission was the major route seen in 70.1%. Maximum HIV seropositivity was in the age group of 25 - 34 years (35.4%).Conclusions: The trends over the last 10 years show no steady pattern. Hence, there is a need for scaled up and sustained efforts focused on the males of reproductive age group for the prevention and control of HIV infection

    Feasibility Analysis of Machining Cobalt-Chromium Alloy (Stellite-6) Using TiN Coated Binary Inserts

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    The objective of the study was to check the feasibility of machining Stellite 6, a cobalt–chromium superalloy, using TiN-coated carbide inserts in an end milling operation. The inserts were coated using the magnetron sputtering process. The sputtering power and gas flow rate were considered as the variables during the coating process. The performance of the coated binary carbide insert was checked during the end milling of Stellite 6 (~45 HRC) through an experiment with a Taguchi design. Experimental runs based on an orthogonal array were executed for each insert type to check the feasibility of machining this cobalt-based alloy. Adequate precision and the optimum parametric conditions were determined and are reported in this study. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a two-factor interaction model was also undertaken to forecast the key elements influencing surface roughness. Based on the ANOVA model, the depth of the cut, combined with the insert type, was the factor that had the greatest influence on surface roughness, followed by the cutting feed, whereas the cutting velocity had the least significance based on the tests. Moreover, the regression analysis demonstrated that the created model can be used to accurately forecast surface roughness in end milling of Stellite 6 with confidence intervals of 95%.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of the Constituents of Vetiver Oil Against Anopheles minimus (Diptera: Culicidae), a Malaria Vector in Thailand

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    The development of resistance by mosquitoes to current synthetic compounds has resulted in reduced effectiveness of prevention and control methods worldwide. An alternative nonchemical based control tools are needed to be evaluated particularly plant-derived essential oils. Several components of vetiver oil have been documented as insect repellents. However, detailed knowledge of those components action against insect remains unknown. In this study, behavioral response of Anopheles minimus to four constituents of vetiver oil (valencene, terpinen-4-ol, isolongifolene, vetiverol) was evaluated by using the high-throughput screening assay system. Vetiverol and isolongifolene exhibited strong contact irritancy action at 1.0% (80.2% escaping) and 5.0% (81.7% escaping) concentration, respectively, while moderate action was found in both valencene and terpinen-4-ol at 5.0% (57.6% escaping). Only at 1.0% (0.7 spatial activity index [SAI]) and 5.0% (1.0 SAI) of valencene and 0.5% (0.7 SAI) of isolongifolene showed spatial repellency activity. High mortality (58.9–98.2%) was recorded in all concentration of vetiverol and isolongifolene. Meanwhile, valencene exhibited high mortality only at 5.0%, terpinen-4-ol showed very low toxic action (0–4.3%) in all concentration. These proved that valencene in vetiver oil is the promising constituent that can be developed as an alternative mosquito control mean in efforts to prevent disease transmission

    Sex Pheromone of the Soybean Aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, and Its Potential Use in Semiochemical-Based Control

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    The newly invasive soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, has seriously threatened soybean production in North America, after having spread to \u3e20 states in the United States and several southern provinces of Canada. Control of A. glycineshas focused on applications of insecticides, which are not a long-term solution to soybean aphid pest management. In autumn, soybean aphids start producing alate females (gynoparae) that search for their overwintering host plants, the common buckthorn, Rhamnus cathartica. The gynoparae then produce pheromone-emitting wingless female offspring (oviparae) that attract male aphids. In this study, we report the chemical identification of the soybean aphid sex pheromone using gas chromatography–electroantennogram, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Behavioral activities of males and gynoparous females in the field were also characterized. The potential applications using formulations containing specific soybean aphid pheromone compositions for reducing overwintering populations are discussed

    Frameworks for implementation, uptake and use of digital health interventions in ethnic minority populations: a scoping review using cardiometabolic disease as a case study

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    Background: Digital health interventions have become increasingly common across health care, both before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health inequalities, particularly with respect to ethnicity, may not be considered in frameworks that address the implementation of digital health interventions. We considered frameworks to include any models, theories, or taxonomies that describe or predict implementation, uptake, and use of digital health interventions. Objective: We aimed to assess how health inequalities are addressed in frameworks relevant to the implementation, uptake, and use of digital health interventions; health and ethnic inequalities; and interventions for cardiometabolic disease. Methods: SCOPUS, PubMed, EMBASE, Google Scholar, and gray literature were searched to identify papers on frameworks relevant to the implementation, uptake, and use of digital health interventions; ethnically or culturally diverse populations and health inequalities; and interventions for cardiometabolic disease. We assessed the extent to which frameworks address health inequalities, specifically ethnic inequalities; explored how they were addressed; and developed recommendations for good practice. Results: Of 58 relevant papers, 22 (38%) included frameworks that referred to health inequalities. Inequalities were conceptualized as society-level, system-level, intervention-level, and individual. Only 5 frameworks considered all levels. Three frameworks considered how digital health interventions might interact with or exacerbate existing health inequalities, and 3 considered the process of health technology implementation, uptake, and use and suggested opportunities to improve equity in digital health. When ethnicity was considered, it was often within the broader concepts of social determinants of health. Only 3 frameworks explicitly addressed ethnicity: one focused on culturally tailoring digital health interventions, and 2 were applied to management of cardiometabolic disease. Conclusions: Existing frameworks evaluate implementation, uptake, and use of digital health interventions, but to consider factors related to ethnicity, it is necessary to look across frameworks. We have developed a visual guide of the key constructs across the 4 potential levels of action for digital health inequalities, which can be used to support future research and inform digital health policies