6 research outputs found

    Вплив наночастинок у технології підвищення вилучення нафти на основі полімерів

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    Хімічні методи підвищення вилучення нафти на основі полімерів, хоч і усувають недоліки звичайного заводнення, такі як в'язке пальцеподібне нагрівання, мають проблеми з ефективністю в умовах соляного розчину та високих температур, які можна вирішити за рахунок застосування нанотехнологій. У роботі досліджується нанорідина, виготовлена з оксиду міді (PHPA), щоб підвищити ефективність вилучення нафти. Підготовлену нанорідину аналізують на її реологічні характеристики при різних концентраціях добавок, солоності та температурах від 25 до 100 °C. Аналіз передбачає, що нанорідина продемонструє значне покращення своїх реологічних властивостей із стійкістю до сольових та температурних умов.Polymer-based chemical enhanced oil recovery methods, while overcoming the disadvantages of conventional waterflooding such as viscous fingering, have performance issues in saline and high temperature conditions that can be addressed through the application of nanotechnology. In the present work, a nanofluid prepared from copper oxide (PHPA) is explored in order to improve the oil recovery efficiency. The prepared nanofluid is analyzed for its rheological performance at various additive concentrations, salinities and for temperatures ranging from 25 to 100 °C. The analysis predicts the nanofluid to exhibit a significant improvement in its rheological properties with resistance to saline and temperature conditions

    Multimodality Management of Two Pairs of Pyopagus Twins

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    Background and Aim: Conjoined twins, due to their rarity and complex anatomy, pose not only a technical, but also a physiological challenge for their separation, with each case being uniquely distinct. The aim of the present article is to describe the surgical approach and management strategy for two cases of pyopagus conjoined twins operated at our center. Case Report: Case 1: Antenatally detected conjoined twin girls presented postnatally to our centre. They were found to have a common vestibule with single anal opening facing partially away from each other. On evaluation they were found to have a single sacrum and fused conus and filum terminale. They were taken up for separation at 2years of age & the 24hour long surgery, culminated in successful separation. The children had good post-operative outcome at 10months post separation. Case 2: Conjoined pyopagus twin girls presented postnatally, and were found to have fused cords, having a terminal syrinx and partially separate sacrum. They were separated at 2.5 years of age, with a multi-departmental effort and coordination. They are doing well 2 months post-operatively. Conclusion: A multidisciplinary team support with thorough preoperative planning significantly aids in improving the outcome of surgical separation. This has been possible by using modern technology. Each reported case contributes significantly to literature

    International consensus statement on obstructive sleep apnea

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    International consensus statement on obstructive sleep apnea

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    BACKGROUND: Evaluation and interpretation of the literature on obstructive sleep apnea is needed to consolidate and summarize key factors important for clinical management of the OSA adult patient. Toward this goal, an international collaborative of multidisciplinary experts in sleep apnea evaluation and treatment have produced the International Consensus statement on Obstructive Sleep Apnea (ICS:OSA). METHODS: Using previously defined methodology, focal topics in OSA were assigned as literature review (LR), evidence-based review (EBR), or evidence-based review with recommendations (EBR-R) formats. Each topic incorporated the available and relevant evidence which was summarized and graded on study quality. Each topic and section underwent iterative review and the ICS:OSA was created and reviewed by all authors for consensus. RESULTS: The ICS:OSA addresses OSA syndrome definitions, pathophysiology, epidemiology, risk factors for disease, screening methods, diagnostic testing types, multiple treatment modalities, and effects of OSA and treatment on the multiple comorbidities. Specific focus on outcomes with positive airway pressure (PAP) and surgical treatments were evaluated. CONCLUSION: This review of the literature in OSA consolidates the available knowledge and identifies the limitations of the current evidence. This effort aims to highlight the basis of OSA evidence-based practice and identify future research needs. Knowledge gaps and opportunities for improvement include improving the metrics of OSA disease, determining the optimal OSA screening paradigms, developing strategies for PAP adherence and longitudinal care, enhancing selection of PAP alternatives and surgery, understanding health risk outcomes, and translating evidence into individualized approaches to therapy