46 research outputs found

    Inverse scattering problem for optical coherence tomography

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    We deal with the imaging problem of determining the internal structure of a body from backscattered laser light and low-coherence interferometry. Specifically, using the interference fringes that result when the backscattering of low-coherence light is made to interfere with the reference beam, we obtain maps detailing the values of the refractive index within the sample. Our approach accounts fully for the statistical nature of the coherence phenomenon; the numerical experiments that we present, which show image reconstructions of high quality, were obtained under noise floors exceeding those present for various experimental setups reported in the literature

    Estimating Sea Surface Salinity and Wind Using Combined Passive and Active L-Band Microwave Observations

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    Several L-band microwave radiometer and radar missions have been, or will be, operating in space for land and ocean observations. These include the NASA Aquarius mission and the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission, both of which use combined passive/ active L-band instruments. Aquarius s passive/active L-band microwave sensor has been designed to map the salinity field at the surface of the ocean from space. SMAP s primary objectives are for soil moisture and freeze/thaw detection, but it will operate continuously over the ocean, and hence will have significant potential for ocean surface research. In this innovation, an algorithm has been developed to retrieve simultaneously ocean surface salinity and wind from combined passive/active L-band microwave observations of sea surfaces. The algorithm takes advantage of the differing response of brightness temperatures and radar backscatter to salinity, wind speed, and direction, thus minimizing the least squares error (LSE) measure, which signifies the difference between measurements and model functions of brightness temperatures and radar backscatter. The algorithm uses the conjugate gradient method to search for the local minima of the LSE. Three LSE measures with different measurement combinations have been tested. The first LSE measure uses passive microwave data only with retrieval errors reaching 1 to 2 psu (practical salinity units) for salinity, and 1 to 2 m/s for wind speed. The second LSE measure uses both passive and active microwave data for vertical and horizontal polarizations. The addition of active microwave data significantly improves the retrieval accuracy by about a factor of five. To mitigate the impact of Faraday rotation on satellite observations, the third LSE measure uses measurement combinations invariant under the Faraday rotation. For Aquarius, the expected RMS SSS (sea surface salinity) error will be less than about 0.2 psu for low winds, and increases to 0.3 psu at 25 m/s wind speed for warm waters (25 C). To achieve the required 0.2 psu accuracy, the impact of sea surface roughness (e.g. wind-generated ripples) on the observed brightness temperature has to be corrected to better than one tenth of a degree Kelvin. With this algorithm, the accuracy of retrieved wind speed will be high, varying from a few tenths to 0.6 m/s. The expected direction accuracy is also excellent (less than 10 ) for mid to high winds, but degrades for lower speeds (less than 7 m/s)

    Evaluation of EM-wave propagation in fully three-dimensional atmospheric refractive index distributions

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    We present a novel numerical method, based on high-frequency localization, for evaluation of electromagnetic-wave propagation through atmospheres exhibiting fully three-dimensional (height, range and cross-range) refractive index variations. This methodology, which is based on localization of Rytov-integration domains to small tubes around geometrical optics paths, can accurately solve three-dimensional propagation problems in orders-of-magnitude shorter computing times than other algorithms available presently. For example, the proposed approach can accurately produce solutions for propagation of ≈20 cm GPS signals across hundreds of kilometers of realistic, three-dimensional atmospheres in computing times on the order of 1 hour in a present-day single-processor workstation, a task for which other algorithms would require, in such single-processor computers, computing times on the order of several months

    One-dimensional inverse scattering problem for optical coherence tomography

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    Optical coherence tomography is a non-invasive imaging technique based on the use of light sources exhibiting a low degree of coherence. Low-coherence interferometric microscopes have been successful in producing internal images of thin pieces of biological tissue; typically samples of the order of 1 mm in depth have been imaged, with a resolution of the order of 10 µm in some portions of the sample. In this paper we deal with the imaging problem of determining the internal structure of a multi-layered sample from backscattered laser light and low-coherence interferometry. In detail, we formulate and solve an inverse problem which, using the interference fringes that result as the back scattering of low-coherence light is made to interfere with a reference beam, produces maps detailing the values of the refractive index within the imaged sample. Unlike previous approaches to the OCT imaging problem, the method we introduce does not require processing at data collection time, and it produces quantitatively accurate values of the refractive indexes within the sample from back-scattering interference fringes only

    The SMAP and Copernicus Sentinel 1A/B Microwave Active-Passive High Resolution Surface Soil Moisture Product and Its Applications

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    SMAP project released a new enhanced high-resolution (3km and 1 km) soil moisture active-passive product. This product is obtained by combining the SMAP radiometer data and the Sentinel-1A and -1B Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. The approach used for this product draws heavily from the heritage SMAP active-passive algorithm. Modifications in the SMAP active-passive algorithm are done to accommodate the Copernicus Program's Sentinel-1A and -1B multi-angular C-band SAR data. Assessment of the SMAP and Sentinel active-passive algorithm has been conducted and results show feasibility of estimating surface soil moisture at high-resolution in regions with low vegetation density (~< 3 kg/sq.m). A new version of this product is released to public in May 2018. This high resolution (3 km and 1 km) soil moisture product with reasonable accuracy of 0.05 m3/m3 is useful for agriculture, flood mapping, watershed/rangeland management, and ecological/hydrological applications

    Development and Validation of The SMAP Enhanced Passive Soil Moisture Product

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    Since the beginning of its routine science operation in March 2015, the NASA SMAP observatory has been returning interference-mitigated brightness temperature observations at L-band (1.41 GHz) frequency from space. The resulting data enable frequent global mapping of soil moisture with a retrieval uncertainty below 0.040 cu m/cu m at a 36 km spatial scale. This paper describes the development and validation of an enhanced version of the current standard soil moisture product. Compared with the standard product that is posted on a 36 km grid, the new enhanced product is posted on a 9 km grid. Derived from the same time-ordered brightness temperature observations that feed the current standard passive soil moisture product, the enhanced passive soil moisture product leverages on the Backus-Gilbert optimal interpolation technique that more fully utilizes the additional information from the original radiometer observations to achieve global mapping of soil moisture with enhanced clarity. The resulting enhanced soil moisture product was assessed using long-term in situ soil moisture observations from core validation sites located in diverse biomes and was found to exhibit an average retrieval uncertainty below 0.040 cu m/cu m. As of December 2016, the enhanced soil moisture product has been made available to the public from the NASA Distributed Active Archive Center at the National Snow and Ice Data Center