10 research outputs found

    Possible genotypes based on different diploidization mechanisms in parthenogenesis in <i>Drosophila albomicans</i>.

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    <p>The three possible diploidization mechanisms are illustrated in the left column. The four nuclei produced after meiosis are indicated by colored circles. Central fusion is the fusion of two nuclei derived from different meiosis I nuclei (“dark blue fusion with pink or red circles” or “light blue fusion with pink or red circles”), whereas terminal fusion is derived from the same meiosis I nucleus (“dark blue fusion with light blue circles” or “pink fusion with red circles”). Gamete duplication is the fusion of two nuclei duplicated from one of four nuclei. All possible genotypes of two linked markers are listed under three mechanisms with (A) no recombination, (B) one recombination event between two markers and the centromere, (C) one recombination event between two markers, and (D) double crossover. The chromosomes from parthenogenetic and sexual strains are labeled by blue and red, respectively. The alleles of each locus are labeled as <i>P</i> for parthenogenetic strain and <i>S</i> for the two sexual strains. Because the double-crossover rate was extremely low, recombinant F<sub>2</sub> offspring arising from double crossover are not considered in this analysis. Genotypes that can have come from only one of the three mechanisms are labeled in blue, the genotypes in black (i.e., <i>PS</i>,<i>PS</i>) are from central fusion or terminal fusion, and genotypes that are shared by the three mechanisms are labeled in gray.</p

    Weekly offspring numbers of single virgin KKU119 (A), mated KKU119 (B), and mated #55.1 (C) females of <i>Drosophila albomicans</i>.

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    <p>The X-axis denotes weeks after mating. The Y-axis denotes offspring numbers. Sample size: A  =  34, B  =  41, C  =  18. Error bars indicate standard errors. Different letters indicate that the values are significantly different between weeks at <i>P</i><0.05 by Friedman's test and an additional post hoc analysis of Bonferroni-corrected Wilcoxon signed-rank test.</p

    Percentages of various diploidization mechanisms of parthenogenesis in <i>Drosophila albomicans.</i>

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    <p>* See <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0113275#pone-0113275-g001" target="_blank">Figure 1</a> for the inference of diploidization mechanisms by different genotypes.</p><p>Percentages of various diploidization mechanisms of parthenogenesis in <i>Drosophila albomicans.</i></p

    The percentage of virgin females capable of producing progeny and the fertility of virgin females from three strains of <i>Drosophila albomicans</i> and their sexually produced F<sub>1</sub> progeny.

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    <p>The percentage of virgin females capable of producing progeny and the fertility of virgin females from three strains of <i>Drosophila albomicans</i> and their sexually produced F<sub>1</sub> progeny.</p

    Female mating propensities of the parthenogenetic and sexual strains of <i>Drosophila albomicans.</i>

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    a.<p>One female from each strain was paired with one male from #55.1.</p><p>Female mating propensities of the parthenogenetic and sexual strains of <i>Drosophila albomicans.</i></p

    Diseño de una metaheurística para la planificación semanal de distribución de una empresa siderúrgica en Guayaquil

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    En este proyecto se realiza una planificación para la distribución semanal de los productos estrellas a los principales clientes de una empresa dedicada a la fabricación y comercialización de productos de acero a nivel nacional. Para esto se hace uso de instrumentos para la tabulación de datos, modelo de costos de transporte, pronóstico de la demanda, clasificación ABC con respecto a las toneladas despachadas en el 2013, además de un análisis para la determinación de un tamaño aproximado para la flota vehicular. Esto se realiza de tal manera que le permita a la empresa en estudio realizar una comparación sobre su escenario del año 2013 con respecto a los costos de transporte e indicadores del servicio al cliente.GuayaquilINGENIERA EN LOGÍSTICA Y TRANSPORT

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Identification and evolutionary analysis of long non-coding RNAs in zebra finch

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    Schematic presentation of natal down development in zebra finch and chicken and the six ssRNA-seq datasets used in this study. (A) Zebra finch embryos show two types of feather formation. The anterior dorsal (AD) tract and its two flanks show Type I feather formation (open circles) in which the feather buds do not develop into feather. On the other hand, the middle stripe of the posterior dorsal (PD) tract and the other regions shown in black circles show Type II feather formation in which the feather buds develop into down feathers, which are later replaced by contour feathers. In contrast, both the AD and the PD region of chicken embryos show Type II feather formation. (B) The skin regions and the six ssRNA-seq datasets used in this study. To reduce the complexity of skin regional specificity, only the dorsal skins (red dash boxes) were dissected and analyzed for the gene expressions. E8A: AD skin of embryo day 8; E8P: PD skin of embryo day 8; E9A: AD skin of embryo day 9; E9P: PD skin of embryo day 9; E12A: AD skin of embryo day 12; E12P: PD skin of embryo day 12; D7: 7 days post-hatch. Scale bar: 0.1 cm. The figure was modified from our previous study [27]. (TIF 20328 kb