4 research outputs found

    Prévention du brunissement lors de l’extraction de jus de banane plantain et valorisation des résidus issus de cette extraction

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    Ces expériences ont été conduites dans l’optique d’évaluer d’une part la capacité de divers traitements anti brunissement à prévenir le brunissement du jus de banane plantain et d’autre part de valoriser les résidus issus de cette extraction sous forme de confiture. Le métabisulfite de potassium (100 mg/kg) était plus efficace pour la production d’un jus de banane légèrement coloré et de coloration stable par rapport aux deux méthodes de traitement thermique (chauffage de la banane entière non épluchée à 100 °C pendant 11 min et le chauffage de la purée à 85 °C pendant 1-2 min et l’acide ascorbique (470 mg/kg). La polyphenoloxydase était plus active dans les jus clarifiés traités à l’acide ascorbique et le témoin qui brunissent tous au fil du temps. L’analyse sensorielle a révélé que tous les jus présentaient la même intensité de flaveur banane plantain. Les résidus d’extraction des jus ont été valorisés par la production de deux types de confiture (avec ou sans ajout de poudre de baobab comme source de pectine) appréciés par les dégustateurs. Par ailleurs, la confiture contenant la poudre de baobab (Adansonia digitata) aura une meilleure conservation grâce à son pH plus acide.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Plantain, brunissement, extraction, valorisation, jus, Adansonia digitataEnglish AbstractThese experiments were conducted with a view to evaluating both the ability of various anti browning treatments to prevent browning of plantain juice and also to value the residues from the extraction as jam. Potassium metabisulfite (100 m/L) was more effective for the production of a slightly colored banana juice with stable color compared to the two methods of thermal treatment (heating the whole banana unpeeled at 100 °C for 11 min and heating the mash at 85 °C for 1-2 min) and ascorbic acid (470 mg/L). The polyphenol oxidase was more active in the clarified juice treated with ascorbic acid and the control which darkened over time. Sensory analysis revealed that all the juices had the same intensity of plantain flavor. The juice processing wastes were valued by the production of two types of jam (with or without addition of baobab powder as a source of pectin) appreciated by the tasters. Moreover, jam containing baobab (A digitata) powder will have better preservation with its more acidic pH.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Plantain, browning, extraction, valorization, juice, Adansonia digitat

    Caractérisation physico-chimique et sensorielle de diverses formulations de jus à base de pomme de cajou et d’ananas

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    En Côte d’Ivoire, la quasi-totalité des pommes de cajou ne sont pas transformées à cause de leur astringence et de certains tabous. Pour y remédier, cette étude vise à formuler quatre boissons non alcoolisées à base de jus de pomme de cajou et d’ananas. Les différentes formulations ont été soumises à l’appréciation d’un jury de dégustateurs puis à des analyses physico-chimiques à l’aide de méthodes normées. Les dégustateurs ont préféré la formulation F4 contenant 25% de jus de pomme de cajou et 75% de jus d’ananas. Ce cocktail est sucré (11,5° brix), moins astringent par rapport aux autres formulations et a une teneur en phénols totaux de 0,6 mg/l Eq Ac. Gallique. La teneur en vitamine C du jus brut de cajou est de 317,5 mg/100 ml tandis que la formulation F4 contient 52,03 mg/100 ml de vitamine C. La teneur en cendres est plus élevée dans la formulation F4 (0,41%). On note aussi la présence d’un nombre plus important de composés osidiques.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Boissons, ananas, pomme de cajou, analyses physico-chimiquesEnglish Title: Physicochemical and sensory characterization of various formulations of cashew apple juice and pineappleEnglish AbstractIn Ivory Coast, almost all cashew apples are not processed because of their astringency and taboos. In response, this study aims to make four soft drinks from cashew apple juice and pineapple. The different formulations were submitted to a jury of tasters then physicochemical analyzes using standardized methods were conducted. The tasters preferred the F4 formulation containing 25% of cashew apple juice and 75% of pineapple juice. This cocktail is sweeter (11.5 °brix), less astringent compared to other formulations and has a total phenol content of 0.6 mg / l Ac Eq. Gallic. The vitamin C content of raw cashew juice is 317.5 mg/100 ml while formulation F4 contains 52.03 mg/100 ml of vitamin C. The ash content is higher in formulation F4 (0, 41%). A larger number of saccharides were found in the preferred formulation.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Drinks, pineapple, cashew apple, physicochemical analyse

    Efficiency of Triple Bagging System and Lippia multiflora Leaves for the Vitamin Quality Preservation of Cowpea Seeds (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp)

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    Aims: To assess the effectiveness of triple bagging systems with or without Lippia multiflora leaves on the vitamin-quality of cowpea seeds during storage. Methodology: Cowpea seeds that have undergone any treatment were collected from producer in the southwest of Côte d’Ivoire. The fresh leaves of Lippia multiflora were collected and dried in sunlight for 7 days in center of Côte d’Ivoire. The storage bags used were obtained from the suppliers to Côte d’Ivoire in Abidjan. All this material was sent to the Laboratory of Biochemistry and Food Sciences, Felix Houphouet-Boigny University, Côte d’Ivoire to perform the experiment. Thus for the experiment realization, a central composite design (CCD) was used. The first factor of CCD consisted to six types of packaging, namely: one control with polypropylene bag (TST), one triple bagging batch (composed of 2 internal layers in independent high density polyethylene 80 mm thick and a woven bag polypropylene) without biopesticide (H0), and four batches (H1, H2, H3 and H4) containing respectively (0.7%; 2.5; 4.3%; and 5%) biopesticide. The second factor, storage time, it included six periods of observation (0; 1; 2; 4.5; 7 and 8 months). HPLC techniques were used for the separation and quantification of β-carotene, α-tocopherol (vitamin E) and the water-soluble vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine and folic acid). The estimated daily intake of folic acid (vitamin B9) was also evaluated for Ivorian adult of 70 kg. Results: The results of vitamin properties indicate a significant influence (P < 0.05) between the type of treatments and shelf life. Multivariate analysis results (PCA and AHC) indicate that the addition of at least 0.7% Lippia multiflora leaves in triple bagging systems makes preservation more efficient and preserves the vitamin quality of the cowpea seeds during 8 months. The contribution to meeting vitamin B9 requirements is palpable when cowpea seeds are stored for up to 8 months in the triple bagging systems associated with the biopesticide. Conclusion: Cowpea seeds storage in triple bagging systems with Lippia multiflora leaves appears as a method of effective and inexpensive conservation to ensure the vitamin-quality of cowpea

    Evaluation of Loss Rate and Organoleptic Characterisation of Kola Nuts (Cola nitida) during Conservation

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    Aims: The conservation of fresh kola nuts produced in CĂ´te d'Ivoire and intended for the export, poses a veritable problem for the farmers. This study aimed to evaluate the ability of biopesticide TopBio and three types of packaging to preserve kola nut.  Study Design: Harvest kola nuts, cleaning, setting up conservation methods, sensory evaluation and loss rate.  Place and Duration of Study: University of Nangui Abrogoua, Abidjan, CĂ´te d’Ivoire, from September 2018 to March 2018. Methodology: Good Hygiene Practices (GHP), a biopesticide (TopBio) and three containers, namely the rattan basket lined with Thaumatococcus daniellii., leaves, the polystyrene trays and the triple bagging bag have been used for the treatment and preservation of kola nuts. The rate of loss and organoleptic characteristics were assessed during conservation. Results: After one month of storage, the GHP-CBS, GHP-CRS, Bio-CBP, Bio-CBS and Bio-CRS methods favoured 100% of loss rate. Moreover, after 6 months of storage, the GHP-CBB, GHP-CRB, Bio-CBB and Bio-CRB methods allowed to have a loss rate of less than 10%. While the highest loss rates were observed at the GHP-CBP and GHP-CRP methods with respectively 42.47% and 81.57% loss. Conclusion: The preservation method with Good Hygiene Practices and PS trays has made it possible to conserve the water content and organoleptic characteristics of kola nuts, unlike technologies with the biopesticide, the rattan basket and the bag triple bagging