53 research outputs found

    Effect of adherence to self-monitoring of diet and physical activity on weight loss in a technology-supported behavioral intervention

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    Background: Examination of mediating behavioral factors could explain how an intervention works and thus provide guidance to optimize behavioral weight-loss programs. This study examined the mediating role of adherence to self-monitoring of diet and physical activity on weight loss in a behavioral weight-loss trial testing the use of personal digital assistants (PDA) for self-monitoring. Methods: Mediation analysis was conducted to examine the possible mediating role of adherence to self-monitoring of diet and physical activity between treatments using varying self-monitoring methods (paper record, PDA, and PDA with daily tailored feedback messages) and weight loss. Findings: The sample (N = 210) was predominantly white (78%) and female (85%). Compared to a paper record, using a PDA for self-monitoring diet (P = 0.027) and physical activity (P = 0.014) had significant direct effects on weight loss at 12 months, as well as a significant indirect effect on outcomes through improved adherence to self-monitoring (PS < 0.001). Receiving an automated daily feedback message via PDA only had a significant indirect effect on weight through self-monitoring adherence to diet (P = 0.004) and physical activity (P = 0.002). Conclusions: Adherence to self-monitoring of diet and physical activity is important as the underlying mechanism in this technology-supported behavioral weight-loss intervention. © 2012 Wang et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd

    Sociodemographic, Anthropometric, and Psychosocial Predictors of Attrition across Behavioral Weight-Loss Trials.

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    Preventing attrition is a major concern in behavioral weight loss intervention studies. The purpose of this analysis was to identify baseline and six-month predictors associated with participant attrition across three independent clinical trials of behavioral weight loss interventions (PREFER, SELF, and SMART) that were conducted over 10 years. Baseline measures included body mass index, Barriers to Healthy Eating, Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI), Hunger Satiety Scale (HSS), Binge Eating Scale (BES), Medical Outcome Study Short Form (MOS SF-36 v2) and Weight Efficacy Lifestyle Questionnaire (WEL). We also examined early weight loss and attendance at group sessions during the first 6 months. Attrition was recorded at the end of the trials. Participants included 504 overweight and obese adults seeking weight loss treatment. The sample was 84.92% female and 73.61% white, with a mean (± SD) age of 47.35 ± 9.75 years. After controlling for the specific trial, for every one unit increase in BMI, the odds of attrition increased by 11%. For every year increase in education, the odds of attrition decreased by 10%. Additional predictors of attrition included previous attempts to lose 50–79 lbs, age, not possessing health insurance, and BES, BDI, and HSS scores. At 6 months, the odds of attrition increased by 10% with reduced group session attendance. There was also an interaction between percent weight change and trial (p < .001). Multivariate analysis of the three trials showed education, age, BMI, and BES scores were independently associated with attrition (ps ≤ .01). These findings may inform the development of more robust strategies for reducing attrition

    Nocturia, Sleep-Disordered Breathing, and Cardiovascular Morbidity in a Community-Based Cohort

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    Background: Nocturia has been independently associated with cardiovascular morbidity and all-cause mortality, but such studies did not adjust for sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), which may have mediated such a relationship. Our aims were to determine whether an association between nocturia and cardiovascular morbidity exists that is independent of SDB. We also determined whether nocturia is independently associated with SDB. Methodology/Principal Findings: In order to accomplish these aims we performed a cross-sectional analysis of the Sleep Heart Health Study that contained information regarding SDB, nocturia, and cardiovascular morbidity in a middle-age to elderly community-based population. In 6342 participants (age 63±11 [SD] years, 53% women), after adjusting for known confounders such as age, body mass index, diuretic use, diabetes mellitus, alpha-blocker use, nocturia was independently associated with SDB (measured as Apnea Hypopnea index >15 per hour; OR 1.3; 95%CI, 1.2-1.5). After adjusting for SDB and other known confounders, nocturia was independently associated with prevalent hypertension (OR 1.23; 95%CI 1.08-1.40; P = 0.002), cardiovascular disease (OR 1.26; 95%CI 1.05-1.52; P = 0.02) and stroke (OR 1.62; 95%CI 1.14-2.30; P = 0.007). Moreover, nocturia was also associated with adverse objective alterations of sleep as measured by polysomnography and self-reported excessive daytime sleepiness (P<0.05). Conclusions/Significance: Nocturia is independently associated with sleep-disordered breathing. After adjusting for SDB, there remained an association between nocturia and cardiovascular morbidity. Such results support screening for SDB in patients with nocturia, but the mechanisms underlying the relationship between nocturia and cardiovascular morbidity requires further study. MeSH terms: Nocturia, sleep-disordered breathing, obstructive sleep apnea, sleep apnea, polysomnography, hypertension

    Climate-driven range extension of Amphistegina (protista, foraminiferida) : models of current and predicted future ranges

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    © The Author(s), 2013. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in PLoS ONE 8 (2013): e54443, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054443.Species-range expansions are a predicted and realized consequence of global climate change. Climate warming and the poleward widening of the tropical belt have induced range shifts in a variety of marine and terrestrial species. Range expansions may have broad implications on native biota and ecosystem functioning as shifting species may perturb recipient communities. Larger symbiont-bearing foraminifera constitute ubiquitous and prominent components of shallow water ecosystems, and range shifts of these important protists are likely to trigger changes in ecosystem functioning. We have used historical and newly acquired occurrence records to compute current range shifts of Amphistegina spp., a larger symbiont-bearing foraminifera, along the eastern coastline of Africa and compare them to analogous range shifts currently observed in the Mediterranean Sea. The study provides new evidence that amphisteginid foraminifera are rapidly progressing southwestward, closely approaching Port Edward (South Africa) at 31°S. To project future species distributions, we applied a species distribution model (SDM) based on ecological niche constraints of current distribution ranges. Our model indicates that further warming is likely to cause a continued range extension, and predicts dispersal along nearly the entire southeastern coast of Africa. The average rates of amphisteginid range shift were computed between 8 and 2.7 km year−1, and are projected to lead to a total southward range expansion of 267 km, or 2.4° latitude, in the year 2100. Our results corroborate findings from the fossil record that some larger symbiont-bearing foraminifera cope well with rising water temperatures and are beneficiaries of global climate change.This work was supported by grants from the German Science Foundation (DFG; www.dfg.de) to ML and SL (LA 884/10-1, LA 884/5-1)

    Spousal involvement and CPAP adherence: A dyadic perspective

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    Poor adherence to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment is associated with substantial health care costs, morbidity and mortality, and has been a leading obstacle in the effective management of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Successful interventions to improve CPAP adherence may ultimately include a variety of components. For patients living with spouses (refers to all domestic partners), the spouse will likely be an integral component to any successful intervention. Developing understanding of the role of spouses in adherence to CPAP has been identified to be a critical research need. This review expands the investigation of CPAP adherence to a broader context, from an exclusive focus on individual patients to a dyadic perspective encompassing both patients and their spouses. A conceptual framework based on social support and social control theories is proposed to understand spousal involvement in CPAP adherence. Methodologies for future investigations are discussed, along with implications for developing interventions that engage both patients and their spouses to improve CPAP use
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