21 research outputs found

    L’hyperproduction de mucus est-elle un endotype des bronchopathies chroniques ?

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    In chronic obstructive lung diseases, mainly represented by asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and non-CF bronchiectasis , excessive mucus production is the cause of acute and/or chronic airway obstruction and represents a marker of exacerbation of these pathologies. Based on this observation, we have structured our project around the following axes:I) To study the biological determinants of the variation of sputum rheology in chronic bronchial diseases. Through a study sponsored by the University Hospital of Montpellier, we collected sputum samples from patients with asthma, COPD and non-CF bronchiectasis, and studied their microbiological (cytobacteriological examination), biophysical (rheology) and biochemical (determination of protein components, ions, etc...) characteristics. The "rheology" part of the study was based on a bench-top device (Rheomuco© - Rheonova Grenoble) allowing a rapid analysis of sputum on site within the hour. This first part allowed us to establish links between eosinophilia in sputum and some rheological variables, but also between the concentration of mucins evaluated by mass spectrometry and these same rheological variables. II) To assess the impact of AZITHROMYCIN prescribed according to the biophysical characteristics (rheology) of patients' sputum on the prevention of COPD exacerbationsFirstly, in order to ensure the reproducibility of the rheological sputum analysis device, we conducted several intra- and inter-operator reproducibility analyses in different centres (Bordeaux, Grenoble and Montpellier), on different samples with "extreme rheological values". This step allowed us to confirm the reliability of the measurement methodSecondly, in a desire to make the link between the bench and the clinic, we have developed a protocol that is part of the PHRC GIRCI/SOHO 2018. The aim of this protocol will be to explore the impact of a therapeutic strategy based not on standard clinical assessment, but on the biophysical properties of sputum and in particular of mucus from COPD patients. This study will also allow us to collect biological samples (blood, sputum) on which secondary analyses are planned in order to finely determine the endotypes of the patients included.Dans les bronchopathies chroniques, représentées majoritairement par l’asthme, la bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive (BPCO) et la dilatation de bronches (non mucoviscidose), la production excessive de mucus est à l’origine d’une obstruction aigue et/ou chronique des voies aériennes et représente un marqueur d’exacerbation de ces pathologies. Partant de ce constat, nous avons articulé notre projet autour des axes suivants :I)Etudier les déterminants biologiques de la variation de la rhéologie des expectorations dans les bronchopathies chroniques. Via une étude dont le promoteur est le CHU de Montpellier, nous avons recueilli des échantillons d’expectorations chez des patients atteints d’asthme, de BPCO et de dilatation de bronches (non mucoviscidosiques), et en avons étudié les caractéristiques microbiologiques (examen cytobactériologique), biophysiques (rhéologie) et biochimiques (dosage des constituants protéïques, ions, etc…). La partie "rhéologie" de l'étude s'est appuyée sur un dispositif de paillasse (Rhéomuco© - Rhéonova Grenoble) permettant de réaliser une analyse rapide dans l'heure, sur site, de l'expectoration. Cette première partie nous a permis d'établir des liens entre l'éosinophilie dans l'expectoration et certaines variables rhéologiques , mais aussi entre la concentration de mucines évaluée en spectrométrie de masse et ces mêmes variables rhéologiques. II)Evaluer l’impact de l’AZITHROMYCINE prescrite en fonction des caractéristiques biophysiques (rhéologie) des expectorations des patients, sur la prévention des exacerbations de BPCO Premièrement, afin de s'assurer de la reproductibilité du dispositif d'analyse rhéologique des expectorations, nous avons conduit dans différents centres (Bordeaux, Grenoble et Montpellier) plusieurs analyses de reproductibilité intra- et -inter opérateur, sur différents échantillons aux valeurs rhéologiques extrêmes". Cette étape nous a permis de confirmer la fiabilité de la méthode de mesure Deuxièmement, dans une volonté de faire le lien entre la paillasse et la clinique, nous avons élaboré un protocole qui s’inscrit dans le cadre du PHRC GIRCI/SOHO 2018. Celui- ci aura pour objectif d’explorer l’impact d’une stratégie thérapeutique basée non pas sur l’évaluation clinique standard, mais sur les propriétés biophysiques de l’expectoration et en particulier du mucus des patients atteints de BPCO. Cette étude nous permettra également de réaliser une collecte d’échantillons biologiques (sang, expectorations) sur lesquels sont prévus des analyses secondaires afin de déterminer finement les endotypes des patients inclus

    Integrating high dose inhaled corticosteroids into oral corticosteroids stewardship

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    Asthma rescue treatments, time to reboot

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    Methods of Sputum and Mucus Assessment for Muco-Obstructive Lung Diseases in 2022: Time to “Unplug” from Our Daily Routine!

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    International audienceObstructive lung diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, or non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis, share some major pathophysiological features: small airway involvement, dysregulation of adaptive and innate pulmonary immune homeostasis, mucus hyperproduction, and/or hyperconcentration. Mucus regulation is particularly valuable from a therapeutic perspective given it contributes to airflow obstruction, symptom intensity, disease severity, and to some extent, disease prognosis in these diseases. It is therefore crucial to understand the mucus constitution of our patients, its behavior in a stable state and during exacerbation, and its regulatory mechanisms. These are all elements representing potential therapeutic targets, especially in the era of biologics. Here, we first briefly discuss the composition and characteristics of sputum. We focus on mucus and mucins, and then elaborate on the different sample collection procedures and how their quality is ensured. We then give an overview of the different direct analytical techniques available in both clinical routine and more experimental settings, giving their advantages and limitations. We also report on indirect mucus assessment procedures (questionnaires, high-resolution computed tomography scanning of the chest, lung function tests). Finally, we consider ways of integrating these techniques with current and future therapeutic options. Cystic fibrosis will not be discussed given its monogenic nature

    The six million dollar man

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