214 research outputs found

    Attitudes of Children with Autism towards Robots: An Exploratory Study

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    In this exploratory study we assessed how attitudes of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) towards robots together with children's autism-related social impairments are linked to indicators of children's preference of an interaction with a robot over an interaction with a person. We found that children with ASD have overall positive attitudes towards robots and that they often prefer interacting with a robot than with a person. Several of children's attitudes were linked to children's longer gazes towards a robot compared to a person. Autism-related social impairments were linked to more repetitive and stereotyped behaviors and to a shorter gaze duration in the interaction with the robot compared to the person. These preliminary results contribute to better understand factors that might help determine sub-groups of children with ASD for whom robots could be particularly useful.Comment: Presented at Interaction Design and Children (IDC-CRI2018) Workshop (arXiv:submit/2277826

    Changes in the physical structure and chain dynamics of elastin network in homocysteine-cultured arteries

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    The thermal and dielectric properties of the elastin network were investigated in arteries cultured with physiological and pathological concentrations of homocysteine, an aminoacid responsible of histological impairments in human arteries. The physical structure of this amorphous protein was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). To explore the molecular dynamics of the elastin network in the nanometer range, we used thermally stimulated currents (TSC), a dielectric technique running at low frequency, and measuring the dipolar reorientations in proteins subjected to a static electrical field. Combining DSC and TSC experiments reveals the molecular mobility of the proteins, both in the glassy state and in the liquid state. Significant differences are evidenced in the physical structure and relaxation behavior of elastin network in cultured arteries (physiological and pathological concentrations of homocysteine) and discussed

    Influence of homocysteine on the physical structure and molecular mobility of elastin network in cultured arteries

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    The thermal and dielectric properties of the elastin network were investigated in arteries cultured with physiological and pathological concentrations of homocysteine, an aminoacid responsible of histological impairments in human arteries. The glass transition of this amorphous protein was investigated by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). To explore the molecular dynamics of the elastin network in the nanometer range, we used Thermally Stimulated Currents (TSC), a dielectric technique running at low frequency and measuring the dipolar reorientations in proteins subjected to a static electrical field. Combining TSC and DSC experiments with determination of the activation parameters of relaxation times reveals the molecular mobility of the proteins. The major differences in the relaxation behavior of elastin between arteries cultured with physiological and pathological concentrations of homocysteine are discussed

    liac meeting on vascular research 2013

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    1Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Universita degli Studi di Sassari, 07100 Sassari, Italy 2Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali, Universita degli Studi di Palermo, 90128 Palermo, Italy 3Departement de Biologie Pharmaceutique-Laboratoire de Biochimie Fondamentale, Moleculaire et Clinique, Universite d'Aix-Marseille, INSERM UMR S1076, 13385 Marseille, France 4G.I.R. BIOFORGE (Group for Advanced Materials and Nanobiotechnology), Universidad de Valladolid, CIBER-BBN, 47011 Valladolid, Spai

    A comparison between a person and a robot in the attention, imitation, and repetitive and stereotypical behaviors of children with autism spectrum disorder.

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    The aim of the present study was to assess the usefulness of QT, a socially assistive robot, in interventions with children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by assessing children’s attention, imitation, and presence of repetitive and stereotyped behaviors. Fifteen children diagnosed with ASD, aged from 4 to 14 years participated in two short interactions, one with a person and one with QT robot. Statistical analyses revealed that children directed more attention towards the robot than to the person, imitated the robot as much as the person, and engaged in fewer repetitive or stereotyped behaviors with the robot than with the person. These results support previous research demonstrating the usefulness of robots in interventions with children with ASD and provide new evidence to the usefulness of robots in reducing repetitive and stereotyped behaviors in children with ASD, which can affect children’s learning

    Les collectivités : une source de déchets organiques et une voie de valorisation de la chaleur pour la méthanisation agricole ?

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    Un des intérêts de la méthanisation est qu'elle peut participer à un recyclage extrêmement rentable des déchets. De fait, les collectivités ont un rôle à jouer dans ce processus car elles génèrent de nombreux types de déchets. Mais dans quelles mesures leur participation est-elle actuellement intéressante ? La volonté d'aboutir à une plus grande efficacité induit des changements de comportement de la part des foyers et des institutions. Quels sont-ils


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    Development and validation of a 3D finite element model of a semicircular canal of the human inner ear

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    Ce travail a permis de développer un outil numérique pour l'étude du comportement normal et pathologique de l'un des accéléromètres de l'oreille interne chez l'homme (application aux vertiges). La première étape du projet est la modélisation d'un canal semi-circulaire pour simuler des rotations rapides de la tête : -Développement d'un modèle tridimensionnel par éléments finis (canal membraneux rempli de liquide, interrompu par un diaphragme solide: la cupule): le maillage comporte 18882 éléments. Les solides sont considérés comme élastiques linéaires, les fluides visqueux quasi-incompressibles. Le couplage fluide/structure utilise la méthode ALE. -Validation au cours d'une accélération rotatoire (1800°.s-2 pendant 0,1 seconde) autour du centre de la tête (arrêt brusque, physiologique). Le déplacement transversal maximal de la cupule est calculé à 17 m (valeur théorique attendue 21 m), son temps de relaxation calculé à 5,2 secondes (valeur théorique 15 secondes). -Étude paramétrique portant sur le comportement des membranes  et de la cupule. Les premiers résultats montrent l'influence de l'élasticité des membranes sur le comportement global du système. Le déplacement de la cupule présente deux directions principales: transversale (normale au plan de la cupule) et longitudinale (dans le plan de la cupule suivant son grand axe). Ce déplacement longitudinal avait été décrit en conditions statiques (au cours de l'hydrops: augmentation de la pression du compartiment endolymphatique) mais jamais en conditions dynamiques. Ce modèle normal va être utilisé pour simuler des causes fréquentes de vertiges (cristaux bloqués dans le canal, obstruction chirurgicale du canal, etc.).This thesis exposes the development of a finite element model of one of the accelerometers of the human inner ear (a semicircular canal). The simulations of normal and pathological conditions will find clinical applications to the study and treatment of vertigo. The first step of this research is the development and validation of a 3D finite element model of one semicircular canal: -The mesh totalises 18882 elements, with linear elastic solids and viscous fluid, using ALE fluid/structure coupling. -The validation test is a physiological rotation with short stop, acceleration of 1800°.s-2 during 0.1 second. The maximal calculated displacement of the cupula is of 17 m (expected value : 21 m), the relaxation of the cupula needs 5.2 seconds (expected: 15 seconds). -A parametric study has concerned the membranes and cupula parameters. The first results show that the elasticity of the membranous canal has to be taken in count. The cupula presents a transversal and a longitudinal displacement. This longitudinal displacement had previously been described in static conditions (during hydrops: inflation of the endolymphatic pressure), but had never been considered before in dynamic conditions. The normal model that has been developed will further be used to simulate different pathological situations of vertigo (otoconia blocked in the canal, plugged canal in Menière disease, etc.)

    La glycogenose de type 1a

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    AIX-MARSEILLE2-BU Pharmacie (130552105) / SudocSudocFranceF