4 research outputs found

    The Role of Higher Education for Sustainable Development Goals: Experiences from Mahidol University, Thailand

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    Higher education is one of the significant stakeholder to play an important role in fostering sustainable development goals. Mahidol University is a comprehensive university in Thailand, which strives to be a leader on sustainability in responding to the United Nation 2030 agenda for sustainable development goals. Therefore, Mahidol University sustainability strategy, which consists of 4 key areas as a framework including 1) research and innovation for sustainability 2) education for sustainability 3) community and social engagement for sustainability 4) operations for sustainability was established. The implementation of Mahidol University sustainability strategy demonstrates many successful activity programs, which can be a robust model to other university

    A Best Practice of Water Management at Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, Thailand

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    Mahidol University is one of the most environmentally friendly university in Thailand. The eco-university policy for sustainable development on campus and in the surrounding community has been implemented in order to balance of economic, social and environmental dimensions which will lead to efficient use of resources, social equality and improved quality of life of staff, students and the surrounding community. Water management of MU, Salaya campus is one of the successful case studies. Approximately 60% of the 1,867,792 square meters of campus was allocated for the green and water reservation areas including horizontal garden, vertical garden, botanic garden, original wetland, ditch and pond. The RINGLOOP project was installed in order to improve the performance of water distribution. The central wastewater treatment plant with activated sludge system has been constructed. The water conservation program with 100% of treated wastewater recyclable is implemente

    Implementation of Sustainable Transportation at Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, Thailand

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    Mahidol University is one of the leading sustainable universities in Thailand, which recognizes the importance of combining actions to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (17 Sustainable Development Goals: 17 SDGs) and the concept of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy. The eco-university and sustainability policy was launched and implemented in 2021 in order to reach the 17 SDGs. Transportation is one of the important issues of campus development. In order to reduce the greenhouse gas emission from private fossil based fuel transportation, the public transportation both inside and outside the campus area is provided including electric tram, shuttle bus and public bicycle. An Electric cart with solar energy was initiated and used on campus. Walking and cycling as primary means for commuting on campus have been promoted by reduction of vehicle traffic. Cycling lanes are improved and bicycle racks are provided around the campus. Around more than 10,000 bicycles including more than 500 public bicycles were used on campus. The parking areas were constructed and adjusted into green open spaces. Many outdoor spaces are created to support various kinds of activities and gatherings enhancing liveliness and variety to campus lifeKeyword: Mahidol University, Mobility, Transportation, Green area, Sustainability campu