6,449 research outputs found

    The Kinematic Composition of MgII Absorbers

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    The study of galaxy evolution using quasar absorption lines requires an understanding of what components of galaxies and their surroundings are contributing to the absorption in various transitions. This paper considers the kinematic composition of the class of 0.4 < z < 1.0 MgII absorbers, particularly addressing the question of what fraction of this absorption is produced in halos and what fraction arises from galaxy disks. We design models with various fractional contributions from radial infall of halo material and from a rotating thick disk component. We generate synthetic spectra from lines of sight through model galaxies and compare the resulting ensembles of MgII profiles with the 0.4 < z < 1.0 sample observed with HIRES/Keck. We apply a battery of statistical tests and find that pure disk and pure halo models can be ruled out, but that various models with rotating disk and infall/halo contributions can produce an ensemble that is nearly consistent with the data. A discrepancy in all models that we considered requires the existence of a kinematic component intermediate between halo and thick disk. The variety of MgII profiles can be explained by the gas in disks and halos of galaxies not very much different than galaxies in the local Universe. In any one case there is considerable ambiguity in diagnosing the kinematic composition of an absorber from the low ionization high resolution spectra alone. Future data will allow galaxy morphologies, impact parameters, and orientations, FeII/MgII of clouds, and the distribution of high ionization gas to be incorporated into the kinematic analysis. Combining all these data will permit a more accurate diagnosis of the physical conditions along the line of sight through the absorbing galaxy.Comment: 34 pages including 14 postscript figures; Accepted by the Astrophysical Journal; URL http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/cwc/pubs.htm

    Heating due to momentum transfer in low-energy positronium-antiproton scattering

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    Discovery that the elastic scattering cross sections in the antiproton-positronium system are very large close to threshold, particularly for excited positronium states.The implications for experiments aiming to use the positronium-antiproton system for antihydrogen formation are explored

    The CIV-MgII Kinematics Connection in <z>~0.7 Galaxies

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    We have examined Faint Object Spectrograph data from the Hubble Space Telescope Archive for CIV 1548,1550 absorption associated with 40 MgII 2796,2803 absorption-selected galaxies at 0.4 < z < 1.4. We report a strong correlation between MgII kinematics, measured in 6 km/s resolution HIRES/Keck spectra, and W_r(1548); this implies a physical connection between the processes that produce "outlying velocity" MgII clouds and high ionization galactic/halo gas. We found no trend in ionization condition, W_r(1548)/W_r(2796), with galaxy-QSO line-of-sight separation for 13 systems with confirmed associated galaxies, suggesting no obvious ionization gradient with galactocentric distance in these higher redshift galaxies. We find tentative evidence (2-sigma) that W_r(1548)/W_r(2796) is anti-correlated with galaxy color; if further data corroborate this trend, in view of the strong CIV-MgII kinematics correlation, it could imply a connection between stellar populations, star formation episodes, and the kinematics and ionization conditions of halo gas at z~1.Comment: Accepted to Astrophysical Journal Letters; 4 pages; 3 figures; emulateapj.st

    The Population of Weak Mg II Absorbers I. A Survey of 26 QSO HIRES/Keck Spectra

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    We present a search for "weak" MgII absorbers [those with W_r(2796) < 0.3 A in the HIRES/Keck spectra of 26 QSOs. We found 30, of which 23 are newly discovered. The spectra are 80% complete to W_r(2796) = 0.02 A and have a cumulative redshift path of ~17.2 for the redshift range 0.4 < z < 1.4. The number of absorbers per unit redshift, dN/dz, is seen to increase as the equivalent width threshold is decreased; we obtained dN/dz = 1.74+/-0.10 for our 0.02 <= W_r(2796) < 0.3 A sample. The equivalent width distribution follows a power law with slope -1.0; there is no turnover down to W_r(2796) = 0.02 A at = 0.9. Weak absorbers comprise at least 65% of the total MgII absorption population, which outnumbers Lyman limit systems (LLS) by a factor of 3.8+/-1.1; the majority of weak MgII absorbers must arise in sub-LLS environments. Tentatively, we predict that ~5% of the Lyman-alpha forest clouds with W_r(1215) > 0.1 A will have detectable MgII absorption to W_r,min(2796) = 0.02 A and that this is primarily a high-metallicity selection effect (Z/Z_sun] > -1). This implies that MgII absorbing structures figure prominently as tracers of sub-LLS environments where gas has been processed by stars. We compare the number density of W_r(2796) > 0.02 A absorbers with that of both high and low surface brightness galaxies and find a fiducial absorber size of 35h^-1 to 63h^-1 kpc, depending upon the assumed galaxy population and their absorption properties. The individual absorbing "clouds" have W_r(2796) <= 0.15 A and their narrow (often unresolved) line widths imply temperatures of ~25,000 K. We measured W_r(1548) from CIV in FOS/HST archival spectra and, based upon comparisons with FeII, found a range of ionization conditions (low, high, and multi-phase) in absorbers selected by weak MgII.Comment: Accepted Version: 43 pages, PostScript figures embedded; accepted to ApJ; updated version includes analysis of CIV absorptio

    Do red deer stags (Cervus elaphus) use roar fundamental frequency (F0) to assess rivals?

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    It is well established that in humans, male voices are disproportionately lower pitched than female voices, and recent studies suggest that this dimorphism in fundamental frequency (F0) results from both intrasexual (male competition) and intersexual (female mate choice) selection for lower pitched voices in men. However, comparative investigations indicate that sexual dimorphism in F0 is not universal in terrestrial mammals. In the highly polygynous and sexually dimorphic Scottish red deer Cervus elaphus scoticus, more successful males give sexually-selected calls (roars) with higher minimum F0s, suggesting that high, rather than low F0s advertise quality in this subspecies. While playback experiments demonstrated that oestrous females prefer higher pitched roars, the potential role of roar F0 in male competition remains untested. Here we examined the response of rutting red deer stags to playbacks of re-synthesized male roars with different median F0s. Our results show that stags’ responses (latencies and durations of attention, vocal and approach responses) were not affected by the F0 of the roar. This suggests that intrasexual selection is unlikely to strongly influence the evolution of roar F0 in Scottish red deer stags, and illustrates how the F0 of terrestrial mammal vocal sexual signals may be subject to different selection pressures across species. Further investigations on species characterized by different F0 profiles are needed to provide a comparative background for evolutionary interpretations of sex differences in mammalian vocalizations

    A Chandra−SwiftChandra-Swift View of Point Sources in Hickson Compact Groups: High AGN fraction but a dearth of strong AGNs

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    We present ChandraChandra X-ray point source catalogs for 9 Hickson Compact Groups (HCGs, 37 galaxies) at distances 34−8934 - 89 Mpc. We perform detailed X-ray point source detection and photometry, and interpret the point source population by means of simulated hardness ratios. We thus estimate X-ray luminosities (LXL_X) for all sources, most of which are too weak for reliable spectral fitting. For all sources, we provide catalogs with counts, count rates, power-law indices (Γ\Gamma), hardness ratios, and LXL_X, in the full (0.5−8.00.5-8.0 keV), soft (0.5−2.00.5-2.0 keV) and hard (2.0−8.02.0-8.0 keV) bands. We use optical emission-line ratios from the literature to re-classify 24 galaxies as star-forming, accreting onto a supermassive black hole (AGNs), transition objects, or low-ionization nuclear emission regions (LINERs). Two-thirds of our galaxies have nuclear X-ray sources with SwiftSwift/UVOT counterparts. Two nuclei have LX,0.5−8.0keVL_{X,{\rm 0.5-8.0 keV}}~>1042 > 10^{42} erg s−1^{-1}, are strong multi-wavelength AGNs and follow the known αOX−νLν,nearUV\alpha_{\rm OX}-\nu L_{\nu,\rm near UV} correlation for strong AGNs. Otherwise, most nuclei are X-ray faint, consistent with either a low-luminosity AGN or a nuclear X-ray binary population, and fall in the "non-AGN locus" in αOX−νLν,nearUV\alpha_{\rm OX}-\nu L_{\nu,\rm near UV} space, which also hosts other, normal, galaxies. Our results suggest that HCG X-ray nuclei in high specific star formation rate spiral galaxies are likely dominated by star formation, while those with low specific star formation rates in earlier types likely harbor a weak AGN. The AGN fraction in HCG galaxies with MR≤−20M_R \le -20 and LX,0.5−8.0keV≥1041L_{X,{\rm 0.5-8.0 keV}} \ge 10^{41} erg s−1^{-1} is 0.08−0.01+0.350.08^{+0.35}_{-0.01}, somewhat higher than the ∼5\sim 5% fraction in galaxy clusters.Comment: 77 pages (emulateapj), 28 tables, 11 figures. Accepted by ApJS on March 5, 201

    The Physical Conditions of Intermediate Redshift MgII Absorbing Clouds from Voigt Profile Analysis

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    [Slightly Abridged] We present a detailed statistical analysis of the column densities, N, and Doppler parameters, b, of MgII absorbing clouds at redshifts 0.4<z<1.2. We use the HIRES/Keck data and Voigt profile (VP) fitting results presented by Churchill & Vogt (Paper I). The sample is comprised of 175 clouds from 23 systems along 18 quasar lines of sight. In order to understand whether inferred conditions could be "false", we performed extensive simulations of our VP analyses. In brief, we find: (1) N(FeII) and N(MgII) are correlated at the 9-sigma level. There is a 5-sigma anti-correlation between N(MgI)/N(MgII) and N(MgII). (2) Power-law fits to the distributions of N(MgII), N(FeII), and N(MgI) yielded power-law slopes of -1.6, -1.7, and -2.0. (3) The modes of the Doppler parameter distributions were ~5 km/s for MgII and FeII and ~7 km/s for MgI. The clouds are consistent with being thermally broadened, with temperatures in the 30-40,000K range. (4) A two-component Gaussian model to the velocity two-point correlation function yielded velocity dispersions of 54 km/s and 166 km/s. The narrow component has roughly twice the amplitude of the broader component. The width and amplitude of the broader component decreases as equivalent width increases. (5) From photoionization models we find that the column density ratios are most consistent with photoionization by the extragalactic background, as opposed to stars. Based upon N(MgI)/N(MgII), it appears that at least two-phase ionization models are required to explain the data.Comment: Accepted to the Astronomical Journal (January 2003

    The Spatial, Ionization, and Kinematic Conditions of the z=1.39 Damped Ly-alpha Absorber in Q0957+561 A,B

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    We examined the sizes of the absorption clouds in a z=1.3911 damped Ly-alpha absorber (DLA) in the double image lensed quasar Q0957+561 A,B (separation 135 pc at the absorber redshift). Using HIRES/Keck spectra, we studied the MgII 2796,2803 doublet, FeII multiplet, and MgI 2853 transition in absorption. We defined six "clouds" in the system of sightline A and seven clouds in the system of sightline B. An examination of the N(v) profiles, using the apparent optical depth method, reveals no clear physical connection between the clouds in A and those in B. The observed column density ratios of all clouds is log[N(MgI)/N(FeII)] ~ -2 across the full velocity range in both systems and also spatially (in both sightlines). This is a remarkable uniformity not seen in Lyman limit systems. The uniformity of the cloud properties suggests that the multiple clouds are not part of a "halo". Based upon photoionization modeling, we constrain the ionization parameters in the range -6.2 < log(U) < -5.1, where the range brackets known abundance ratio and dust depletion patterns. The inferred cloud properties are densities of 2 < n_H < 20 cm^-3, and line of sight sizes of 1 < D < 25 pc. The masses of the clouds in system A are 10 < M/M_sun < 1000 and in system B are 1 < M/M_sun < 60 for spherical clouds. For planar clouds, the upper limits are 400 M_sun and 160 M_sun for A and B, respectively. We favor a model of the absorber in which the DLA region itself is a single cloud in thiscomplex, which could be a parcel of gas in a galactic ISM. A spherical cloud of ~10 pc would be limited to one of the sightlines (A) and imply a covering factor less than 0.1 for the DLA complex. We infer that the DLA cloud properties are consistent with those of lower density, cold clouds in the Galactic interstellar medium.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal; final versio
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