41 research outputs found

    Monitoring retinal changes with optical coherence tomography predicts neuronal loss in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.

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    BACKGROUND:Retinal optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a clinical and research tool in multiple sclerosis, where it has shown significant retinal nerve fiber (RNFL) and ganglion cell (RGC) layer thinning, while postmortem studies have reported RGC loss. Although retinal pathology in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) has been described, comparative OCT studies among EAE models are scarce. Furthermore, the best practices for the implementation of OCT in the EAE lab, especially with afoveate animals like rodents, remain undefined. We aimed to describe the dynamics of retinal injury in different mouse EAE models and outline the optimal experimental conditions, scan protocols, and analysis methods, comparing these to histology to confirm the pathological underpinnings. METHODS:Using spectral-domain OCT, we analyzed the test-retest and the inter-rater reliability of volume, peripapillary, and combined horizontal and vertical line scans. We then monitored the thickness of the retinal layers in different EAE models: in wild-type (WT) C57Bl/6J mice immunized with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein peptide (MOG35-55) or with bovine myelin basic protein (MBP), in TCR2D2 mice immunized with MOG35-55, and in SJL/J mice immunized with myelin proteolipid lipoprotein (PLP139-151). Strain-matched control mice were sham-immunized. RGC density was counted on retinal flatmounts at the end of each experiment. RESULTS:Volume scans centered on the optic disc showed the best reliability. Retinal changes during EAE were localized in the inner retinal layers (IRLs, the combination of the RNFL and the ganglion cell plus the inner plexiform layers). In WT, MOG35-55 EAE, progressive thinning of IRL started rapidly after EAE onset, with 1/3 of total loss occurring during the initial 2 months. IRL thinning was associated with the degree of RGC loss and the severity of EAE. Sham-immunized SJL/J mice showed progressive IRL atrophy, which was accentuated in PLP-immunized mice. MOG35-55-immunized TCR2D2 mice showed severe EAE and retinal thinning. MBP immunization led to very mild disease without significant retinopathy. CONCLUSIONS:Retinal neuroaxonal damage develops quickly during EAE. Changes in retinal thickness mirror neuronal loss and clinical severity. Monitoring of the IRL thickness after immunization against MOG35-55 in C57Bl/6J mice seems the most convenient model to study retinal neurodegeneration in EAE

    Deficiency of the clock gene Bmal1 affects neural progenitor cell migration

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    We demonstrate the impact of a disrupted molecular clock in Bmal1-deficient (Bmal1−/−) mice on migration of neural progenitor cells (NPCs). Proliferation of NPCs in rostral migratory stream (RMS) was reduced in Bmal1−/− mice, consistent with our earlier studies on adult neurogenesis in hippocampus. However, a significantly higher number of NPCs from Bmal1−/− mice reached the olfactory bulb as compared to wild-type littermates (Bmal1+/+ mice), indicating a higher migration velocity in Bmal1−/− mice. In isolated NPCs from Bmal1−/− mice, not only migration velocity and expression pattern of genes involved in detoxification of reactive oxygen species were affected, but also RNA oxidation of catalase was increased and catalase protein levels were decreased. Bmal1+/+ migration phenotype could be restored by treatment with catalase, while treatment of NPCs from Bmal1+/+ mice with hydrogen peroxide mimicked Bmal1−/− migration phenotype. Thus, we conclude that Bmal1 deficiency affects NPC migration as a consequence of dysregulated detoxification of reactive oxygen species

    The Effects of Light and the Circadian System on Rhythmic Brain Function

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    Life on earth has evolved under the influence of regularly recurring changes in the environment, such as the 24 h light/dark cycle. Consequently, organisms have developed endogenous clocks, generating 24 h (circadian) rhythms that serve to anticipate these rhythmic changes. In addition to these circadian rhythms, which persist in constant conditions and can be entrained to environmental rhythms, light drives rhythmic behavior and brain function, especially in nocturnal laboratory rodents. In recent decades, research has made great advances in the elucidation of the molecular circadian clockwork and circadian light perception. This review summarizes the role of light and the circadian clock in rhythmic brain function, with a focus on the complex interaction between the different components of the mammalian circadian system. Furthermore, chronodisruption as a consequence of light at night, genetic manipulation, and neurodegenerative diseases is briefly discussed

    Loss of responsiveness to melatonin in the aging mouse suprachiasmatic nucleus

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    Melatonin modulates circadian rhythms via the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). One of the most robust assays for SCN melatonin receptor activation in mice is the inhibition of PACAP-induced phosphorylation of the transcription factor Ca(2+)/cAMP responsive element binding protein (CREB). To assess the effect of aging on responsiveness to melatonin, SCN slices from mice of different ages were prepared and treated with PACAP alone or PACAP plus melatonin. CREB phosphorylation state was assessed by immunohistochemistry. In SCN slices from young (2-4-month-old) mice, melatonin reduced the level of phospho-CREB immunoreactivity following PACAP treatment in a dose-dependent manner. In SCN slices from aged mice (19-22 months of age), PACAP alone induced comparable levels of phospho-CREB, but melatonin treatment failed to inhibit the PACAP-induced CREB phosphorylation. The results indicate an age-related loss of sensitivity to melatonin in the SCN. The findings are discussed in the context of the impact of endogenous and exogenous melatonin on sleep in elderly humans

    Adult Neurogenesis under Control of the Circadian System

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    The mammalian circadian system is a hierarchically organized system, which controls a 24-h periodicity in a wide variety of body and brain functions and physiological processes. There is increasing evidence that the circadian system modulates the complex multistep process of adult neurogenesis, which is crucial for brain plasticity. This modulatory effect may be exercised via rhythmic systemic factors including neurotransmitters, hormones and neurotrophic factors as well as rhythmic behavior and physiology or via intrinsic factors within the neural progenitor cells such as the redox state and clock genes/molecular clockwork. In this review, we discuss the role of the circadian system for adult neurogenesis at both the systemic and the cellular levels. Better understanding of the role of the circadian system in modulation of adult neurogenesis can help develop new treatment strategies to improve the cognitive deterioration associated with chronodisruption due to detrimental light regimes or neurodegenerative diseases

    Mammalian melatonin receptors: molecular biology and signal transduction

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    The pineal hormone, melatonin, is an important regulator of seasonal reproduction and circadian rhythms. Its effects are mediated via high-affinity melatonin receptors, located on cells of the pituitary pars tuberalis (PT) and suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), respectively. Two subtypes of mammalian melatonin receptors have been cloned and characterized, the MT1 (Mel(1a)) and the MT2 (Mel(1b)) melatonin receptor subtypes. Both subtypes are members of the seven-transmembrane G protein-coupled receptor family. By using recombinant melatonin receptors it has been shown that the MT1 melatonin receptor is coupled to different G proteins that mediate adenylyl cyclase inhibition and phospholipase C beta activation. The MT2 receptor is also coupled to inhibition of adenylyl cyclase and additionally it inhibits the soluble guanylyl cyclase pathway. In mice with a targeted deletion of the MT1 receptor, the acute inhibitory effects of melatonin on SCN multiunit activity are completely abolished, while the phase-shifting responses to melatonin (given in physiological concentrations) appear normal. Furthermore, melatonin inhibits the phosphorylation of the transcription factor cyclic AMP response element binding protein, induced by the pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide in SCN cells predominantly via the MT1 receptor. However, a functional MT2 receptor in the rodent SCN is partially able to compensate for the absence of the MT1 receptor in MT1 receptor-deficient mice. These findings indicate redundant and non-redundant roles of the receptor subtypes in regulating SCN function. In the PT, a functional MT1 receptor is essential for the rhythmic synthesis of the clock gene product mPER1. Melatonin produces a long-lasting sensitization of adenylyl cyclase and thus amplifies cyclic AMP signaling when melatonin levels decline at dawn. This action of melatonin amplifies gene expression rhythms in the PT and provides a mechanism for reinforcing rhythmicity in peripheral tissues which themselves lack the capacity for self-sustained oscillation. Mice with targeted deletion of melatonin receptor subtypes provide an excellent model to understand cellular mechanisms through which melatonin modulates circadian and photoperiodic rhythmicity

    The Role of Purinergic Receptors in the Circadian System

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    The circadian system is an internal time-keeping system that synchronizes the behavior and physiology of an organism to the 24 h solar day. The master circadian clock, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), resides in the hypothalamus. It receives information about the environmental light/dark conditions through the eyes and orchestrates peripheral oscillators. Purinergic signaling is mediated by extracellular purines and pyrimidines that bind to purinergic receptors and regulate multiple body functions. In this review, we highlight the interaction between the circadian system and purinergic signaling to provide a better understanding of rhythmic body functions under physiological and pathological conditions

    Chronotype-Dependent Sleep Loss Is Associated with a Lower Amplitude in Circadian Rhythm and a Higher Fragmentation of REM Sleep in Young Healthy Adults

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    In modern society, the time and duration of sleep on workdays are primarily determined by external factors, e.g., the alarm clock. This can lead to a misalignment of the intrinsically determined sleep timing, which is dependent on the individual chronotype, resulting in reduced sleep quality. Although this is highly relevant given the high incidence of sleep disorders, little is known about the effect of this misalignment on sleep architecture. Using Fitbit trackers and questionnaire surveys, our study aims to elucidate sleep timing, sleep architecture, and subjective sleep quality in young healthy adults (n = 59) under real-life conditions (average of 82.4 ± 9.7 days). Correlations between variables were calculated to identify the direction of relationships. On workdays, the midpoint of sleep was earlier, the sleep duration was shorter, and tiredness upon waking was higher than on free days. A higher discrepancy between sleep duration on workdays and free days was associated with a lower stability of the circadian rhythm of REM sleep and also with a higher fragmentation of REM sleep. Similarly, a higher tiredness upon waking on free days, thus under intrinsically determined sleep timing conditions, was associated with a lower proportion and a higher fragmentation of REM sleep. This suggests that the misalignment between extrinsically and intrinsically determined sleep timing affects the architecture of sleep stages, particularly REM sleep, which is closely connected to sleep quality

    Light does not degrade the constitutively expressed BMAL1 protein in the mouse suprachiasmatic nucleus

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    Biological rhythms in mammals are driven by a central circadian clock located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). At the molecular level the biological clock is based on the rhythmic expression of clock genes. Two basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH)/PAS-containing transcription factors, CLOCK and BMAL1 (MOP3), provide the basic drive to the system by activating transcription of negative regulators through E box enhancer elements. A critical feature of circadian timing is the ability of the clockwork to be entrained to the environmental light/dark cycle. The light-resetting mechanism of the mammalian circadian clock is poorly understood. Light-induced phase shifts are correlated with the induction of the clock genes mPer1 and mPer2 and a subsequent increase in mPER1 protein levels. It has previously been suggested that rapid degradation of BMAL1 protein in the rat SCN is part of the resetting mechanism of the central pacemaker. Our study shows that BMAL1 and CLOCK proteins are continuously expressed at high levels in the mouse SCN, supporting the hypothesis that rhythmic negative feedback plays the major role in rhythm generation in the mammalian pacemaker. Using both immunocytochemistry and immunoblot analysis, our studies demonstrate that BMAL1 protein in the mouse SCN is not affected by a phase-resetting light pulse. These results indicate that rapid degradation of BMAL1 protein is not a consistent feature of resetting mechanisms in rodents