958 research outputs found

    Moving Toward Sound Forest Management

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    Case Posed: But Can the Prosecution Rest?

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    Julie Flint and Alex de Waal have published a damning article about the ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo which reads, by extension, as a trouncing of the entire institution. I’m not in the loop with the court’s day-to-day politics well enough to offer an informed counter-argument, so instead, by way of playing devil’s advocate, let me agree for argument’s sake with a number of the authors’ claims, hyperbolic and partisan though they sound at places, and then (again for argument’s sake), push back on the assumptions the authors make about the implications of those claims

    Machine Learning-Based Medical Devices: the FDA’s Regulation, Requirements, and Restrictions

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    The FDA should create functional regulations for the growing number of machine learning medical devices. The healthcare system is increasingly using these devices for diagnosis. Machine learning devices trained on biased data sets are susceptible to furthering certain types of bias and generating flawed outcomes. The FDA should require ML medical devices to include a label that describes the demographics of the tested population. If manufacturers fail to include this information, the FDA could determine the label false or misleading under §502 of the FD&C Act and stop sales of the device. After approval, the FDA should use §814.89(2) and §519 to require manufacturers to report and evaluate the real-world performance of their approved devices. These reviews should include studies for clinical validation or model evaluation and model testing. While addressing bias in diagnostic medical machine learning devices will take more than the FDA, the agency should continue to support efforts to find an effective way to mitigate and measure bias

    Cursing Cambodia

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    Joel Brinkley has written a heartbreaking piece in Foreign Affairs about Cambodian society thirty-five years after Pol Pot. We are presented with anecdote after anecdote about historical trauma, corruption, and poverty. It’s a depressing picture, and an important country case to have on the US’ foreign policy radar screen

    Literature Study of Cross-Cultural Size Comparisons Against Personality Traits

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    After more than a century of research at the university, personality traits have been fully studied and measured, thanks to the work of many researchers. The Big Five is one of the most popular personality tests. It was created using an ethical approach, which says that personality traits should be measured in the same way in all cultures. But as the effects of different cultures grow and researchers learn more, ethical approaches to measuring personality are increasingly questioned. In anthropological research, emic approaches emphasizing the importance of specific cultural methods have been studied. This method is used to create the Big Six and Big Seven scales below. These measurements have been tested and found to be more accurate and valid for measuring personality traits in the right group of people. So, this study is intended to provide a literature review that summarizes how personality traits are defined, the specific content and development of such measurements using ethical and emic approaches, measurement problems based on relevant research, and several other things to think about. About when assessing personality traits using an etic and EMIC approach

    Response to Mark Danner’s “The Red Cross’ Torture Report: What it Means”

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    Danner’s NY Review of Books treatise on torture calls our attention to many significant issues, but in his key argument he is critically wrong

    Expresión autoetnográfica: consciencia de oposición en las literaturas de los Estados Unidos

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    El estudio sobre la autoetnografía y su polémica ofrece un método especialmente sobresaliente para leer un tipo particular o una tendencia de consciencia de oposición racial en la literatura estadounidense. Este artículo considera las críticas a la autoetnografía -entre ellas, las relativas a sus tendencias narcisistas y supuestamente esencialistas- y revisa el trabajo de varios estudiosos que intentan definir y conformar el campo de la autoetnografía. Un rápido examen de las múltiples definiciones de un término en un ámbito tan discutido, como es la autoetnografía, es en realidad el único camino para movilizar de modo responsable esta noción en la crítica literaria y para evitar también el error de muchos al apropiarse precipitadamente la definición, porque les abre fácilmente un ángulo como posibilidad de ataque que no suele estar presente en sus trabajos. Este artículo finalmente argumentará a favor de una definición delimitada del “género” que toma en cuenta la teoría de la consciencia de oposición, sostenida por Chela Sandoval, y la particular definición de autoetnografía de Pratt. Al hacerlo, se presentarán dos ejemplos específicos de las literaturas estadounidenses del siglo XX que dan voz a un modo peculiar de expresión autoetnográfica.A study of autoethnography and its polemic offers an especially salient mode of reading a particular type, or pattern, of oppositional racial consciousness in American Literature, then. This article will consider criticism of autoethnography -such as regards its “narcissistic” and purportedly essentialist tendencies- and rapidly review a number of scholars attempting to define and shape the field of autoethnography A rapid-fire consideration of multiple definitions of a term in a contested field such as autoethnography is really the only way to responsibly mobilize the notion in a literary critique and also avoids the mistake some make in too hastily appropriating a definition that will make it easy to give their work an unusual angle of attack. Given the frequently insufficiently researched use of the term, this article will ultimately argue for a delimiting definition of the “genre” which takes into account Chela Sandoval’s theory of oppositional consciousness and Pratt’s particular definition of autoethnography itself. In so doing, it will present two specific examples from 20th Century American Literatures that give voice to a peculiar mode of autoethnographic expression


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana fungsi sertifikat hak atas tanah bagi pemilik sertifikat dan bagaimana tanggung jawab pelaku dalam tindak pidana penggelapan dan penipuan sertifikat hak atas tanah, di mana dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan: 1. sebagai surat tanah bukti hak atas tanah yang memberikan kepastian hukum dan perlindungan hukum kepada pemegang hak atas tanah yang bersangkutan. Fungsi sertifikat hak atas tanah adalah sebagai alat bukti yang kuat dan sebagai tanda bukti yang bersifat mutlak. 2. Tanggung jawab pelaku tindak pidana penggelapan dan penipuan sertifikat hak atas tanah didasarkan pada ketentuan Pasal 63 KUHP pelaku telah melakukan gabungan tindak pidana. Berdasarkan Pasal 63 ayat (1) KUHP, maka tanggungjawab pelaku adalah pidana penjara selama–lamanya empat tahun, karena tindak pidana penggelapan diancam dengan pidana penjara selama–lamanya empat tahun dan tindak pidana penipuan diancam dengan pidana penjara selama–lamanya empat tahun.Kata kunci: penggelapan; sertifikat
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