24 research outputs found

    Dry eye disease immune responses and topical therapy

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    Abstract There is accumulating evidence that inflammation is one of the key components of dry eye because chronic ocular surface inflammation can be both a result as well as an initiator of dry eye. The need for continuing anti-inflammatory therapy may be determined in part by the extent that non-modifiable factors such as gender and age-related aqueous or lipid or mucus production deficiencies contribute to its chronicity. This perspective examines how the need for increased dosage of a topical anti-inflammatory drug may be determined by the degree of difficulty that a topically administered drug has in accessing different sites of tear deficiency and associated inflammation

    Glaucoma history and risk factors

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    Apart from the risk of developing glaucoma there is also the risk that it is not detected and irreversible loss of vision ensues. Some studies of methods of glaucoma diagnosis have examined the results of instrument-based examinations with great if not complete reliance on objective findings in arriving at a diagnosis. The very valuable advances in glaucoma detection instrument technologies, and apparent increasing dependence on them, may have led to reduced consideration of information available from a patient history in those studies. Dependence on objective evidence of glaucomatous pathology may reduce the possibility of detecting glaucoma suspects or patients at risk for becoming glaucoma suspects. A valid positive family history of glaucoma is very valuable information. However, negative family histories can often be unreliable due to large numbers of glaucoma cases being undiagnosed. No evidence of family history is appropriate rather than no family history. In addition the unreliability of a negative family history is increased when patients with glaucoma fail to inform their family members. A finding of no family history can only be stated as no known family history. In examining the potential diagnostic contribution from a patient history, this review considers, age, frailty, race, type and degree of refractive error, systemic hyper- and hypotension, vasospasm, migraine, pigmentary dispersion syndrome, pseudoexfoliation syndrome, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, diabetes, medication interactions and side effects, the degree of exposure to intraocular and intracranial pressure elevations and fluctuations, smoking, and symptoms in addition to genetics and family history of the disease

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    McMonnies questionnaire: enhancing screening for dry eye syndromes with Rasch analysis

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