26 research outputs found

    CDK‐mediated activation of the SCFFBXO28 ubiquitin ligase promotes MYC‐driven transcription and tumourigenesis and predicts poor survival in breast cancer

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    SCF (Skp1/Cul1/F‐box) ubiquitin ligases act as master regulators of cellular homeostasis by targeting key proteins for ubiquitylation. Here, we identified a hitherto uncharacterized F‐box protein, FBXO28 that controls MYC‐dependent transcription by non‐proteolytic ubiquitylation. SCFFBXO28 activity and stability are regulated during the cell cycle by CDK1/2‐mediated phosphorylation of FBXO28, which is required for its efficient ubiquitylation of MYC and downsteam enhancement of the MYC pathway. Depletion of FBXO28 or overexpression of an F‐box mutant unable to support MYC ubiquitylation results in an impairment of MYC‐driven transcription, transformation and tumourigenesis. Finally, in human breast cancer, high FBXO28 expression and phosphorylation are strong and independent predictors of poor outcome. In conclusion, our data suggest that SCFFBXO28 plays an important role in transmitting CDK activity to MYC function during the cell cycle, emphasizing the CDK‐FBXO28‐MYC axis as a potential molecular drug target in MYC‐driven cancers, including breast cancer

    Predisposition to Cancer Caused by Genetic and Functional Defects of Mammalian Atad5

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    ATAD5, the human ortholog of yeast Elg1, plays a role in PCNA deubiquitination. Since PCNA modification is important to regulate DNA damage bypass, ATAD5 may be important for suppression of genomic instability in mammals in vivo. To test this hypothesis, we generated heterozygous (Atad5+/m) mice that were haploinsuffficient for Atad5. Atad5+/m mice displayed high levels of genomic instability in vivo, and Atad5+/m mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) exhibited molecular defects in PCNA deubiquitination in response to DNA damage, as well as DNA damage hypersensitivity and high levels of genomic instability, apoptosis, and aneuploidy. Importantly, 90% of haploinsufficient Atad5+/m mice developed tumors, including sarcomas, carcinomas, and adenocarcinomas, between 11 and 20 months of age. High levels of genomic alterations were evident in tumors that arose in the Atad5+/m mice. Consistent with a role for Atad5 in suppressing tumorigenesis, we also identified somatic mutations of ATAD5 in 4.6% of sporadic human endometrial tumors, including two nonsense mutations that resulted in loss of proper ATAD5 function. Taken together, our findings indicate that loss-of-function mutations in mammalian Atad5 are sufficient to cause genomic instability and tumorigenesis

    Cyclin-Dependent Kinase-Associated Proteins Cks1 and Cks2 Are Essential during Early Embryogenesis and for Cell Cycle Progression in Somatic Cells ▿

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    Cks proteins associate with cyclin-dependent kinases and have therefore been assumed to play a direct role in cell cycle regulation. Mammals have two paralogs, Cks1 and Cks2, and individually deleting the gene encoding either in the mouse has previously been shown not to impact viability. In this study we show that simultaneously disrupting CKS1 and CKS2 leads to embryonic lethality, with embryos dying at or before the morula stage after only two to four cell division cycles. RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated silencing of CKS genes in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) or HeLa cells causes cessation of proliferation. In MEFs CKS silencing leads to cell cycle arrest in G2, followed by rereplication and polyploidy. This phenotype can be attributed to impaired transcription of the CCNB1, CCNA2, and CDK1 genes, encoding cyclin B1, cyclin A, and Cdk1, respectively. Restoration of cyclin B1 expression rescues the cell cycle arrest phenotype conferred by RNAi-mediated Cks protein depletion. Consistent with a direct role in transcription, Cks2 is recruited to chromatin in general and to the promoter regions and open reading frames of genes requiring Cks function with a cell cycle periodicity that correlates with their transcription