9,299 research outputs found

    Gaseous Electronics

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    Contains research objectives, summary of research and reports on two research projects.Joint Services Electronics Programs (U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, and U. S. Air Force) under Contract DAAB07-71-C-0300University of California, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Livermore (Subcontract No. 7877409)U. S. Atomic Energy Commissio

    Comments on The Quaker Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

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    Crescimento e fixação de nitrogênio por Alnus rubra cultivado sob fertilização com biosólidos com altos e baixos teores de metais

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    Forest application of biosolids offers a potential environmentally friendly alternative to landfilling. This two-year investigation was designed to analyze the effects of elevated soil metal concentration resulting from the land application of biosolids on the symbiotic, nitrogen (N) fixing relationship between Alnus rubra Bong. (red alder) and Frankia. High metal biosolids and a modern-day composted biosolid applied at high loading rates of 250, 500, and 1000 Mg ha-1, were used to represent a worst-case scenario for metal contamination. The high metal biosolids were obtained before the current regulations were formulated and had been lagooned prior to use in this study. Total cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) in the high metal biosolids were 45, 958, and 2623 mg kg-1 respectively. These metal concentrations are above current regulatory limits in the US. The compost was made using biosolids that are currently produced and had Cd, Pb and Zn of 0.8, 20 and 160 mg kg-1 respectively. Trees were harvested and analyzed for rate of N fixation (as measured by acetylene reduction activity), biomass, and foliar metals. Soils were analyzed for available N, total carbon and N, pH and total Cd, Pb and Zn. Rates of N fixation were not affected by soil amendment. In year 2, shoot biomass of trees grown in both the compost and high metal amendments were higher than the control. Shoot biomass increased with increasing amount of compost amendments, but decreased with increasing amount of high metal amendments. There was no relationship between soil metal concentration and plant biomass. Foliar Cd and Pb were below detection for all trees and foliar Zn increased with increasing amount of both compost and high metal amendment, with concentrations of 249 mg kg-1 for trees grown in the compost amendment and 279 mg kg-1 for the high metal amendment. The results from this study indicate that the growth of A. rubra benefited from both types of biosolids used in the study and that the Alnus/Frankia relationship was not negatively impacted by metal concentrations resulting from the high metal biosolids amendments.A aplicação de biosólidos em florestas representa uma potencial alternativa ambientalmente correta para aterros sanitários. Os efeitos de fertilização de nitrogênio na relação simbiôntica e de fixação de nitrogênio Alnus rubra Bong. (amieiro vermelho) e Frankia foram avaliados em um estudo de campo conduzido por dois anos. Um biosólido com concentração de metais muito acima dos marcos regulatórios (45 mg kg-1 Cd; 958 mg kg-1 Pb; 2623 mg kg-1 Zn) produzido há mais de 25 anos e um biosólido composto recente foram aplicados nas doses de 250, 500 e 1000 Mg ha-1, representando um cenário pior possível de concentração de metais. Ao final do segundo ano, a biomassa da parte aérea das plantas cultivadas sob ambos os compostos era maior que a das plantas controle, mas não foi observada inter-relação entre a concentração de metais no solo e a biomassa das plantas. As concentrações de Cd e Pb foliares permaneceram abaixo do nível de detecção em todas as plantas, mas a concentração de Zn foliar aumentou proporcionalmente ao aumento da adição do bioremediador, atingindo concentrações de 249 mg kg-1 e 279 mg kg-1 para os tratamentos alto metal e composto, respectivamente. Embora não tenham sido registrados efeitos negativos do biosólido com altos teores de metais, outras rotas de exposição podem levar a possíveis impactos ecológicos

    Fixação de nitrogênio e crescimento de Alnus Rubra fertilização com uréia ou biosólidos

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    Nitrogen fertilization of forests using biosolids offers a potentially environmentally friendly means to accelerate tree growth. This field study was designed to analyze the effects of nitrogen fertilization on the symbiotic, nitrogen (N)-fixing relationship between Alnus rubra Bong. (red alder) and Frankia. Anaerobically digested, class B biosolids and synthetic urea (46% N) were applied at rates of 140, 280 and 560 kg ha-1 available N to a well-drained, sandy, glacial outwash soil in the Indianola series (mixed, mesic Dystric Xeropsamments). Plots were planted with A. rubra seedlings. At the end of each of two growing seasons trees were harvested and analyzed for the rate of N fixation (as acetylene reduction activity), biomass and foliar N. At year 1, there was no N fixation for trees grown with urea amendments, but control (17 µmol C2H4 g-1 hr-1) and biosolids (26-45 µmol C2H4 g-1 hr-1) trees were fixing N. At the end of year 2, all trees in all treatments were fixing N (7 µmol C2H4 g-1 hr-1, 4-16 µmol C2H4 g-1 hr-1, and 20-29 µmol C2H4 g-1 hr-1 for control, urea and biosolids respectively). Trees grown with biosolids amendments were larger overall (year 1 shoot biomass 10 g, 5 g, and 23 g for control, urea, and biosolids respectively, year 2 shoot biomass 50 g, 51 g, and 190 g for control, urea, and biosolids respectively) with higher concentrations of foliar N for both years of the study (year 1 foliar N 26 g kg-1, 27 g kg-1, and 40 g kg-1 for control, urea, and biosolids respectively, year 2 foliar N 17 g kg-1, 19 g kg-1, and 23 g kg-1 for control, urea, and biosolids respectively). Trees grown with urea amendments appeared to use the urea N over Frankia supplied N, whereas the biosolids trees appeared to be able to use both N in biosolids and N from Frankia. The results from this study indicated that the greater growth of A. rubra may have been responsible for the observed higher N demand. Biosolids may have supplied other nutrients to the trees to support this accelerated growth.A fertilização nitrogenada de florestas com biosólidos constitui um meio de aceleração do crescimento das plantas potencialmente não impactante ao meio. Os efeitos de fertilização de nitrogênio atmosférico na relação simbiôntica e de fixação de nitrogênio Alnus rubra Bong. (amieiro vermelho) e Frankia foram avaliados em um estudo de campo. Biosólidos classe B digeridos anaerobicamente e uréia sintética (46% N) foram aplicados a taxas de 140, 280 e 560 kg ha-1 de N disponível em um solo tipo Areia Quartzosa. Ao contrário das plantas do grupo controle (17 µmol C2H4 g-1 hr-1) ou fertilizadas com biosólidos (26-45 µmol C2H4 g-1 hr-1), plantas fertilizadas com uréia não apresentavam fixação de nitrogênio após um ano de cultivo. Ao final do segundo ano, todas as árvores em todos os tratamentos fixavam N (7 µmol C2H4 g-1 hr-1; 4-16 µmol C2H4 g-1 hr-1; e 20-29 µmol C2H4 g-1 hr-1 para controle, uréia e biosólidos, respectivamente). Plantas cultivadas sob remediação com biosólidos apresentaram maior biomassa na parte aérea ao final do ano 2 (50 g; 51 g; e 190 g para controle, uréia, e biosólidos, respectivamente), e também maiores concentrações de nitrogênio foliar em ambos os períodos analisados (N foliar no ano 1 26 g kg-1, 27 g kg-1, e 40 g kg-1; N foliar no ano 2 17 g kg-1, 19 g kg-1, and 23 g kg-1, respectivamente para controle, uréia e biosólidos). A maior taxa de crescimento de A. rubra pode ter resultado em maior exigência em N e os biosólidos supriram quantidades adicionais de nutrientes capazes de sustentar o crescimento acelerado

    Can restenosis after coronary angioplasty be predicted from clinical variables?

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    AbstractObjectives. The purpose of this study was to determine whether variables shown to correlate with restenosis in one group (learning group) could be shown to predict recurrent stenosis in a second group (validation group).Background. Restenosis remains a critical limitation after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. Although several clinical variables have been shown to correlate with restenosis, there are few data concerning attempts to predict recurrent stenosis.Methods. The source of data was the clinical data bese at Emory University. Patients who had had previous coronary surgery and patients who underwent coronary angioplasty in the setting of acute myocardial Infarction were excluded. A total of 4,006 patients with angiographic restudy after successful angioplisty were identified. They were classified into a learning group of 2,500 patients and a validation group of 1,506 patients. The correlates of restenosis in the learning group were determined by stepwise logistic regression, and a model was developed to predict the probability of restenosis and was tested in the validation group. By using various cut points for the predicted probability of restenosis, a receiver operating characteristic curve was created. Goodness of fit of the model was evaluated by comparing average predicted probabilities with average observed probabilities within subgroups on the basis of risk level determined by linear regression analysis.Results. In the learning group 1,145 patients had restenosis and 1,355 did not. Correlates of restenosis were severe angina, severe diameter stenosis before angioplasty, left anterior descending coronary artery dilation, diabetes, greater diameter stenosis after angioplasty, hypertension, absence of an intimal tear, eccentric morphology and older patient age. The model derived from the learing group was used to predict restenosis in the validation group. By varying the cut point for the predicted probability of restenosis above which restenosis is diagnosed and below which it is not, a receiver operating characteristic curve was created. The curve was close to the line of identity, reflecting a poor predictive ability. However, the model was shown to fit well with the predicted probability of restenosis correlating well with the observed probability (r = 0.98, p = 0.0001).Conclusions. Clinical variables provide limited ability to predict definitively whether a particular patient will have restenosis. However, the current model may be used to predict the probability of restenosis, with some uncertainty, at least in well characterized patients who have already had angioplasy

    Genetic relatedness in carbapenem-resistant isolates from clinical specimens in Ghana using ERIC-PCR technique.

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    AIM: Enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC) sequence analysis is a powerful tool for epidemiological analysis of bacterial species. This study aimed to determine the genetic relatedness or variability in carbapenem-resistant isolates by species using this technique. METHODS: A total of 111 non-duplicated carbapenem-resistant (CR) Gram-negative bacilli isolates from a three-year collection period (2012-2014) were investigated by enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-polymerase chain reaction (ERIC-PCR) in four selected hospital laboratories in Ghana. The isolates were also screened for carbapenemase and extended spectrum β-lactamase genes by PCR. RESULTS: A proportion of 23.4% (26/111) of the genomic DNA extracts were carriers of PCR-positive carbapenemase genes, including 14.4% blaNDM-1, 7.2% blaVIM-1 and 1.8% blaOXA-48. The highest prevalence of carbapenemase genes was from non-fermenters, Acinetobacter baumannii and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. For the ESBL genes tested, 96.4% (107/111) of the CR isolates co-harboured both TEM-1 and SHV-1 genes. The ERIC-PCR gel analysis exhibited 1 to 8 bands ranging from 50 to 800 bp. Band patterns of 93 complex dissimilarities were visually distinguished from the 111 CR isolates studied, while the remaining 18 showed band similarities in pairs. CONCLUSION: Overall, ERIC-PCR fingerprints have shown a high level of diversity among the species of Gram-negative bacterial pathogens and specimen collection sites in this study. ERIC-PCR optimisation assays may serve as a suitable genotyping tool for the assessment of genetic diversity or close relatedness of isolates that are found in clinical settings

    Simulations and cosmological inference: A statistical model for power spectra means and covariances

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    We describe an approximate statistical model for the sample variance distribution of the non-linear matter power spectrum that can be calibrated from limited numbers of simulations. Our model retains the common assumption of a multivariate Normal distribution for the power spectrum band powers, but takes full account of the (parameter dependent) power spectrum covariance. The model is calibrated using an extension of the framework in Habib et al. (2007) to train Gaussian processes for the power spectrum mean and covariance given a set of simulation runs over a hypercube in parameter space. We demonstrate the performance of this machinery by estimating the parameters of a power-law model for the power spectrum. Within this framework, our calibrated sample variance distribution is robust to errors in the estimated covariance and shows rapid convergence of the posterior parameter constraints with the number of training simulations.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, matches final version published in PR

    Nonsupersymmetric brane vacua in stabilized compactifications

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    We derive the equations for the nonsupersymmetric vacua of D3-branes in the presence of nonperturbative moduli stabilization in type IIB flux compactifications, and solve and analyze them in the case of two particular 7-brane embeddings at the bottom of the warped deformed conifold. In the limit of large volume and long throat, we obtain vacua by imposing a constraint on the 7-brane embedding. These vacua fill out continuous spaces of higher dimension than the corresponding supersymmetric vacua, and have negative effective cosmological constant. Perturbative stability of these vacua is possible but not generic. Finally, we argue that anti-D3-branes at the tip of the conifold share the same vacua as D3-branes.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX. v2: references added, typo fixed. v3: version appearing in JHE