8 research outputs found


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    The aim of this research was to know the reproductive biology of Ompok hypophthalmus included gonadal development stages and spawning season.The study was conducted from June to December 2006 in floodplain of Kampar Kiri River. Samplings were carried out monthly with purposive sampling method. Fish samples were cathed by gillnet, trapnet, hand line and long line. A total of 474 individuals were captured ranged 80-310 mm in total length and 2-143 g in weight. The female and male reached sexual maturity at 115 mm and 214 mm in total length respectively. The spawning season for this species ranges from June to December where a peak season found in October which examined based on variations in gonado somatic index (GSI) and the existence of mature male and females. The fecundity varied from 688-15180 eggs. The correlation coefficient between fecundity with total length and fecundity with weight were very weak. It lead to suggested that the coefficient cannot be used to predict O. hypophthalmus fecundity

    Preferensi Habitat dan Distribusi Spasial Yuwana Rajungan (Portunus pelagicus) di Perairan Pesisir Lampung Timur, Provinsi Lampung

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    Information on habitat preferences of the blue swimming crab (BSC) juvenile and its spatial distribution is one of the factors behind the successfulness of its sustainable management. This information is needed to provide input for management strategy by considering juvenile crabs and their habitat as important aspect. The purpose of this study is to elucidate habitat preferences, abundance and biomass distribution of BSC juvenile in the east Lampung coastal waters. The research was conducted in September-October 2018, which was located in east Lampung coastal waters, Province Lampung. Spatial distribution through estimation of abundance and biomass of BSC juvenile  were relatively high and concentrated in the Gambas and Wako regions at stratification of 2-4 miles from the coastline. The BSC juvenile does not appear to have a high preference to the Kuala Penet coastal habitat condition; it is considered because of low value of abundance, biomass, and Habitat suitability index (HSI). The value of HSI in the Kuala Penet Coastal region is also lower than other locations due to abiotic and biotic factors for supporting the crabs at juvenile stage

    Abundance of Phytoplankton and its Role as Fish Food Sources in Pabean Bay, West Java

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    Pabean Bay is an estuary that has the potential of natural resources for fisheries.  One of the organisms that has an important role here is phytoplankton. This study aims to analyze spatially and temporally the composition of phytoplankton abundance as fish food sources in Pabean Bay waters, West Java. Phytoplankton and physics-chemical parameters were taken monthly samples (June 2016-March 2017). Data analysis included the composition and abundance of phytoplankton, one-way variance analysis based on time and zone, the relation of physics-chemical parameters of aquatic to phytoplankton abundance, and phytoplankton used by fish as food. The abundance of phytoplankton differs on a monthly basis, but is not different in each zone. The phytoplankton found in the Pabean Bay is dominated by the Bacillariophyceae class. The dominant type of phytoplankton feeds from some of the captured fishes is Nitzschia and Pleurosigma from the Bacillariophyceae class.Teluk Pabean merupakan perairan estuari yang memiliki sumber daya alam potensial bagi perikanan. Salah satu organisme yang memiliki peran penting dalam teluk tersebut adalah fitoplankton. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kelimpahan fitoplankton secara spasial dan temporal sebagai sumber makanan ikan di perairan Teluk Pabean, Jawa Barat. Pengambilan contoh fitoplankton dan pengukuran beberapa parameter fisik-kimiawi perairan dilakukan satu kali pada setiap bulan (Juni 2016-Maret 2017). Analisis data yang dilakukan meliputi komposisi dan kelimpahan fitoplankton, analisis ragam satu arah berdasarkan waktu dan zona pengamatan, kaitan parameter fisik-kimiawi perairan terhadap kelimpahan fitoplankton di Teluk Pabean, serta fitoplankton yang dimanfaatkan oleh ikan sebagai makanannya di Teluk Pabean, Jawa Barat. Kelimpahan fitoplankton tidak berbeda pada setiap zona pengamatan, tetapi kelimpahan fitoplankton berbeda antarwaktu pengamatan. Fitoplankton yang ditemukan di Teluk Pabean didominasi oleh fitoplankton kelas Bacillariophyceae. Jenis fitoplankton yang dominan menjadi makanan beberapa ikan di Teluk Pabean Jawa Barat yaitu Nitzschia dan Pleurosigma dari kelas Bacillariophyceae

    Diet and Feeding Habits of the Javelin Grunt Pomadasys kaakan (Cuvier, 1830) in Pabean Bay West Java

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    The Pabean Bay is an estuary area that inhabited by many fish species such as javelin grunt (Pomadasys kaakan Cuvier, 1830). The purposes of this study were to identify food item and determine the feeding habit of the javelin grunt in The Pabean Bay, West Java. Fishes were collected monthly from June to December 2016 using gill nets and trap nets. Observation food is in vitro by conducting an examination of the stomach and the intestines of an example and refer on the books of the identification by Carpenter and Niem. Analysis of fish diet includes index of relative importance, niche breadth, and niche overlap. Fishes were grouped into three groups based on the size length. The result showed that the javelin grunt was crustacivore. Generally, the diet of javelin grunt consists of Acetes sp., Penaeus sp., Portunus sp., Clupeid, Ambassid, Sciaenid, Gobiid, Sillaginid, and unidentified organisms. Penaeus sp. was the main food and could be found on each size of group in monthly observation. The proportion of index of relative importance value was changed in regard of length size groups of A (41-85 mm: 12.105), B (86-130 mm: 13.804), and C (131-175 mm: 7.561). The niche breadth of javelin fish was higher in the larger ones and a high diet overlap among size groups was found. According to prey item and feeding habit, the javelin grunt can be classified as benthic crustacean feeder

    Diversity pattern and juvenile fish assemblage in the nearshore habitats of the Sumbawa Island, Indonesia

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    The coastal ecosystem plays a vital role as essential habitat for juvenile and small marine fishes. This study aimed to analyze juvenile and small-sized fish assemblage in the nearshore habitats of Sumbawa Island. Sampling was carried out in the morning at low tide when new and full moon from November 2020 to January 2021. Five sampling sites were selected based on habitats their adjacency to the river mouth. During the study period, 6349 individuals belonging to 74 species and 37 families were recorded. The number of Ambassis vachellii was the most significant, followed by Hypoatherina temminckii, and Eubleekeria splendens. The highest fish biomass was occupied by E. splendens, followed by Plotosus lineatus, and Planiliza macrolepis. Physico-chemical parameters were not varied between sampling sites, except salinity. Estuaries with vegetated areas have a higher species richness, diversity, and evenness index than the unvegetated area. Juvenile and small-sized fishes varied between sites but not varied between moon phases. Research findings confirm that the nearshore habitat of Sumbawa Island has a significant capacity to support the early life stage of many marine fish species

    Fish fauna of the Batetangnga River, West Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Batetangnga River is one of the rivers in West Sulawesi and is well known as an ecotourism area. This preliminary study was performed to reveal fish fauna in the Batetangnga River, West Sulawesi. Ichthyofauna research was conducted in April and May 2021 at two stations in Batetangnga River, namely Rawa Bangun and Butute’neng. During the study period, a total of 14 species belonging to 9 families were identified. No endemic species were found in the study area. Native fish species such as Stiphodon semoni, Butis butis, Glossogobius sp., Glossogobius aereus, Stiphodon sp., Giuris sp, Atule sp. Ambassis miops, Ambassis interrupta, Microphis sp. were recorded. Four alien fishes species were documented i.e. Aplocheilus panchax, Poecilia reticulata, Anabas testudineus, and Oreochromis niloticus. Freshwater fish exploration and efforts to control alien fishes species in west Sulawesi are essential things to be done shortly

    Fish catches diversity of the glass eel fishery in Cikaso and Cimandiri estuaries, Sukabumi, Indonesia

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    Cikaso and Cimandiri estuaries are well known as the central area of glass eel fisheries in Sukabumi Regency. Local fishermen catch glass eels using two main fishing gears, namely traps and lift nets. Although both fishing gears' target operation is glass eels, many other fish species are also caught as bycatch. The present study aimed to identify glass eels and bycatch ichthyofauna in glass eel fisheries of the Cikaso and Cimandiri estuaries, Sukabumi. The research was carried out monthly from November 2020 to January 2021. Glass eels fishing gears collected a total of 21 fish species belonging to 15 families in both estuaries. According to the percentage ano-dorsal length measurement to total length (AD/TL), 3 species of glass eel were identified, i.e. Anguilla bicolor bicolor, A. nebulosa, and A. marmorata. These three species were the most abundant fish catches in both estuaries. More than 18 bycatch ichthyofauna were recorded and most of them are economically important fish, such as Ambassidae, Eleotridae, Engraulidae, Gobiidae, and Polinemidae. To sustain fishery management, the recording bycatch from glass eel fishery in the Cikaso and Cimandiri estuaries is necessary to be done regularly because they contribute to fishing mortality