543 research outputs found

    Impact of different particle size distributions on anaerobic digestion of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste

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    Particle size may significantly affect the speed and stability of anaerobic digestion, and matching the choice of particle size reduction equipment to digester type can thus determine the success or failure of the process. In the current research the organic fraction of municipal solid waste was processed using a combination of a shear shredder, rotary cutter and wet macerator to produce streams with different particle size distributions. The pre-processed waste was used in trials in semi-continuous ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ digesters at organic loading rate (OLR) up to 6 kg volatile solids (VS) m?3 day?1. The results indicated that while difference in the particle size distribution did not change the specific biogas yield, the digester performance was affected. In the ‘dry’ digesters the finer particle size led to acidification and ultimately to process failure at the highest OLR. In ‘wet’ digestion a fine particle size led to severe foaming and the process could not be operated above 5 kg VS m?3 day?1. Although the trial was not designed as a direct comparison between ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ digestion, the specific biogas yield of the ‘dry’ digesters was 90% of that produced by ‘wet’ digesters fed on the same waste at the same OLR.<br/

    Strategies for stable anaerobic digestion of vegetable waste

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    International trade and the market demand for pre-prepared agricultural produce is not only increasing the total quantity of waste agricultural biomass but also centralising its availability, making it potentially useful for energy production. The current work considers the suitability of vegetable trimmings and rejects from high-value produce air-freighted between Africa and Europe as a feedstock for anaerobic digestion. The physical and chemical characteristics of a typical mixed vegetable waste of this type were determined and the theoretical energy yield predicted and compared to experimentally-determined calorific values, and to the energy recovered through a batch biochemical methane potential test. A semi-continuous digestion trial was then carried out with daily feed additions at different organic loading rates (OLR). At an OLR of 2 g VS L-1 day-1 the substrate gave a methane yield of 0.345 L g-1 VS added with VS destruction 81.3%, and showed that 76.2% of the measured calorific value of the waste could be reclaimed as methane. This was in good agreement with the estimated energy recovery of 68.6% based on reaction stoichiometry, and was 99% of the biochemical methane potential (BMP). Higher loading rates reduced the specific methane yield and energy conversion efficiency, and led to a drop in digester pH which could not be effectively controlled by alkali additions. To maintain digester stability it was necessary to supplement with additional trace elements including tungsten, which allowed loading rates up to 4 g VS L-1 day-1 to be achieved. Stability was also improved by addition of yeast extract (YE), but the higher gas yield obtained was as a result of the contribution made by the YE and no synergy was shown. Co-digestion using card packaging and cattle slurry as co-substrates also proved to be an effective means of restoring and maintaining stable operating conditions.This is a revised personal version of the text of the final journal article, which is made available for scholarly purposes only, in accordance with the journal's author permissions

    Co-digestion of source segregated domestic food waste to improve process stability

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    Cattle slurry and card packaging were used to improve the operational stability of food waste digestion, with the aim of reducing digestate total ammoniacal nitrogen concentrations compared to food waste only. Use of cattle slurry could have major environmental benefits through reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with current management practices; whilst card packaging is closely linked to food waste and could be co-collected as a source segregated material. Both options increase the renewable energy potential whilst retaining organic matter and nutrients for soil replenishment. Co-digestion allowed higher organic loadings and gave a more stable process. A high ammonia inoculum acclimated more readily to cattle slurry than card packaging, probably through supplementation by trace elements and micro-organisms. Long-term operation at a 75-litre scale showed a characteristic pattern of volatile fatty acid accumulation in mono-digestion of food waste, and allowed performance parameters to be determined for the co-digestion substrates.<br/

    Anaerobic digestion of two biodegradable municipal waste streams

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    Landfill avoidance for organic wastes is now a high priority worldwide. Two fractions of the municipal waste stream were considered with respect to their potential for diversion through controlled anaerobic digestion. The physical and chemical properties of source segregated domestic food waste (ss-FW) and of the mechanically-recovered organic fraction of municipal solid waste (mr-OFMSW) were analysed, and their methane yields determined in both batch and semi-continuous digestion. Methane potentials were compared with predicted values based on biochemical composition, elemental analysis and carbon mass balance, and the differences explained by compositional analysis of feedstocks and digestates. The ss-FW had a higher percentage biodegradability and higher energy potential on a dry weight basis due to the high proportion of proteins and fats in this waste, although the energy potential of the mr-OFMSW was slightly higher on a wet weight (WW) basis. The mr-OFMSW showed very stable digestion characteristics, whereas the ss-FW had a high digestate ammoniacal-N concentration and volatile fatty acid accumulation leading to some process instability. Digestates from semi-continuous trials with mr-OFMSW had high concentrations of potentially toxic elements (PTE) and a lower nutrient content than ss-FW digestate, making the former unsuitable for application to land used in food productio

    Integration of on-farm biodiesel production with anaerobic digestion to maximise energy yield and greenhouse gas savings from process and farm residues

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    Anaerobic co-digestion of residues from the cold pressing and trans-esterification of oilseed rape (OSR) with other farm wastes was considered as a means of enhancing the sustainability of on-farm biodiesel production. The study verified the process energy yields using biochemical methane potential (BMP) tests and semi-continuous digestion trials. The results indicated that high proportions of OSR cake in the feedstock led to a decrease in volatile solids destruction and instability of the digestion process. Co-digestion with cattle slurry or with vegetable waste led to acceptable specific and volumetric methane productions, and a digestate low in potentially toxic elements (PTE). The results were used to evaluate energy balances and greenhouse gas emissions of the integrated process compared with biodiesel production alone. Co-digestion was shown to provide energy self-sufficiency and security of supply to farms, with sufficient surplus for export as fuel and electricit

    Trace element requirements for stable food waste digestion at elevated ammonia concentrations

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    The work investigated why anaerobic digesters treating food waste and operating at high ammonia concentrations suffer from propionic acid accumulation which may result in process failure. The results showed deficiency of selenium, essential for both propionate oxidation and syntrophic hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis, leads to this while supplementation allows operation at substantially higher organic loading rates (OLR). At high loadings cobalt also becomes limiting, due to its role either in acetate oxidation in a reverse Wood-Ljungdahl or in hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis. Population structure analysis using fluorescent in situ hybridization showed only hydrogenotrophic methanogens. Critical Se and Co concentrations were established as 0.16 and 0.22 mg kg?1 fresh matter feed at moderate loading. At this dosage the OLR could be raised to 5 g VS l?1 day?1 giving specific and volumetric biogas productions of 0.75 m3 kg?1 VSadded and 3.75 STP m3 m?3 day?1, representing a significant increase in process performance and operational stability

    Energetic and environmental benefits of co-digestion of food waste and cattle slurry: a preliminary assessment

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    The research evaluated the feasibility of centralised pre-processing and pasteurisation of source-separated domestic food waste followed by transport to farms for anaerobic co-digestion with dairy cattle slurry. Data from long-term experiments on the co-digestion of these two substrates was used to predict gross energy yields; net yields were then derived from full system analysis using an energy modelling tool. The ratio of cattle slurry to food waste in the co-digestion was based on the nutrient requirements of the dairy farm and was modelled using both nitrogen and phosphorous as the limiting factor. The model was run for both medium-size and large farms in which the cattle were housed either all year round or for only 50% of the year. The results showed that the addition of food waste improved energy yields per digester unit volume, with a corresponding increased potential for improving farm income by as much as 50%. Data for dairy farms in the county of Hampshire UK, which has a low density of dairy cattle and a large population, was used as a stringent test case to verify the applicability of the concept. In this particular case the nutrient requirements of the larger farms could be satisfied, and further benefits were gained from the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions avoided through improved manure management and fertiliser imports. The results indicated that this approach offered major advantages in terms of resource conservation and pollution abatement when compared to either centralised anaerobic digestion of food waste or energy recovery from thermal treatmen

    Semi-continuous anaerobic digestion of the marine micro-algal species I. galbana and D. salina grown under low and high sulphate conditions

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    Anaerobic digestion of marine micro-algae is a necessary step for their incorporation into the future portfolio of biofuels. Digestion of marine feedstocks can pose operational issues associated with competition and toxicity to the microbial consortium. This research examined the marine species Isochrysis galbana and Dunaliella salina continuously cultivated in a tubular photobioreactor using a low sulphate medium; D. salina was also cultivated with a high sulphate medium (4.7 g SO4 L−1). Harvested micro-algal biomass was used as feedstock in semi-continuous digestion with a salt-adapted inoculum. Stable operation was achieved with reasonable specific methane production (SMP)despite a short (15-day)retention time. SMP for I. galbana and D. salina was 0.244 and 0.233 L CH4 g−1 volatile solids (VS), with VS destruction 32% and 48% respectively. SMP ranged from 62 to 94% of the biochemical methane potential, but was only 32–49% of theoretical methane yields, indicating pre-treatments may be beneficial. Changing from low to high sulphate D. salina reduced the SMP to 0.193 L CH4 g−1 VS with a rise in H2S production. Under semi-continuous digestion, evidence for sulphide precipitation and oxidation was observed, which were not seen in batch analyses. This highlights the importance of conducting continuous rather than batch studies, to avoid overlooking these effects.</p

    Development and testing of a fully gravitational submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment

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    A gravity-operated submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor (SAnMBR) was set up in order to test its principle of operation as an alternative to conventional pumped permeation of the membrane. This operating mode allowed the membrane flux rate to be measured accurately whilst maintaining a constant transmembrane pressure (TMP), and allowed small transient variations in flux rate to be observed. The reactor was operated at 36 0C for a period of 115 days using a nutrient-balanced synthetic substrate with a high suspended solids concentration. Membrane cleaning was in-situ by a gas scouring system using recirculation of headspace biogas. With an initial TMP of 7.0 kPa the membrane flux slowly decreased due to membrane fouling and had not reached a constant value by day 71. The results indicated that the system was still acclimatising up to 50 days after start-up; but from that point onwards performance parameters became much more stable. A constant flux of 2.2 L m-2 hour-1 was achieved over the last 45 days after the TMP was reduced to 2.3 kPa. The stable flux was maintained over this period and the loading raised to 1g COD L-1 d-1 by increasing the influent strength. Under these conditions the average COD removal efficiency was 96% and the specific methane potential (SMP) was 0.31 L CH4 g-1 COD removed

    Comparative testing of energy yields from micro-algal biomass cultures processed via anaerobic digestion

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    Although digestion of micro-algal biomass was first suggested in the 1950s, there is still only limited information available for assessment of its potential. The research examined six laboratory-grown marine and freshwater micro-algae and two samples from large-scale cultivation systems. Biomass composition was characterised to allow prediction of potentially available energy using the Buswell equation, with calorific values as a benchmark for energy recovery. Biochemical methane potential tests were analysed using a pseudo-parallel first order model to estimate kinetic coefficients and proportions of readily-biodegradable carbon. Chemical composition was used to assess potential interferences from nitrogen and sulphur components. Volatile solids (VS) conversion to methane showed a broad range, from 0.161 to 0.435 L CH4 g?1 VS; while conversion of calorific value ranged from 26.4 to 79.2%. Methane productivity of laboratory-grown species was estimated from growth rate, measured by changes in optical density in batch culture, and biomass yield based on an assumed harvested solids content. Volumetric productivity was 0.04–0.08 L CH4 L?1 culture day?1, the highest from the marine species Thalassiosira pseudonana. Estimated methane productivity of the large-scale raceway was lower at 0.01 L CH4 L?1 day?1. The approach used offers a means of screening for methane productivity per unit of cultivation under standard conditions
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